The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1242 Saw the door

Chapter 1242 Saw the door
Gong Xuan and Zhang Tong's eyes also brightened: "Yes, maybe this analogy is really effective for us. Then I will learn how to form an array."

Gong Xuan was also moved: "Then I will learn how to make talismans."

Three days later.

Zhang Jiuling left the sect and went out to travel.Gong Xuan went to the Forest of Steles of Immortal Talismans, Zhang Tong went to the Forest of Steles of Immortal Formation, and Wang Ye went to the Forest of Steles of Immortal Artifacts.

After another 26 years, Ye Weiyang finally integrated the understanding of more than 800 years into the Dao.The door of creation was half opened.The Dao of Good Fortune swarmed in, allowing her body, primordial spirit and celestial power to be quickly tempered, with traces of breaking through the fifth level of Good Fortune.

By this time, Ye Weiyang already understood.After a monk's cultivation base breaks through to the completion of the cracking, under normal circumstances, he wants to understand the avenue of good fortune, first of all to determine the direction, and this step will stump ninety-nine out of ten people.Then, after determining the direction, he comprehended in that direction until he saw the gate of good fortune. This step stumped the remaining [-]% of the people.The next step is to get close to that door, and finally stand in front of that door. This step stumps the remaining [-]% of the people.Then go to push that door, push that door open a little, and the avenue of good fortune will leak out, tempering the monk's primordial spirit, body and immortal power.

To break through good fortune, the body, primordial spirit and immortal power must first reach the realm of good fortune.So if you open this door, even if it is just a little bit, you will have the opportunity to improve the three foundations.If these three foundations are not up to standard, there will never be a chance to break through the good fortune.As the door is pushed wider and wider, the effect of tempering will become better and better.Finally, the three basics are all up to standard.

But Ye Weiyang did not take a normal path. Before she had decided on the direction of good luck, because of various adventures, she made her three foundations reach good fortune early, and now she has reached the fourth level of good fortune.Therefore, she will comprehend faster than others.It is also faster to push the gate of good fortune open.

This step is even more difficult until that door is fully pushed open.This is why there are so few good fortune monks in the entire fairy world.

And Ye Weiyang only opened half of the door now, even if it is fully opened, I still don't know if I can go in, so what happens after I go in?

Now because she has just met the threshold, she finds that she can't push the door no matter what, as if she has reached her limit.She knew that the reason why she pushed the door so wide all of a sudden was because her way of immortal weapon broke through the holy level and merged into the avenue.Now that the fusion is complete, there is no such power.If you comprehend and practice according to the normal method, it will be a grind, and you don't know when and when you will be able to completely open that door.

It seems that we need to comprehend the way of elixir.

She has already tasted the benefits of bypassing the analogy, but such an immortal weapon, the immortal array and the immortal talisman have all reached the holy level, and only the way of the elixir is still in the realm of the great master.So, she decided to comprehend Dan Dao.

However, it has been closed for nearly a thousand years, and it is time to relax.I don't know how Weiyang Peak is developing now, and what is my elder brother's cultivation level now?

Did the fourth brother fly up?

Ye Weiyang got up, walked out of the cave, and her spiritual consciousness spread out.

"Huh? Big brother is not here!"

Then she saw Wang Ye and others in the forest of steles, as well as some disciples.

"Huh? There are five unfamiliar disciples. They are still very weak. They should be disciples who have just been recruited."

Ye Weiyang's spiritual consciousness transmitted sound, and Wang Ye, Zhang Tong and Gong Xuan, who were comprehending in the forest of steles, opened their eyes with excitement.

"The peak master is out!"

Three figures flew up from the forest of steles, and landed in front of Ye Weiyang: "Meet the peak master."

Ye Weiyang waved his robe sleeves and helped the three of them up: "Where's my elder brother?"

"Jiu Ling went out to travel. He is stuck in the mid-stage Consummation of the World, and wants to go out to travel and break through the late stage of the World."

Ye Weiyang's expression was overjoyed, the elder brother's cultivation speed is still very fast.Brother, the Hetu space is more useful for cultivation than my Luoshu space.Then he glanced at Wang Ye and the three of them with disgust:

"Why are you still consummated in the early stage of breaking the boundary?"

The faces of the three of Wang Ye showed embarrassment: "That...our aptitude is just like that, and it's not like the Peak Master doesn't know about it."

"Okay, are you accepting disciples again?"

"Yeah!" Wang Ye said: "Five more have been accepted. And the first batch of disciples have already broken through the plastic path."

"Not bad." Ye Weiyang nodded: "If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Wang Ye and the three were overjoyed, so they raised the questions about the path that had been confusing in their hearts, and Ye Weiyang explained them one by one, so three months passed in this kind of question and answer.The three of Wang Ye went back to retreat.Ye Weiyang recruited the disciples from the mountain again, and preached to these disciples for another month.Then he went to the refining room, and after three years, four more puppets were refined, and these four puppets already had the strength of the Dao of Transformation.

Ye Weiyang was still the same as usual, did not come out of the refining room immediately, but further deduced the Qi Dao, Talisman Dao and Formation Dao that had been integrated in the past three years, and then integrated it into his own Dao.She was finally able to push the door again, just a little more, but with an unwavering steadfastness toward the good.

Putting the four puppets of Taoism cultivation on Xiong Ba Peak, looking at Xiong Ba Peak, his eyes flashed the color of memory.After a while, he sighed softly:
"Fourth brother, why haven't you ascended yet?"

Shaking his head, he put away the four puppets who had been trained in the imperial way, and after thinking about it, he put one of the four puppets who had been trained in the royal way in the four forests of steles in the Pill Talisman Array to guard the forest of steles.Then he didn't go back to Weiyang Peak, but left the mountain to visit Wanqingzong. As a result, Wanqingzong was in retreat. After walking around, he found that almost most of the monks were in retreat, and some were traveling.I also found a few elders who hadn't retreated. After drinking tea and discussing the Tao for more than three months, Ye Weiyang returned to Weiyang Peak and entered the alchemy room.Start alchemy.

This time she is going to attack Dan Sheng.After reading the inheritance in exchange for the rune cannon, he began to refine alchemy while deriving it, sometimes stopping to pick it up to watch the inheritance.That is to say, she has a talisman tower, and each layer of the tower has a hundred immortal veins.Those herbs were not planted on the ground at all, but on the immortal veins.She has too many herbs for her to squander at will.

Alchemy, relying entirely on Ye Weiyang's comprehension, Luoshu space can't help at all, so her progress is very slow.Nearly a thousand years passed in a hurry, and Zhang Jiuling came back.The cultivation base has broken through to the late stage of world creation, but it is only the seventh stage of world creation.But as long as you pass this level in the later stage, the remaining small levels will be relatively easy.As for the three of Wang Ye, after nearly a thousand years, they are still stuck in the middle of breaking the boundary, but they have made some progress, and it takes time to grind.But the three of them are not in a hurry. Anyway, they know that they can't break through the good fortune, and spend the rest of their lives cultivating at the level of breaking the boundary, so why worry?
(End of this chapter)

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