Chapter 1249 Enter
Ye Weiyang flew up, she was very careful, for fear that there would be some huge suction in this crack, and she would be sucked in.But when she stood in front of the crack, she didn't find any suction.

At this time below, countless monks looked up at Ye Weiyang.At this time, they all knew that this was Ye Weiyang of Chongxu Sect.Great cultivators who have broken the boundary, they all have expectations in their eyes. The cultivators here at this time, Ye Weiyang's cultivation level is the highest.

Ye Weiyang poked her divine sense in, cautiously, but unexpectedly.There is no space to strangle her consciousness.

Ye Weiyang withdrew her divine consciousness, frowned and pondered.

Since there is no danger in this crack, why did the monks who went in never come out?
Ye Weiyang thought about it, and decided to go in and have a look.

She had taken too many risks with this sound, so she became daring.And it does have risky capital.The complete cultivation base of breaking the boundary, the body has reached the fifth level of good fortune.As soon as the figure fell, he came in front of several disciples of Chongxu Sect:
"Stay here and wait for someone from the sect to come, I will go in and have a look."

"Yes!" These disciples should be respectful.

"Also, what is the highest cultivation level of the monks who have been in there before?"

"It seems that the highest one is Hedao."

Ye Weiyang nodded, then stepped into the air, her figure went straight to the space crack, and disappeared into the space crack in an instant.

Ye Weiyang stopped after entering the space crack, but didn't go deep right away.Looking back, there is a space crack behind him.She can now be sure that what she came in was not spatial turbulence.The space here seems to be very stable, and there is no huge suction, as if it is like a space wormhole.Turning his head and looking forward, there is a passage in front of him. This passage is surrounded by space walls, but this passage is irregular, strangely shaped, undulating, winding left and right, thick in some places, thin in others.I don't know how long it is, and I don't know where it leads.

Ye Weiyang stood there and thought for a moment, feeling that this space channel was not opened up by some monks with great mana or formation.At the beginning, she was opened up a space channel by the Yaozu and sucked herself in.But this channel is not.

Ye Weiyang spread her spiritual consciousness out and carefully investigated.Finally she came to a conclusion.This space channel is likely to be such a space channel that was forced out by a sudden huge vibration in space.In this way, there is no law in this space channel.Not only is the passage very rough and oddly shaped, but the space wall is also unstable. Although the space wall in front of me is very stable, the space wall in front of it is likely to be very thin, or even broken.And it is likely that there is a dead end ahead.

Always go and see, Ye Weiyang is moving forward, the speed is not slow, but not fast.While flying, comprehend at the same time.Because she found that this channel may have a very strong space attribute avenue because of the squeeze of space.And the avenue of space attributes is Ye Weiyang's weakness.

It is very, very difficult to meet this kind of space attribute. Under such circumstances, continuous comprehension and self-improvement cannot be achieved in retreat in the cave.

How to comprehend the avenue of good fortune?

At the realm of good fortune, there is no distinction of attributes.If a monk wants to break through the good fortune, he must comprehend the Dao very comprehensively. In other words, it is the comprehension of all attributes.And because certain attributes are extremely mysterious in the avenue of heaven and earth.Such as time and space.Unlike the basic attributes of gold, water, wood, fire and earth, it is relatively easy to comprehend.Because there are many such attributes between heaven and earth.But image space is different.

But now, Ye Weiyang has encountered this opportunity, she believes that she has made up for the space, and she is closer to the opportunity of good fortune.

Space is the mysterious core of the avenue. Basic attributes such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are actually shrouded in space.And the space is extremely illusory. It seems that you live in the space, but you can't see it or touch it.How do you understand this situation?

But now, the space attribute here is at your fingertips, as if letting a monk wander in the space avenue all at once.Moreover, the avenues here are very pure, all of which are spatial attributes.

This is definitely a great opportunity for Ye Weiyang.She believes that those monks above the world will not give up here after discovering this passage.It is not necessary to find out the end of this space passage in this space, but it is enough to be able to comprehend the space avenue here.

She slowed down because she wanted to understand, but it might not be safe here.So slow down and be able to react in time when you encounter a sudden situation.

Her requirements are not high, and now her gate of good fortune has been armored two-thirds of the way, as long as this journey can allow her to open four-fifths of it.She is satisfied.

This is the goal she set for herself.

There is no sound in the space channel, no companions in front and behind, not even a living being, truly lonely.A year passed in a flash, and Ye Weiyang was still alone.I didn't meet those who came in early, and no monks caught up from behind.She didn't know if no one came in again, or the people who came in were slowing down like her, exploring and comprehending the avenue of space.

She flew silently like this, comprehended silently, and the gate of good fortune was pushed open little by little.

During the period, she also came across a place where the space wall was extremely thin, and she was sure that she could break that space wall with just one punch.See what’s outside the space wall?
But she didn't do that.

Once it is a turbulent flow in space, it will suck itself in.The space turbulence in the fairy world is not the space turbulence in the cultivation world. Even if her body has reached the fifth level of fortune, she dare not take that risk.

Sometimes she occasionally wonders, what caused this huge crack?

After a few times, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

It wouldn't be that the Wanmen rune cannon bombarded the demon world back then, which destroyed the two worlds.In this way, it is not impossible for space conduction and compression to finally form this one channel.On the contrary, it is very possible.

Where does this passage lead to?

Will it lead to the demon world?

It is not surprising that this passage has only now been discovered.After all, this is a place in the extreme north, where there are few people.

If it is really leading to the demon world, then you have to be careful.

So is there the same space crack on the Yaozu side?

If so, why hasn't the Yaozu come over yet?

(End of this chapter)

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