The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1250 Journey to Another World

Ye Weiyang thought about it, and there were nothing more than two situations.One is that the front is a dead end, not leading to the Yaozu.The other is to lead to the monster clan, but the space crack is also a very secret place in the monster world, and has not been discovered by the monster clan.

Or the monster race over there has just discovered this space crack, and at this time, just like myself, from the opposite direction, towards this side

So, be careful yourself.

Ten years passed like this.

Ye Weiyang was still alone, she didn't meet anyone who came in front, and no monks from behind caught up. After ten years of lonely travel, her gate of good fortune gradually approached and opened four-fifths of it.

this day.

Her eyes lit up.

She saw the light.

In this space channel is not completely dark, there is also light, but the light is a bit dim.But the light coming from the front is much brighter.

Is it an export?
Ye Weiyang didn't rush forward, but became more cautious and slowly approached at a faster speed.Gradually, he saw that it was a huge space crack.She spread her consciousness out, and there was a forest outside.No trace of people was seen.

With a glance of Ye Weiyang's figure, she came out from the crack in the space, and glanced around.

Surrounded by endless forests, the ancient trees are towering, and every big tree is very tall, exceeding a hundred feet.And this space crack is not in the air, but on the surface.Ye Weiyang just pondered for a while, and knew that this place should be an inaccessible and extremely dangerous place, so no living beings came here and found this crack.

So what is this place?
Maybe it's an independent space, maybe it's another world.

Ye Weiyang looked at the crack on the surface, the widest part was about three miles, and the length was thirty miles.It is much smaller than the space crack on his side.

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, and began to set up a formation, she set up a phantom formation to cover the crack.The crack on the surface can no longer be seen, and it has become a forest, which is integrated with the surrounding environment.Then she took out a jade tablet, carved a rune on it, walked into the body, and inserted the jade tablet into the ground at the edge of the crack.This jade stele has two purposes, one is to serve as a coordinate, Ye Weiyang will be able to perceive this place in the future, and won't be able to find it.

The second function is that she left a message for those who came later.

Then, she came out of the phantom formation, flew towards the sky, stood in the sky, and looked around.With her current cultivation base, she can see extremely far away.Then she chose a direction and flew away in a hurry.

Although she was cautious, she didn't have any fear.With her current cultivation level, there are very few creatures that can make her afraid.

Ye Weiyang's speed is not as fast as Xing Suo's, but she is definitely not slow.On the contrary, it is very fast.And she flies very high, the height she flies, even if there are creatures in this world, it is difficult to find her.

After flying like this for three days, a double-headed eagle appeared in the sky, saw Ye Weiyang, and pounced towards Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang stretched out her hand to grab it, and five strands of wind wrapped around the double-headed eagle.The double-headed eagle screamed in fear and struggled vigorously, but was still caught by Ye Weiyang.

Spiritual consciousness passed over the double-headed eagle, and my heart relaxed slightly.There is no difference in breath between this double-headed eagle and the monster clan in the fairy world. It seems that this is not a strange world, it should be similar to the fairy world.

I didn't bother to kill the double-headed eagle, waved away the wind belt, and the double-headed eagle spread its wings and fled, and disappeared in an instant.

After more than two months, she finally flew out of the deep forest, her eyes flickered, and she saw three people on the ground below, who were about to enter the deep forest.Two men and one woman.It is no different from the human race in the fairy world.

Ye Weiyang thought about it, then fell down.The three monks below sensed someone, so they looked up. They didn't look too vigilant, but only slightly wary. Instead, all three of them had gentle smiles on their faces.

"Fellow Taoist just came out of the endless forest?" a male cultivator asked warmly.

Ye Weiyang looked at these three people, all three of them were very gentle, this kind of gentle temperament was cultivated by the environment for a long time, and it was easy to perceive it in Ye Weiyang's realm.

Meeting such a person, Ye Weiyang's vigilance has also relaxed a lot, and after years of traveling alone, that lonely mood has become cheerful.

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "I just came out of it. In Xia Yeweiyang, what do you call fellow daoists?"

The male cultivator said with a warm expression: "Fang Yun of the Qingshan sect. This is my junior brother, Liang Hai. My junior sister Zhang Qian."

"The three are going to the endless forest?"

"Nothing to do, go in and practice." Fang Yun said.

Zhang Qian on the side smiled and said: "Brother, you just say you are greedy, just go and catch the Nine-Colored Deer, why bother to deceive Fellow Daoist Ye!"

Fang Yun looked a little embarrassed: "This... Fellow Daoist Ye, I like my appetite. Why don't we go to plunder the Nine-Colored Deer together, and then go to our sect, and I will entertain Fellow Daoist. My cooking skills are in Bicui's The mainland is famous."

Bicui Continent!

Ye Weiyang thought about it, it seems that this is also a real world.This world is called Bicui Continent.Moreover, the cultivation bases of the three people in front of them are also compatible, but I don't know if they are the strongest in this world.If it is the strongest, then this is not the level of the fairy world.

It seems that we need to get to know each other better, and these three people are my breakthrough, so a smile appeared on my face, and I readily agreed.Those three people also showed sincere smiles on their faces, and that female cultivator Zhang Qian even walked to Ye Weiyang's side:

"Fellow Daoist Ye, we know where the Nine-Colored Deer is, and our Green Mountain Sect is not far from the Endless Forest. Let's go back quickly."

"Okay, I'm sorry for the inconvenience of a few fellow Taoists."

The four entered the endless forest, and Zhang Qian and Ye Weiyang walked side by side: "Ye Daoyou is really a brave man with a high skill, he dares to enter the endless forest alone."

Ye Weiyang doesn't know how dangerous the endless deep forest is, because she has been flying very high in the sky.Being able to make Zhang Qian say so much, it seems that there are really many dangers in this endless forest.With a smile on his face, he pretended to ask casually:

"This is the first time I've come here. The three fellow Taoists are also masters in the Green Mountain Sect, right?"

Fang Yun waved his hands and said, "We are not experts. Our suzerain is a world-creator monk, and that is the real expert."

There is a world!

Then presumably there should be boundary breaking and good fortune, so this should be a world at the same level as the fairy world.It's just that this Qingshan sect is probably only a small sect, and the suzerain is the world-creating monk.


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