The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1251 Another Passage

Chapter 1251 Another Passage
The four of them chatted while chatting, and Ye Weiyang learned a lot about this world.There is only one sect in this world that has great fortune-telling cultivators, and this sect is called Tianzong.Moreover, there are not many people in this world, but there are a lot of resources, so there is not much competition.No shortage of resources, what to fight for?
So people in this world are very gentle and hospitable.

These three people really knew the habitat of the Nine-Colored Deer, and quickly hunted down two Nine-colored Deer, and then Ye Weiyang followed them to the Green Mountain Sect, and the monks of the Green Mountain Sect they met along the way were very warm and polite.While eating the deer, Ye Weiyang said that he was going to travel around the mainland, and the three of them became very interested. Their side is the southern part of the Bicui Continent, and they have not left the southern part of their footprints, so they proposed to travel with Ye Weiyang .

Of course Ye Weiyang would not refuse, the next day, the four of them left the Green Mountain Sect and started their traveling journey.

Two years passed in a hurry, during these two years of traveling, Ye Weiyang discovered that the people in this world are really gentle, maybe because of the small number of people, the abundance of resources, and the loss of competition.This kind of living environment is undoubtedly happy, but like flowers in a greenhouse, they cannot withstand the wind and rain.

Ye Weiyang felt that when the monks from the nine sects from the fairy world came, they might easily conquer this world and take it as their own.

Shaking her head and letting go of this thought, she knew she couldn't change anything.Those who cultivate immortals are fighting, fighting for resources with all creatures and living beings, and fighting for life with the sky.

Ye Weiyang started to travel this world with a few people. There are countless resources in this world, and there are many resources that the fairy world does not have.Ye Weiyang either bought or exchanged them one by one.This world also has many wonders of heaven and earth, which touched many Ye Weiyang's comprehension.It made Ye Weiyang's door of good fortune open a little bit.

Later, Ye Weiyang no longer bought any resources, but specifically looked for places in this world that could help her comprehend.This world is really peaceful.If it were changed to the Immortal World, and a place of comprehension was found, it would have been occupied by a certain sect long ago.But not here, but let the monks comprehend.People like Fang Yun didn't know Ye Weiyang's true cultivation, but they couldn't help admiring Ye Weiyang when he saw Ye Weiyang enter into comprehension along the way.Just opened Ye Weiyang's comprehension is so high.

But later on, they finally knew that Ye Weiyang's cultivation was much higher than theirs, because this world also had dangerous forbidden places, not to mention them monks who are compatible with the Tao, even the monks who made worlds would not dare to enter these dangerous forbidden places.Even the boundary-breaking monks must be cautious when entering, even during the fall.After that, very few people entered.

There is no shortage of resources in this world, and there is no shortage of places for comprehension. It is enough to comprehend slowly, so why take risks?

So, gradually these places are inaccessible.But when Ye Weiyang heard about such a place, she went in with great interest, and these people were waiting outside, and then Ye Weiyang came out of these places unscathed.

At the beginning, they thought that Ye Weiyang died inside, but these people were really kind-hearted and still waited outside.Really waited for Ye Weiyang to come out.Ye Weiyang also gave them some of the things obtained in the forbidden area.This let them know that Ye Weiyang really went deep.From this point of view, compared with Ye Weiyang's cultivation, his cultivation is so poor that it can be calculated as a natural moat.They have already vaguely guessed that Ye Weiyang is at least breaking the boundary, maybe he is a great cultivator of fortune.

In this way, they are even more in awe of Ye Weiyang.Of course, I also wanted to ask for advice.Ye Weiyang didn't hesitate to give pointers, which made them improve their cultivation quickly during the process of traveling with Ye Weiyang.

In this way, Ye Weiyang has been traveling in this world for more than three years, and suddenly got a news that someone found a space crack in the east.

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, it must not be the crack in space that he covered with the array, because that crack is in the west.Could it be another space channel?

Ye Weiyang immediately set off to go, and half a year later, she appeared under the crack.At this time, many monks have gathered in this area.Ye Weiyang also saw a Great Creator.At this time, the Great Creator stood in front of the crack in the space with his palms and hands behind his back, exploring with his divine sense.

However, he never stepped into that space crack.

Ye Weiyang sighed inwardly, the monks in this world are too stable.They are not willing to take risks in their bones, even if they use their spiritual sense to probe, if they find no danger for the time being, they will hesitate again and again.

Ye Weiyang took a step in the air, and his figure came to the crack in the space, and the good fortune turned to look at Ye Weiyang.Perceiving that Ye Weiyang was a boundary-breaking consummation, he didn't take it seriously, but then he suddenly opened his eyes wide, because Ye Weiyang only stayed for less than ten breaths before stepping into the space crack.

"The junior..." the cultivator called out, but Ye Weiyang's figure had disappeared into the space crack.The good fortune cultivator probed in with his spiritual sense, locked onto Ye Weiyang, and saw Ye Weiyang flying forward along the space passage.At this time, Ye Weiyang has decided that this is the same passage as he walked from the fairy world before, and there should be no danger.Her heart rose in anticipation.Looking forward to what kind of space will be at the end of this passage.

Seeing that Ye Weiyang was getting farther and farther away from the crack, the good fortune did not encounter any danger at all, so he stepped in and chased after Ye Weiyang.Ye Weiyang didn't fly fast, he quickly caught up with Ye Weiyang, he admired Ye Weiyang for being so brave, and even changed his name.

"This fellow daoist is new to me, what's his name?"

"Junior Ye Weiyang has met senior."

"Old Master Tianzong Sect Master, Lu Wuji. Which sect do you come from?"

"It's just a casual cultivator." Ye Weiyang said indifferently.

Suspicion flashed in Lu Wuji's eyes, but he didn't ask further.At this time in this channel.Two people are companions.Not the time to question.

"Friend Ye, where do you think this space leads to?"

"I don't know!" Ye Weiyang shook his head and said, "But I have to go and have a look. By the way, Senior Lu, how long has this space channel been around?"

Lu Wuji shook his head and said, "I don't know how long it's been here. There are few people here, so it's normal to be discovered only after appearing for a long time."

Then, he glanced at Ye Weiyang and said, "You just rushed in like this, aren't you afraid of danger?"

Ye Weiyang said: "Always come in and take a look. Once this passage leads to a dangerous place, and there is something terrifying coming along this passage in that dangerous place, you can always make some preparations by investigating in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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