Chapter 1252
Lu Wuji's expression changed, he felt a little admiration for Ye Weiyang in his heart, he nodded and praised Ye Weiyang:
"That's right, let's find out together."

The two started a long journey, and after several months of walking, Ye Weiyang remained silent, she was used to this state.She was the one who passed through the long space channel before.On the contrary, the Good Fortune cultivator couldn't bear it anymore. From this point, it can be seen that although Lu Wuji's cultivation base is higher than Ye Weiyang's, his temperament is really not as good as Ye Weiyang's.Even if they fight Ye Weiyang, they may not be able to kill Ye Weiyang.

"Fellow Daoist Ye, are you consummated now?" Lu Wuji spoke first, and if he didn't speak again, he felt that he was too suffocated.

"It's just broken through."

"Being idle and boring, the two of us can communicate and communicate."

Ye Weiyang knew that the other party wanted to point her out, and it was just a euphemism.Of course she was grateful.After all, the practice of good fortune in this world must be different from that in the fairy world.Then he communicated with Lu Wuji.The two communicated for a while, and Lu Wuji discovered that Ye Weiyang also had some understanding of the Great Way.Can't help but ask:
"Have you really just broken through and reached Consummation?"

"Well, it's been thousands of years."

Thousands of years are really short in the eyes of monks at their level.This made Lu Wuji very happy.In his world, he is the only good fortune now.If Ye Weiyang can break through the good fortune, there will be one more good fortune in this world.In this way, even if there is any danger in this passage, they will have an extra master to deal with it in the future.


He always thought Ye Weiyang was from their world.

After walking like this for more than two years, Ye Weiyang and Lu Wuji suddenly stopped, looked towards the opposite side, and saw five figures appearing on the opposite side. As soon as those five figures appeared, they launched an attack on Ye Weiyang and Lu Wuji.Facing the sudden attack, Ye Weiyang and Lu Wuji naturally responded with all their strength.Then, he killed the five monks on the opposite side at once.

The cultivator on the opposite side was much weaker than the two of them.Moreover, when the two of them were attacked suddenly, their reactions became stronger, and they immediately smashed the five monks into powder, and they didn't even see the detailed appearance clearly.But I took a look at it before, and it should look like a human race.

Ye Weiyang and Lu Wuji both looked a little dignified. The monk walking from the opposite side, doesn't that mean that the opposite side leads to a space?

Ye Weiyang thought of another possibility, that is, the monks who entered Lu Wuji's world from the fairy world before, and then entered through this crack, but there was no way ahead, so they returned.

The two became more cautious, and walked forward for another day. Then the expressions of the two suddenly changed, and they sensed the killing intent coming from the opposite side. Then four figures appeared in their field of vision. This time they did not act immediately. Instead watch carefully.

These are four monster clans, but they are roughly transformed into human figures, with four limbs, but their heads still look like monster clans, and there are tails behind them.

When the two saw their opponents clearly, they immediately struck.Since it is not a human race, and has already killed the other monk before, there is no politeness at this time.At the same time, the four demon clans on the opposite side also attacked the two of them.

But it was obviously not Ye Weiyang and Lu Wuji's opponents, just a face-to-face meeting, and the two of them beheaded the four monster clans.

Putting away the corpses of the four demon clans, taking off the storage rings of the four monster clans, the two began to check the contents of the storage rings, hoping to get useful information from them.

But there is no useful information, and there are some resources for cultivation.With a worried look on Lu Wuji's face, he said:

"Friend Ye Daoist, it seems that there is a possibility of connecting to the world of the monster race ahead."

"Yeah." Ye Weiyang nodded and said, "Let's continue to explore."

"Okay!" Lu Wuji nodded and agreed, it is impossible not to explore forward, if this passage is really connected to a monster world, and if this monster world is still very powerful, it will be a huge threat to Lu Wuji's world.So he had to investigate clearly.

The two continued to move forward, Ye Weiyang was also worried, she believed that some monks who came from the fairy world must have entered this passage.Now she didn't meet it, but met the Yaozu. Could it be that those monks are dead?
It's not impossible. After all, the cultivators who came in in front were not strong enough.

And if the opposite world is really a powerful monster world, it will also pose a huge threat to the fairy world that Ye Weiyang came from.He believed that the Yaozu would easily occupy the world where Lu Wuji was, because the monks on Lu Wuji's side were really not good.Then the Yaozu can use Lu Wuji's world as a transit point to attack the fairy world.

Therefore, if this side really leads to a powerful monster world, the fairy world must enter Lu Wuji's world first, and there will become a battlefield.


Ye Weiyang and Lu Wuji were shocked at the same time, because they both felt that their cultivation had been suppressed.The two of them stopped and sensed the space around them. They sensed a difference. This space actually suppressed the cultivation base, which made Lu Wuji's cultivation base fall to the point of cracking.Although Ye Weiyang was not suppressed, she was still breaking the boundary, but she could feel the change in space.

The two frowned, but they didn't stop and continued to move forward.After traveling for about three days, the two of them met the monster monks again, this time there were even more monks, seven of them, but they were still not their opponents and were beheaded by them.Put away the monster clan's corpse, and checked the other party's storage ring, but there was still nothing to gain, and the two continued to move forward.

So four days later, the expressions of Ye Weiyang and Lu Wuji changed again, and their cultivation was further suppressed.Now they have all fallen into the realm of creation.The two looked at each other, worry arose in their hearts.The reason why those monster monks were killed before was because their two cultivation bases were much higher than each other.But if this space channel keeps suppressing the cultivation base and continuously lowering one's own cultivation base, without the advantage of cultivation base, and encountering a large number of monster monks, they will not be so relaxed.

Sure enough, after going forward for three days, the two of them encountered another group of monster monks.The battle broke out in an instant, which shocked Lu Wuji this time.He was shocked to find that Ye Weiyang's cultivation had been suppressed, but it was even more vicious, even bloody and brutal in his opinion.A monstrous murderous aura emanated from Ye Weiyang's body, and it was just this murderous aura that caused fear to appear in the eyes of the demon clan on the opposite side.

Thank you very much for the reward of ignorance 2023 (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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