The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1254 Daozhu

Chapter 1254 Daozhu
There are no human races here, they are all monster races, it is a pure monster race world.Because of this, the monks of the Yaozu are not very vigilant towards Ye Weiyang, and he also learned from the monks of the Yaozu that this is the southern part of this world, and there is a space crack in the east, where the Yaozu is located. Bian is also building defenses, and also sent monks into the cracks in the space over there to investigate.

Ye Weiyang's heart was naturally moved, and she was going to go to that space crack to have a look.Then Ye Weiyang left.No Yaozu paid attention to her.

Ye Weiyang didn't go to the space crack in the east at the fastest speed, and started walking towards the east with the attitude of a monster race, while traveling and comprehending.This is an opportunity for her to see different worlds, and it has a very high auxiliary effect on comprehending the Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Then she discovered that there was an essential difference between this Yaozu world and Lu Wuji's world.The world on Lu Wuji's side is full of peace, while the world here is full of cruelty, the real law of the jungle.But after thinking about it, Ye Weiyang understood.The Yaozu was originally a fierce race, and it was originally a world of the law of the jungle.Therefore, if Ye Weiyang encounters a monster monk, he should avoid it as much as possible.Avoid some trouble.

But there are some things that you can't avoid if you want to. After all, this is the world of the Yaozu, and it can be said that the monks of the Yaozu are everywhere.

Ye Weiyang, who was flying at a low altitude, heard the sound of piercing the sky behind him. At this time, Ye Weiyang was comprehending the great way of the world in this world.She found that it was really a shortcut.I think it was very difficult for her to comprehend the Dao of Good Fortune, but it was not easy.But after she traveled to two worlds successively, her comprehension of the Dao of Creation has advanced by leaps and bounds, even the star apertures have opened 310 five times.At this time, Ye Weiyang was comprehending the great way of heaven and earth in this world, when he heard the sound of piercing the sky behind him, he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

This interrupts her comprehension.

No need to look back, with her cultivation level, she can instantly perceive that this is a chase, a monster monk in front is fleeing, and three monster monks are chasing behind.

Ye Weiyang split out a ray of spirit, and the rest of the spirit is still comprehending this world.She didn't want to interrupt her comprehension.Every moment now, her comprehension of the avenue of good fortune is improving, and she feels that if she comprehends the avenue of heaven and earth in a few more worlds, she will be able to completely open the door of the avenue of good fortune.

But then a killing intent rose in her heart, because he found that the fleeing monster monk was coming in her direction.This is to drag her into the water.

She resisted the thought of beheading that monster monk, because once she did it, she would interrupt her comprehension of the Dao.Continuity of insight is important.If it is interrupted, it is not impossible to enter comprehension again, but it will take time.What she thought in her heart was that as long as these four monster monks didn't attack her, she wouldn't attack.You chase and kill yours, I comprehend mine.


The monster monk flew over Ye Weiyang's head, but he didn't bother Ye Weiyang.It's not that he doesn't want to bother, he's on the run and doesn't have that time.What he is looking forward to now is that the next three monks can easily provoke Ye Weiyang, in that case, he can always buy himself some time to escape.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The three monks from the Yaozu also chased after them, or the Yaozu's nature is fierce.One of the demon clansmen looked at Ye Weiyang who was flying at a steady pace, at this speed, he immediately decided that Ye Weiyang's cultivation level was not as good as his own.The thought of killing casually and grabbing the storage ring moved in my heart.

Do it when you think of it.


A magical power descended from the sky and bombarded Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang sighed, had to stop comprehending, and the murderous aura in his heart completely permeated.


With one sword strike, four beams of sword light slashed at the four monster monks. Since she made a move, she would not let any of them go, especially the fleeing monster monk.

Jian Guang shattered the supernatural powers that fell from the sky, and then beheaded the three monsters on their heads.The monster who was running away in front had joy in his eyes when he heard the roar coming from behind him. While fleeing, he looked back and his face changed drastically. Before he could make a single movement, a sword light passed through his body.His body was cut in half and fell from the sky.

Ye Weiyang had already collected the corpses of the three monster clans above her head, with a stride in the air, and with a wave of her big hand, she also put away the corpse of the fleeing monster clan, and disappeared in place.

After half a day.

Ye Weiyang landed on a big tree in a dense forest.

First, I checked the storage rings of the three hunting monsters, which contained some resources, and Ye Weiyang didn't like them, and I didn't get any useful information.Then she took out the monster clan storage ring that was hunted down, and there was hope in her eyes.

Being able to be hunted down by three monks should be something, right?
Probing into the storage ring, with a sweep of consciousness, it landed on a bead.All other things are resources, and it is clear what it is at a glance, only this bead makes Ye Weiyang feel that it is not easy.With a thought, he took out the bead and held it in his hand to watch.

It looks like a bead, but it exudes a mysterious aura.Ye Weiyang probed a ray of divine consciousness into the bead, and in her consciousness, there was a transformation of the beginning of the world.She immediately withdrew her consciousness, and her eyes showed ecstasy.Although she had never seen this kind of bead in her life, she had read records about this kind of bead in Chongxuzong's library.

These beads are called Dao beads.

According to legend, this is a half-life treasure in a world when the world first opened. It is like a treasure that can record images, allowing monks to immerse themselves in it, watch from the first opening of the world, and comprehend the Dao of heaven and earth from watching.

This is the treasure!

There is only one world in one world, and this bead should be the Dao Bead of this world. It happened to be obtained by that monster clan, or it was seen by four monster clans together, and it was finally robbed by that monster clan before being chased by the other three monster clans. kill.

Ye Weiyang didn't start to comprehend it immediately, because it was recorded in Chongxu Zong's library that the utilization rate of this kind of beads is limited.It is said that it can only be watched nine times from beginning to end.After nine times, it will shatter.

Ye Weiyang doesn't know how long it takes to watch once, it will definitely not be as long as the beginning of the world, but the time will definitely not be short.So, that requires a safe place to retreat.And the safest place is Chongxuzong.Therefore, she decided to retreat after returning to the sect.She believed that with this dao bead, she should be able to break through to the realm of good fortune soon.

(End of this chapter)

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