The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 1255 The Endless Journey

Chapter 1255 The Endless Journey

Putting away the Dao beads, Ye Weiyang moved forward again.Although she acquired the Dao Bead again, she did not give up the opportunity to travel and comprehend in this world.She learned from the records that the first time the Dao Bead was watched, the effect was the greatest.It will be much weaker the second time around.After the third time it will have no effect.The most important thing is that this Dao Bead ignores the realm, and it is of great help to any realm. As for how much one can comprehend, it all depends on one's understanding.If Ye Weiyang can break through the good fortune without the Dao bead, then this Dao bead will be more effective after breaking through the good fortune.

In the following journey, it can be said that Ye Weiyang has harvested and realized every day. The gate of good fortune is constantly being pushed open, and now there is only one tenth of it left, and all of them have been pushed open.

Of course, Ye Weiyang also beheaded a lot of monster monks along the way, which made her lament the aggressiveness of the monster monks and the naked jungle law.She had no doubt that once the monster clan went to Lu Wuji's world through the space channel, the monks in that world would have no resistance at all.Will be swept away by the demon clan in this world.Not to mention Lu Wuji's world.If the monster clan in this world conquers Lu Wuji's world, and then discovers the space channel that he hid, and goes to the fairy world.Will become a great enemy of the fairy world.

She has also traveled with the monster race in this world, and has a general understanding of this world. This world has good fortune.And there are a lot of them. Although I haven't found out the specific trees, there are definitely more than thirty.

Four years later, Ye Weiyang finally came to this space crack.Here, the Yaozu is also building defenses, and has already sent monks into the space channel, but they still haven't returned.Since Ye Weiyang came to this crack in space, and knew that no monks had returned and could not find out where this space passage leads to, Ye Weiyang naturally wanted to go in and see for himself.

She also inquired about it, and even though there were good fortune monks here, she also took the initiative to send monks into the space channel.But if any monk wanted to go in, he wouldn't care.He wished more monks would go in and investigate.Therefore, Ye Weiyang went straight to that space crack.

"Another one went in." Some monster monks glanced at it, but they didn't care too much. There were monsters going in here from time to time, but they never came out once they went in.As a result, in the past two years, fewer and fewer monks went in.

Ye Weiyang entered the space channel, she was certain in her heart.Sure enough, it was no different from the previous space channel.

Ye Weiyang flew forward, but she was still cautious and extremely vigilant.She knew that if she met a monk in this passage, it must be a monster race, and the monster race here is not peaceful.


The elders of the nine major sects finally came to the space crack in the extreme north. After these elders gathered, they did not immediately send people in.Because they have all heard that Ye Weiyang has already gone in, but until now she still hasn't come out.This makes them hesitate.

They are all aware of Ye Weiyang's strength, and if he breaks the boundary successfully, his combat power is at least equivalent to that of a first-level good fortune.The result is such a powerful monk who has been in for many years and has not yet come out.

In this way, if someone is sent in again, it must be a good luck monk.Otherwise, once encountering danger, monks below Good Fortune will lose.So the question now is whether to send those in the early stage of creation or the middle period of creation?

Of course, Chongxu Sect hopes to send monks from the middle stage of good fortune, because Chongxu Sect does not have monks from the early stage of good fortune.In the end, the nine major sects also reached a consensus and sent monks from the middle stage of Good Fortune to enter.Each sect sent one in, and a total of nine good fortune mid-stage monks entered this space channel.

Once identified, start picking people.Each sect selected a monk in the mid-stage of creation.And since each sect has decided to send monks in the mid-stage of creation, it is better to go directly to the top.Therefore, these nine monks are all consummated in the mid-term of good fortune.

Nine consummate monks in the mid-stage of good fortune entered the space passage, and then walked carefully along the space passage.After so many years, they came to the exit of that space passage.

They came out of the crack, and then saw a jade tablet stuck on the ground.The monk of Chongxu Sect immediately recognized that this was left by Ye Weiyang, because Ye Weiyang left a mark of Chongxu Sect.After confirming that it was Ye Weiyang who stayed behind, the nine monks breathed a sigh of relief and probed into their spiritual sense one after another.

When they take back their consciousness, they will understand clearly.This place was covered by Ye Weiyang's array, there is a way to enter and exit the jade tablet, they can enter and exit at any time.But Ye Weiyang didn't know what was going on outside, from this point of view, after Ye Weiyang left here, she never came back.

Nine fortune-telling monks came out of the formation. Not long after, they heard that this world was preparing for battle, saying that another space crack had appeared in another direction, and the only fortune-telling monk in this world, Lu Wuji, once Investigate along that passage, and find that there is a world full of monsters, so they want to build defenses here to prevent the monsters from invading.

The nine Good Fortune cultivators rushed all the way to that space crack, and they all restrained their breath, so no one knew that they were Good Fortune cultivators.They saw that crack.The nine people stayed away from the defensive line again, and gathered together to discuss in a low voice:
"Do you think Ye Weiyang will enter that space crack?"

"Sure, Ye Weiyang's character, if she hadn't entered that crack in space, she might have come back long ago."

"Then what do we do?"

"How about we go in too?"

"We also know now that there is only Lu Wuji in this world at the early stage of good fortune. I don't know what's going on with the monster clan, but no matter what the situation is, I guess the monks in this world can't stop the monster clan from invading."

"That's right, the monks in this world are too bloodless."

"If the monster race invades here, the formation left by Ye Weiyang will sooner or later be discovered by the monster race, and they will invade our fairyland along that passage. We can't let this happen, it's better to occupy our fairyland first Here, use this place as a battlefield to fight against the demon clan."

"We have to go back, and we need to prepare for a long time. We need to arrange defensive formations on the side of the fairy world, seal the cracks there, and then recruit a group of Taoist formations to come here and make the entire city A large formation has been set up in the deep forest to cover this place. Then the army of monks will be continuously recruited to hide here. Let's not move for now, and wait for the monster clan over there to start a war with this side, and when Lu Wuji's side fails, we will take action again .It's easy to conquer and occupy this place. The resources here are too rich."

(End of this chapter)

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