Chapter 1256
The eyes of these big monks are shining.

"Then let's go back?"

"Go back, I guess it won't be possible to start a war here in a short time. Let's go back and prepare."

"Then go!"

The nine good fortune monks left quietly, and after getting away, the nine began to fly quickly.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Zhong, where do you think Ye Weiyang is now? Is there any danger?"

That Fellow Daoist Zhong is a monk of the Chongxu Sect, upon hearing the words, he said, "I must have gone to that crack in the space. As for the danger, there must be. But Ye Weiyang is definitely fine."

"Are you so sure?" A Bone Sect monk asked.

A look of pride appeared on Zhongli's face: "Our Ye Shimei is not a law-abiding master. I am not worried about her safety, but I am looking forward to her harvest. Maybe the next time I see her, she will already He is the Great Creator."

The other eight great fortune-telling monks couldn't help curling their lips, they still more or less believed that Ye Weiyang was alive.But they really don't believe that Ye Weiyang will break through the good luck next time they meet.Is good fortune so easy to break through?

How long did it take Ye Weiyang to break through the boundary?

Maybe Ye Weiyang hasn't found the direction to break through the good fortune yet.

Ye Weiyang was already standing in front of the Gate of Creation.The gate of good fortune has been completely pushed open by her.At this time, she is retreating in a valley, and it is precisely because she has completely opened the gate of good fortune that she chooses a place to retreat.Try to stabilize your mind.If you take this step, you will become a Great Creator.

It's just that once good fortune is achieved, it will attract catastrophe.Under the catastrophe, he can no longer pretend to be himself, maybe after the catastrophe, he will attract the monsters from this world to hunt him down.And just after crossing the tribulation, it was when he was the weakest, and he was in mortal danger.But looking forward to the good fortune for a long time, Ye Weiyang did not allow herself to hesitate.Raise one foot and walk towards the gate of good fortune.


Just stepping into the gate of good fortune with one foot, the avenue of good fortune rushed towards Ye Weiyang like a raging river, making it difficult for Ye Weiyang to step out.At this time, she was standing at the gate of good fortune with one foot in the door and one foot outside the door.She tried to stand there, wanting to go one step further, the whole person entered the gate of good fortune, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get in with the other foot, and the avenue of good fortune was washing her, pushing her towards the good fortune. Push out the door.She persisted for less than a quarter of an hour before being pushed out.

Ye Weiyang crossed her legs and adjusted her breath for a long time before recovering, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

I was still worried about the catastrophe, so I couldn't even enter the gate.Only one foot in.Is this a half-step good luck?
try again!
Ye Weiyang fell into samadhi again, stood in front of the gate of good fortune, and took one foot.

Dao came rushing again, but this time Ye Weiyang didn't wholeheartedly want to take another foot, but just resisted Dao's flushing, and then comprehended Dao in the rushing of Dao.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ye Weiyang was pushed out by Da Dao, unable to hold back.But Ye Weiyang was ecstatic in her heart, she found that in this situation, the speed of comprehension was several times faster than before.Moreover, the speed effect of tempering the body, Yuanshen and Xianyuanli has also increased several times.It's just that her body and other aspects are already very strong now, and it is very difficult to improve. It is estimated that she will be able to speed up after she has completely entered the gate of good fortune.

Her current body is already at the fifth level of good fortune, but the immortal power and primordial spirit are still at the fourth level of good fortune.Therefore, compared with the scouring of the Dao, the tempering of the main body is much worse, but the tempering of the immortal power and the primordial spirit is quite effective.She estimated that if this continues, her celestial power and primordial spirit will soon break through the fifth level of good fortune and catch up with the main body's cultivation.

But if she wanted to really step into the gate of good fortune and break through good fortune, she deduced it a bit, and estimated that there would not be a thousand years to forget it.But even so, she is already very satisfied, after all, after a thousand years, she will only be over 1 years old. There is no such thing as a great monk of good fortune who is more than 1 years old in the fairy world.

Ye Weiyang collected her mood and continued on her way.When you are on your way, continue to comprehend the great way of the world in this side.A little time will be spent every day to practice at the gate of good fortune.So after more than a year, she finally came to that space rift.

When she came to this space crack, she realized that there are a large number of monster monks gathered here, and they are not here to defend or enter the space crack to investigate.Instead, they are waiting for a few monster races to set up a large formation there.She inquired and understood.

This crack in space is filled with Dao Rhyme, which is very dense.At the beginning, a monster cultivator entered that space crack and was instantly blown away by Dao Yun.Later, a big boundary-breaking cultivator went in, and they were all blown up in an instant.Therefore, none of the great cultivators dared to go in.

Over the years, these demon monks have been setting up a large formation, saying that this large formation can absorb the Dao Yun inside and then disperse it.In this way, you can enter this space crack.

Ye Weiyang naturally wouldn't leave, so she decided to wait here.And there are great monks here, which is a rare peace, and no monster race dares to fight privately.Everyone is looking for a place to practice.And there are still a steady stream of monster monks coming.Even now, there are more than 300 million monster monks gathered here, and their cultivation bases are not low.The lowest is also the cultivation base of Taoism.

Ye Weiyang also searched for a place to practice, so she should go into seclusion.So two years passed.A good luck monk stood in the sky, looking at the monster monks and said:

"Everyone, now is also an opportunity for you. According to my arrangement, you will enter the node of the big formation, and then the big formation will be activated to absorb the Dao Dao Yun in the cracks in the space. How much can you absorb? How much depends on your own. Now follow my order and enter the big formation."

All the monks started to move. At this time, there are more than ten million monster monks here.Ye Weiyang also obediently entered a node, and sat down cross-legged.

After being so busy for three days, all the monks entered the formation, even those great fortune-telling monks also entered the formation and sat cross-legged.A great fortune-telling monk activated the formation.


The big formation shook, and then Ye Weiyang felt that the celestial power in her body was drawn by the big formation, at this moment she couldn't move even if she wanted to.

"not good!"

Ye Weiyang instinctively felt something was wrong, but there was nothing she could do.At this time, tens of thousands of monsters showed panic on their faces, and some even shouted, trying to break free from the shackles of the formation, but it didn't work at all, and the celestial power in their bodies was still being drawn continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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