Chapter 1257 Death
Ye Weiyang calmed down instead.The more life-and-death issues encountered, the calmer Ye Weiyang became.She is a saint of the fairy formation, and immediately began to perceive this great formation.After a while, she was sure that this large formation was only drawing their immortal energy, and the operation of this large formation depended on the monks being drawn from their immortal energy.Ye Weiyang is not too afraid of just extracting the celestial power, not to mention that the celestial power contained in her body is extremely deep, and there is still a lot of elixir on her body, even if the elixir is exhausted, there will still be a lot of elixir in her rune tower. Has a lot of herbs.

Ye Weiyang naturally tried to break free, but found that she couldn't break free with her cultivation level, so she gave up.Anyway, there is no danger yet, let's take a look first.

Soon, changes will come.

Ye Weiyang has been paying attention to two directions, one is the two good fortune monks, and the other is the space crack in the sky.

The two good fortune monks have not changed much, and they have been sitting cross-legged in the big formation like all the monks, bearing the celestial power in their bodies being continuously drawn.But the space crack in the air changed, and she saw the already transformed Dao Yun rushing out of the space crack, and then diverted by the large array guide, flowing towards the monks one by one.

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, this is indeed a great opportunity for every monk.It seems that the two good fortune monks did not deceive these monster monks, but they don't know whether these monks can withstand such a turbulent impact of Dao Yun.


A wave of dao rhyme rushed towards Ye Weiyang, covered Ye Weiyang, and continued to wash away. At this moment, her body, celestial power and primordial spirit are all improving rapidly, and Ye Weiyang knows that as long as she is willing to comprehend , in the scouring of this kind of avenue, you will definitely understand quickly.It's just that she also understands that when the immortal energy in the body is drawn too much, the space where the immortal energy in the body flows out will be filled with Dao Yun, and then it may explode her body.

Ye Weiyang split a ray of energy, always paying attention to the condition of the immortal energy in her body, every time [-]% of it was consumed, she would immediately take the elixir, and the rest of her energy was devoted to comprehension.

At this time, thousands of monster monks are like this, and each monk is carrying some pills, even if there are few pills, there are also a lot of herbs.It's a big deal to eat herbs raw.So when every monk sensed that this was a chance, they all became excited and immersed in comprehension.

One day, two days, three days...

As time passed, some monks began to panic, because they had eaten up all the elixirs and started eating raw herbs.At this time, a problem was placed in front of them.They don't know when this big formation will be able to stop?
In fact, every monk knows that unless the dao rhyme in the space crack is extracted quickly, this large formation will not stop.The key point is that no one knows how much Dao Yun will be in that space crack, and when it will be able to be extracted.

Ye Weiyang is not worried, she has too many reserves, not to mention herbs and fairy fruits, even now she still has a lot of pills on her body, and they are all top-grade pills.

Time passed day by day, and soon a month had passed. Ye Weiyang's body had reached the middle stage of the fifth layer of good fortune, and Yuanshen and Xian Yuanli had also reached the early stage of the fifth layer of good fortune.For Ye Weiyang, this opportunity is really a big profit.And so far, Dao Yun still hasn't stopped.


Ye Weiyang's ray of spirit heard the explosion, and couldn't help but look around, and saw a monk whose body was exploded by Dao Yun, this monk had no pills and herbs.This is just the beginning. Following the death of this cultivator, one after another, the bodies of the cultivators began to explode.And once their bodies are blown out, the dao rhyme that originally flowed to them will be distributed to other monks, which makes the pressure on other monks continue to increase.

Ye Weiyang is still very stable. On the one hand, although her understanding of the way of heaven has not yet reached the level of good fortune, all aspects of her body have reached good fortune, and she is still at the fifth level of good fortune, so her endurance is stronger than other monks.Even those two real good fortune monks are only good fortune triple.In terms of combat power, the current Ye Weiyang may not be an opponent, but in terms of bearing the impact of this kind of Taoism, Ye Weiyang is stronger than the two of them.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang didn't panic.

She wishes this situation could last longer now. Although she has not tried to step into the gate of good fortune now, and she is not sure whether she can step into the gate of good fortune now, she knows that she has improved, and it has improved a lot. Even now If you can't step into the gate of good fortune, you must have made great progress.

Another month has passed in a hurry, and Ye Weiyang's body has reached the peak of the fifth stage of good fortune, and Yuanshen and Xianyuanli have also reached the middle stage of good fortune.Although Ye Weiyang took a lot of pills, the pills she took in the past two months were more than she took in her entire life, but under the washing of the Dao, there was no trace of impurities in the pills.

However, more and more monks have died. So far, the number of monks who have died has exceeded 100 million. Although these more than 100 million monks are all low-level monks, the Taoist rhyme diverted from them is real. .The impact of this kind of dao rhyme made Ye Weiyang feel some pain.

Another month passed, Ye Weiyang felt a trace of regret in her heart.Her current body has reached the late stage of the fifth layer of good fortune, and Xian Yuanli and Yuanshen have also reached the late stage of the fifth layer of good fortune, catching up with the main body.But she could clearly feel that Dao Yun was starting to become scarce.It is estimated that it is almost over.If he can persist for another month, his body, Yuanshen and Xianyuanli might be able to break through to the sixth level of fortune in one fell swoop.

But obviously it's impossible.At this time, she allocated more energy, and noticed that the current number of monks is only about 700 million, and more than 300 million monks are dead.Although the person died, and exploded, not even the body was left behind, but the storage ring was left, which was placed on the ground.

Although these storage rings would not make Ye Weiyang jealous, those monks who died were not high-level, and it is estimated that Ye Weiyang would definitely not need the resources inside.But there are more than 300 million storage rings, and the amount of resources inside is so huge that it may be able to support a sect for ten thousand years.Now Ye Weiyang is a person with a mountain peak, if this wave can be picked up, the people on her mountain peak may not need to go out to find general resources for millions of years.

But this is obviously impossible. Now everyone is bound in the big formation and cannot move.But when the big formation stops, there will be looting.You can grab it yourself, but how much can you grab?

(End of this chapter)

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