The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 202 in 1 day

Chapter 202 A thousand miles in a day

As long as he draws Tang Shishi's blood, he can cultivate the Taoist Heavenly Scripture, and his cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds, making thousands of miles a day.

Therefore, since that day, he has been thinking about Tang Shishi.But unfortunately, Tang Shishi turned back and killed him in the end.

Originally, this matter passed like this, Tang Shishi died, and Di Lin also died.Zhang Jiuling couldn't get the blood of Jiuyang either, but Zhang Jiuling's heart was planted with the sub-gu of the Golden Cicada Gu by Qingxuan. The Gu insects originally survived and grew by sucking the blood of the host.And the Nine Suns bloodline is an irresistible temptation for the Golden Cicada Gu.Therefore, when Zhang Jiuling held Tang Shishi in his arms, Golden Cicada Gu eagerly began to absorb Jiuyang's blood from Tang Shishi's wound.

But this is like moths flying into a flame, the blood of Jiuyang is too strong.While giving the Golden Cicada Gu an irresistible temptation, the energy of the Nine Yang Bloodline is not something that the Golden Cicada Gu can bear.

Therefore, Golden Cicada Gu was sealed by the blood of Nine Suns, and fell into a deep sleep.

Maybe the Golden Cicada Gu will not be able to do it in this life, and will eventually be burnt to death by the blood of Nine Suns.And once the Golden Cicada Gu died, without the attraction of the Golden Cicada Gu, the seal would spread in Zhang Jiuling's body. At that time, Zhang Jiuling couldn't avoid being burnt to death by Jiuyang's blood.

Therefore, a delicate balance has been formed in Zhang Jiuling's body now, a balance formed by the blood of Jiuyang and the Golden Cicada Gu.Although the golden cicada Gu was sleeping, it still attracted all the blood of the nine suns, and it absorbed the blood of the nine suns bit by bit during its breathing.This delicate balance will have two results. One is that the seal formed by the blood of the nine suns will be absorbed by the Golden Cicada Gu, and the Golden Cicada Gu will evolve into the Golden Crow Gu.Another result is that in the end the Golden Cicada Gu was burnt to death by the blood of Nine Suns.

But looking at the current situation, the Golden Cicada Gu's absorption rate has been greatly slowed down because it fell into a deep sleep, and it is estimated that the probability of being burned to death is more than half.

But at this time, Zhang Jiuling was practicing shamanism in the cold pool, and the cold poison of the cold pool entered Zhang Jiuling's body.This aroused the reaction of Jiuyang's blood.

A trace of Jiuyang's blood flowed out from the seal of the heart, and with the beating of the heart, it flowed into Zhang Jiuling's blood. While resisting the cold poison, it also began to gradually merge with Zhang Jiuling's blood, and under the influence of the shaman's formula , the degree of this fusion gradually became perfect, and Zhang Jiuling's blood possessed a trace of extremely thin Jiuyang blood.

Another trace of Jiuyang's blood flowed out from the seal, and Zhang Jiuling's stiff body regained his relaxation. He let go of everything, knowing that this was his chance, and concentrated on practicing shamanism.

Over and over again, with his practice, his body functions are improving rapidly, and with the rapid improvement of his body functions, the speed of absorbing the cold poison of the cold pool is also accelerating, so the blood of the nine suns in the heart From time to time, it flowed out one by one, and merged into his blood, so that the concentration of his Jiuyang blood began to increase.

Moreover, the shamanic art originally had the effect of tempering the blood, so that the concentration of his Nine Yang blood was gradually increased.

"Bang bang bang..."

There were continuous explosions from his body, and his body had been tempered to the extreme by the shaman's divine art twice.The body no longer absorbs the cold poison, because the exercises in the Body Tempering Realm can only achieve this effect. If you want to continue to absorb it, you need follow-up exercises.

That is to say, Zhang Jiuling has reached the peak of the Body Tempering Realm of the Shaman God Art.


Zhang Jiuling jumped out of the cold pool, felt his body, and frowned slightly.

On the stone tablet at the foot of the mountain, there are not only the exercises, but also the records of the feelings produced during the cultivation process, so that the monks can know what level they have cultivated to.

According to the explanation on the stone tablet, I should feel a kind of ice-cold in my body now, this kind of ice-cold is where the power of the shaman's magic formula lies.

But his current feeling is different, it's not that there are no new feelings, but it's not cold, but warm and cool.

Although there is also a feeling of coldness, there is also a feeling of warmth, which makes me feel very comfortable.

Zhang Jiuling's face was a little gloomy, he wondered if he had practiced wrong?

According to the legend, the shaman magic formula dominates the world with the ice attribute.But I am obviously different now.

and also……

My body was stiff at the beginning, but then it disappeared, as if it was a kind of hotness flowing from my heart.

Could it be... the Golden Cicada Gu?
His face became even more gloomy, he didn't know what kind of result the Golden Cicada Gu would bring him.

However, I have obviously reached the peak of the Shaman God Technique Tempering Body Realm!

do not care!
It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided!
The damn bird faces up, immortal for thousands of years!
Zhang Jiuling left the stone room, the summer sun fell on him from the sky, even in the north, his body was warm, which made him feel good.

"Fuck it! I already have Golden Cicada Gu on my body, every day I live, I earn money, so what are you afraid of?"

Zhang Jiuling strode towards the mountain road, and soon saw the crowd again.Some people in the crowd also saw him. It was Zhang Jiuling who slapped a provocateur after he arrived, which left a deep impression on everyone.Seeing Zhang Jiuling come back so soon, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

Is this success in cultivation, or is it because he didn't understand the shamanic art enough, and he came to the stone tablet to comprehend it again?


When Zhang Jiuling stepped up the steps, someone not only exclaimed.

What does this mean?
As long as he stepped on the steps and walked up, it meant that Zhang Jiuling had reached the peak of the Body Tempering Realm.Those people looked at Zhang Jiuling's shadowy eyes full of envy.But they didn't find it strange either. From the power of Zhang Jiuling's slap, it could be seen that Zhang Jiuling's cultivation base should be very high, and he also bought the right to use Ice Soul Pill and Cold Pool.In less than half a day to reach the peak of Body Tempering, there is nothing strange about it.

Zhang Jiuling climbed up the steps step by step. He was originally a heroic character, but at this time he had completely abandoned worrying about gains and losses, and he had leisure time to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the steps.

At this time, it is a hot summer, and even the Daxue Mountain, at the foot of the mountain, the summer flowers are blooming and colorful.

Climbing step by step, the gorgeous sight made him feel more relaxed.

After walking about a thousand steps, a platform appeared.The platform was huge, and as soon as Zhang Jiuling stepped onto the platform, he immediately felt his body sink.

"This is...gravity!"


Zhang Jiuling took a breath, feeling the greatness of the shaman's art. Having stayed in the Dao Palace, he naturally knew that there should be a gravity formation here, and the shaman's art was assessed through this gravity formation. Cultivator, have you reached the peak of the Body Tempering Realm of the Shamanic Art?

Another chapter coming soon!
(End of this chapter)

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