The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 203 Cultivation

Chapter 203 Cultivation
Zhang Jiuling looked up and saw a stone tablet a thousand meters away. In front of the stone tablet, there were about 300 people sitting cross-legged, facing the stone tablet.On the side of the stele, there is a shaman monk facing Zhang Jiuling.Seeing Zhang Jiuling coming up, he raised his voice and said:
"It is not allowed to use spiritual power. You can only walk within a hundred meters in front of the stone tablet with your own power."


Zhang Jiuling cupped his hands away.Then he started to walk in the direction of the stele.At this time, some monks in front of the stele looked back at Zhang Jiuling's words, then turned their heads to look at the stele again.

One step, two steps, three steps...

As Zhang Jiuling moved forward, he felt that the gravity was getting stronger and stronger, but it was still within his tolerance.It's just that he was also a little worried at this time. He knew in his heart that the gravity on this platform must be getting stronger and stronger. Only when he reaches the peak of the Body Tempering Realm of the Shaman God Art can he walk within a hundred meters in front of the stone tablet.

He must be at the peak of the Body Tempering Realm, but I don't know if he has reached the peak of the Body Tempering Realm required by the shamanic formula?

After all, what he felt was warmth and coolness, not ice cold.

Therefore, at this time, he inevitably became uneasy again.

Finally, he stepped within a hundred meters of the stele.And the shaman monk sitting cross-legged next to the stone tablet kept staring at him, monitoring whether he was using spiritual power to cheat.Seeing him succeed at this time, he closed his eyes and ignored him, not even nodding his head.

Naturally, Zhang Jiuling didn't care. He was in a good mood at this time, and he was able to pass the assessment, which proved that there was no problem with his cultivation...


It shouldn't be a big problem!

Anyway, let's practice first, find an opportunity to communicate with the monks on the platform.

As for the shamanist monk, forget it. Judging by his appearance, he would not pay attention to himself at all.

Zhang Jiuling looked up at the sky, it was almost dusk.I have to take advantage of the light and quickly memorize the exercises of the shamanic art.

He looked at the stele.

Shaman magic.

Tongmai state!

Zhang Jiuling read it back and forth several times, and finally recited the entire exercise before the sky darkened, then sat cross-legged on the platform, and began to recite this exercise repeatedly to understand this exercise in detail.

After he felt that he had fully understood, he opened his eyes and found that it was already midnight.There is no one on the platform, including the shaman monk.

"It will definitely not go down the mountain!"

Zhang Jiuling stood up and looked around the stele. Under the moonlight, he could faintly see a path on the left and right, so he went to the left and walked along the path. Then he saw a simple wooden house on both sides of the path. It's old and looks like it's been built for a long time.

This should have been built by monks who came here to practice a long time ago, and later people continued to use it.Zhang Jiuling found an empty wooden house and walked in. There was a lot of dust inside. Zhang Jiuling didn't care, so he closed the door, lay down on the dusty bed, and soon fell into a sound sleep.

This is the most peaceful sleep he has had after leaving the Dao Palace, because he knows that as long as you cultivate to the peak of the Body Tempering Realm, step on the steps, and successfully walk to the second floor of the stone tablet, you will be truly recognized as a shaman by the shamanism disciple.Those at the foot of the mountain don't count.

Once you become a true disciple of shamanism, you are not allowed to kill each other at will, otherwise you will be beheaded if you are discovered.Very cold.

But you can challenge others, and the challenged person cannot refuse.Moreover, every challenge of shamanism is a duel, very cruel, and usually ends with the death of one party.

Therefore, the canons of shamanism are very contradictory, and you are not allowed to fight privately, and the consequence of breaking the rules is death.But you are allowed to challenge through formal methods, regardless of life or death.

So Zhang Jiuling is not worried about being attacked or assassinated, and he is too tired these days, physically and mentally exhausted.

The next day.

Zhang Jiuling came over with full of energy, entered the Hetu space immediately, and began to practice the improved shamanic art repeatedly in the Hetu space. After reaching proficiency, he came out of the Hetu space.

Zhang Jiuling walked out of the house energetically, and saw a monk walking out of the door next to him, Zhang Jiuling nodded:

"Good morning fellow Taoist!"

The monk looked Zhang Jiuling up and down, but in the end he just nodded and walked towards the stone tablet along the path.A wry smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Jiuling's mouth. Is this because of the coldness of the practice?

Don't you communicate?
However, after he came to the platform, he realized that it was not that these people did not communicate, but that they did not communicate with him, a newcomer.

Communication between the elderly can naturally benefit each other.Communicating with you as a newcomer, what can the newcomer understand about shamanism?
That's not called communication, that's called unilateral teaching.

Zhang Jiuling looked around for a while, then gave up, knowing that no one wanted to communicate with him.He started to practice according to his own understanding, but after practicing for a week, he stopped and frowned.The spiritual power in the body is running slowly, so how to open the acupoints again?
Whether it is the Taoist Scripture or the shamanic art, there will be a second opening of the acupoints to widen the acupoints, but it is completely impossible at the slow speed of the current spiritual power.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Jiuling understood that it should be due to the gravity here.Then leave and try.

Standing up and taking a look, he found that there were a lot fewer monks on the platform today, less than a hundred.He stepped out of the platform and did not go far. He sat down cross-legged under a big tree outside the platform, took a deep breath, and began to practice again.

Sure enough, it was much faster this time, and Zhang Jiuling had a faint feeling that he seemed to be able to meet the requirement of expanding the acupoints for the second time, but he still stopped.

He just faintly felt that there was a possibility of expanding the acupoints a second time, which he felt was wrong!

This is a shamanic art that has been improved by the Hetu space, it should not be just a faint feeling, so to speak...

Zhang Jiuling couldn't help but sighed softly. After all, his aptitude was still a bit weak.Even if you practice step by step in the Dao Palace, your achievements are quite satisfactory.

But the rules are not good, he needs to quickly improve his strength.

He thought of Bingpo Pill and Hantan.

He got up and walked out of the shadow of the big tree, and came to the stone tablet. The shaman monk looked up at Zhang Jiuling without saying a word, his expression was like ice.

Zhang Jiuling bit the bullet and cupped his hands: "What's the name of this senior brother?"

"There is something to talk about!" the monk said coldly.

The corner of Zhang Jiuling's mouth twitched, but he still asked respectfully: "May I ask this senior brother, does cultivation at this level also require Bingpo Pill and Hantan?"

Thank you very much for the reward of scorpion braid (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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