Chapter 206

The surrounding vegetation is no longer full of summer flowers. Although the height has increased, the climate here is like spring, full of greenery.Looking up at the stretch of steps, Zhang Jiuling sighed softly:
"Is it considered that I have settled down in Shamanism?

But Dahua has my father, Uncle Li, and Qiaoran who is leading the Nighthawk team on my behalf, Xiang Ding who is unremarkable, straightforward Daxiong, and... Weiyang, who I am most worried about... "

Ye Weiyang, who was repairing the talisman soldier, suddenly paused, and a trace of indescribable discomfort suddenly appeared in her heart, as if there was something sad, and it seemed that her close relatives and friends were sad, and she was also sad when it affected her.

"This is me..." A trace of worry suddenly appeared between Ye Weiyang's brows: "Could it be that something happened to the brothers and sisters? Is it the three, or the second sister? Or the fourth brother?

It can't be the eldest brother, the eldest brother is in the Dao Palace, he should be very safe..."

"Night Talisman!"

Someone whispered, Ye Weiyang woke up from the trance, lowered her head and continued to repair the talisman soldiers, but there was always a little hesitation in her heart, but as time went by, she gradually forgot the worries just now as she was busy.

Busy, boring, nervous...

This state of life continued, and a large number of wounded were transported down from Iron Wall Mountain, and even more slightly injured monks rushed to the battlefield again after a short rest.

Ye Weiyang no longer cares about the battle situation on the battlefield, she puts all her energy into repairing the talisman soldiers and drawing healing talismans.Every time I insisted until I almost fainted, I would stop and rest for a few hours.It is this kind of overdrawn reincarnation that makes her control over spiritual power stronger and stronger, and the tempering in the sea of ​​consciousness is also stronger and stronger.


On this day, Ye Weiyang had just repaired two-thirds of a talisman soldier, and her mind was shaken. She knew that her sea of ​​consciousness was going to widen again.The violent shock made her feel a little dizzy.She hastily put down the carving knife and talisman pen, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"What's wrong with Master Yefu?" The monk who was standing opposite the workbench saw that his talisman soldiers were half repaired, and suddenly stopped repairing. He couldn't help but look worriedly at Ye Weiyang who was sitting with his eyes closed:

"Will nothing happen to Yefu Master?"

Fang Ziyi also panicked: "Teacher..."

The monks who lined up were also panicked, Ye Weiyang didn't stop repairing the rune soldiers, but he never stopped halfway through the repair.All of a sudden they gathered around:
"Ye Di!"

"Night Talisman!"


"I'm fine!" Ye Weiyang spat out three words with difficulty, and then began to train and expand with all her strength.

Hearing Ye Weiyang say it's okay, these people finally breathed a sigh of relief.Nowadays, Ye Weiyang is not generally popular among these monks. Not only does repairing rune soldiers increase the power by [-]%, but also heals monks at the same time.

They are not only grateful to Ye Weiyang, but also admire Ye Weiyang.

With one mind and two purposes, while repairing the talisman soldiers and drawing healing talismans at the same time, it can be surprisingly fast!

Tianjiao is nothing more than that!


The barrier that restrained the sea of ​​consciousness was broken, and Ye Weiyang suddenly felt a sense of relief in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if it was originally pressed down by a mountain, but now it flew into the sky.

Her sea of ​​consciousness has doubled again. She is only 19 years old and has been forged and expanded six times. If she tells it, no one will believe it.

Ye Weiyang opened his eyes, stood up, picked up the carving knife, and was about to continue repairing the rune soldiers for the monk, when he suddenly heard a roar like a volcanic eruption from Tiebi Mountain.

That is countless people cheering!
Ye Weiyang looked up at the top of the mountain, and faintly heard cheers.At this time, all the people on the ground were looking up at the top of the mountain, with expectations and fear in their eyes.

Ye Weiyang concentrated her spiritual power towards her ears, and the voice of cheering became clear all of a sudden.

"Bada..." Ye Weiyang dropped the carving knife on the workbench: "We... won..."

"Teacher, what did you say?" Fang Ziyi grabbed Ye Weiyang's arm at once, the hope in her eyes suppressed her excitement.

"Master Yefu, what did you hear?" The surrounding monks also looked at Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang suddenly shook off Fang Ziyi's hand, stretched out her hand and pushed away the monk in front of her, and ran towards the Iron Wall Mountain with big strides, shouting while running:

"We won! We won!"

Tears rolled down her eyes. The busy repairs in the past few months actually couldn't reduce the pressure in everyone's heart. She watched batches of corpses being brought down with her own eyes, and the monks missing arms and legs, still Going to the battlefield again, at some point, maybe the monster race will flow over the Iron Wall Mountain like a sea tide and rush towards them.

But at this moment, it seemed that the dark clouds were torn apart, the mountains were blown away, and the joy that was suppressed to the extreme turned into excitement.


"we won?"

The monks at the foot of the mountain heard Ye Weiyang's call and saw Ye Weiyang running, and then someone heard the cheers from the mountain clearly.


The human race was boiling, laughing, shouting, crying with joy...

But they had the same movements, rushing towards the Iron Wall Mountain, like a rising tide, spreading towards the Iron Wall Mountain.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Ye Weiyang was running hard, at this moment, she forgot about her fatigue, she just wanted to participate in the cheers of those monks on the top of the mountain, and she just wanted to stand on the top of the mountain and look at the battlefield opposite.

She finally reached the top of the mountain, cheering excitedly, hugging and jumping with monks one by one, and then she looked down the mountain...

Her ecstatic look froze suddenly, as if carved on her face, then slowly converged and disappeared, and then a trace of sadness emerged, and that trace of sadness was rapidly spreading.

dead bodies all over.

The ravine could no longer be seen, because the ravine was filled with corpses.

There are corpses of monster races, but more corpses of human races.At this time, there are bloody, even bitten off arms and legs, and monks who are still bleeding, cheering there...

Eyes full of blood!
The world in front of his eyes turned red, the ground was stained red with blood, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air.

The people behind were still cheering, and those monks who had been on the battlefield repeatedly were used to such scenes.

But Ye Weiyang didn't!
She has never seen such a bloody scene, and this bloody scene is so huge that there is no end in sight, and the blood-red world is full of corpses.

How much did the human race pay to win this war?

What is the will of the human race to win this war?
Ye Weiyang could no longer see clearly, her eyes were full of tears, she stretched out her arms to wipe away the tears, and walked down the mountain step by step.

Another chapter coming soon!
(End of this chapter)

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