The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 207 Soul Tide

Chapter 207 Soul Tide
Behind her, the monks from the Buddhist Kingdom sat down and began to chant Buddhist scriptures to save the souls everywhere.Ye Weiyang, on the other hand, staggered among the corpses without gaps.She saw a human monk who had lost his legs and was lying on the ground, but he was smiling.

That kind of wanton laugh, a kind of completely forgetting that his legs are gone, the blood is flowing sideways, and the breath of life is falling rapidly, but his expression is excited, and there is a proud wanton smile.

Ye Weiyang reached out to touch the storage bag, and then remembered that she had no healing talisman, and also no talisman paper, and the talisman paper was on the workbench on the other side of the mountain.

She squatted in front of the monk, tears streaming down her cheeks, and stretched out her hands to press the monk's legs, but she couldn't stop the blood flow. She turned her head and cried to the cheering people on the mountain:

"Save people! Save people!"

The cheering people on the mountain looked down the mountain. They saw Ye Weiyang, the monk who lost his legs, and even more injured monks lying on the ground.


I don't know who yelled, and with a clatter, countless monks rushed down from the mountain, gave the injured monks a simple treatment, and then ran towards the mountain with the injured monks on their backs.Some monks began to collect the remains of dead monks.

The monk that Ye Weiyang took care of had been carried away long ago, Ye Weiyang ran to another injured monk, but was immediately preempted by others, and went to Ye Weiyang with a grateful smile and said:

"Yefu Master, here I come!"

"Yefu Master, here I come!"

"Yefu Master, here I come!"


Ye Weiyang walked towards the injured monk, and someone would rush in front of her immediately.Ye Weiyang didn't know these people, because she kept her head down when she was repairing the talisman soldiers and talismans.But too many monks know him, too many monks have been repaired by Ye Weiyang, and too many monks have been healed by Ye Weiyang's healing talisman.

They were able to survive in this cruel war because of Ye Weiyang's reason.

A war wiped out their resources, they have nothing to send Ye Weiyang, they can only rush to help Ye Weiyang work, they just want Ye Weiyang to rest.

After being robbed a dozen times, Ye Weiyang came to her senses.She didn't rush to carry those wounded anymore, too many monks were doing this, and she was never given a chance.

The chanting of monks from the Buddhist kingdom came from the top of the mountain, as if the sunshine dispelled the haze in my heart.On the hillside, there are busy monks everywhere, they are treating the injured monks and collecting the remains of the monks.

Ye Weiyang stood blankly in the middle of the corpses, there were no human corpses around her, and there were demon corpses everywhere.The blood under his feet stained the ground red, and the air was a little reddish. It was a rising mist of blood, and there was a pungent bloody smell.She looked at everything around her, and the main color of the world turned red!

Blood red!

Ye Weiyang's heart moved, just now she felt the vibration of the rune tower.

Slight vibration!
This slight vibration has continued.

In fact, when she ran down the mountain, the rune tower in her sea of ​​consciousness began to circle slowly and vibrated slightly.It's just that Ye Weiyang at that time was shocked by the scene in front of her, and then wanted to save others, but didn't feel it.

At this time, he clearly felt the movement of the Talisman Tower in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Ye Weiyang was startled.

Rune Tower will not be a problem, right?

With a thought, the consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness and looked at the Talisman Tower.Then her heart beat violently.

Ye Weiyang's sea of ​​consciousness is clear at a glance, a huge natal talisman stands above a talisman tower, and above the talisman tower is the Luoshu space.

Then there are 30 flying needles as slender as vellus hairs circulating around the rune tower like a galaxy.However, the previous talisman towers stood there obediently and did not rotate.

But now?
The talisman tower was not only turning slowly, but also vibrating slightly.

This... what happened?
Ye Weiyang didn't enter the rune tower immediately, she was always calm about the unknown.She began to carefully observe her sea of ​​consciousness, her rune tower.


With just a little attention, she noticed something unusual.

Know the sea!

What was absorbed was only spiritual power, but at this moment, Ye Weiyang saw another kind of energy.

She didn't know this kind of energy, it was very cold.

One by one, they poured into the sea of ​​consciousness from all directions...

Do not!
Ye Weiyang had a feeling that it wasn't that sliver of energy that actively poured into the sea of ​​consciousness, but was passively sucked into the sea of ​​consciousness by the talisman tower, and then was sucked into the talisman tower without leaving a trace of energy in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Is this the rune tower actively absorbing those energies?


What kind of energy is this?
Why is there such a cold feeling?

Ye Weiyang stared at the rune tower, hesitating in his heart whether to enter his consciousness into the rune tower to have a look.But once something unexpected happened in the rune tower, although he would not turn himself into a walking dead, his consciousness would definitely be hurt.

"Must go in and see."

In just an instant, Ye Weiyang made a decision.

This is my talisman tower, and I must understand what changes have taken place in the talisman tower.If it is a bad change, it is best to come up with countermeasures as soon as possible.

With a thought, her consciousness entered the rune tower.

Then she almost screamed out.

At this time she was on the first floor of the rune tower.

There are still a hundred talismans floating in the sky above the Talisman Tower, releasing a hazy light like stars.

But there are also some other things.

That is……

She saw a monster, not too many, there were only three, one was a cow demon, one was a deer demon, and the other was a tiger demon.

Among the three demons, the cow demon and the deer demon are almost transparent, but the tiger demon has a bit of solidity.Seeing Ye Weiyang, she bared her teeth at Ye Weiyang, looking like she was about to rush over, which frightened Ye Weiyang.

Without even thinking about it, Ye Weiyang touched the top fire talisman with her mental power, and that fire talisman burst out a burst of flames, shooting at the tiger demon, and the tiger demon let out a miserable scream, Ye Weiyang rushed over.

Ye Weiyang was shocked, but this was in her talisman tower, she was the master of this talisman tower, she let go of her mind, and dodged the attack of the tiger demon.But the other two monsters also rushed towards her.

It is definitely impossible to pounce.

There are only three monsters, and Ye Weiyang's talisman tower is unusually big, if there are more monsters, maybe Ye Weiyang can be blocked, but with just these three, it's really not enough.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ye Weiyang didn't just dodge, her spiritual power kept touching the talismans above, a hundred talismans were a hundred kinds of Taoism, and they landed on the body of the three masters with a bang, Ye Weiyang slapped her eyes, she found that Thunder Talismans do the most damage to demons.And at this time, Ye Weiyang already had a clear realization in his heart that these monsters are not real monsters, but the souls of dead monsters.

Thank you very much Meng Chi (100) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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