Chapter 208
With the death of the body of these monster races, the soul also suffered huge damage and became weak. Otherwise, with Ye Weiyang's current strength, she would not be able to defeat even the soul.

But what about now?
She has already killed a monster clan, and found the nemesis of the monster clan's soul, which is the Thunder Talisman.It's just that she also saw that the power of the Thunder Talisman is still too small.It still has some effect on the deer monster, but it has almost no effect on the tiger monster.

I need a stronger lightning attribute talisman!
Now the talisman pagoda has been divided into two layers, the first layer contains talisman master-level talismans, and the second layer contains talisman master-level talismans.But this does not mean that the first floor can only hold talisman master-level talismans.Each layer of the talisman tower is equally strong, and the reason why it is divided into different levels of talismans is just for convenience.

However, Ye Weiyang needs a more powerful talisman at this time.With a thought, her consciousness passed through the first floor and came to the second floor.There are also a hundred talismans floating in the sky above the second floor. With Ye Weiyang's thought, a talisman of the level of a great talisman master, and the lightning strike talisman was transferred to the first floor by her.

"Boom boom boom..."

The power of the Lightning Falling Technique is much stronger than the previous Thunder Talisman, just a few strokes, and the strongest tiger demon has already begun to become transparent.

But at this moment, another monster clan appeared in the rune tower, but it was a dragon.And this dragon is obviously stronger than the tiger demon, because it is much more solid than the tiger demon.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Lightning Falling Technique landed on the dragon. Sure enough, thunder is the natural nemesis of the soul. Even the dragon soul, under the bombardment of the thunder, let out a shrill scream.Then frantically pounced towards Ye Weiyang.

A figure condensed again, Ye Weiyang began to feel fear in his heart.

She now fully understands that this talisman tower of hers is drawing...

The souls of those dead monster races have left their bodies long ago, floating in this battlefield. As time goes by, these souls will gradually dissipate...

Do not!
Maybe it will be reincarnated by those Buddhist monks on the top of the mountain.

But now she has been absorbed by the rune tower, and as the master of the rune tower, she has now seen the situation in the sea of ​​consciousness at this time.

It should be that the grade of the talisman is not enough, or that the talisman can only be used in this way, it does not absorb the entire soul of a monster into the talisman at once, maybe she does not have that ability, it can only A trace of absorption.

At this time, on the ruins of the battlefield, around Ye Weiyang's body, there are invisible souls floating one by one, and on these souls, there are a few threads connecting Ye Weiyang's eyebrows, which are the talisman towers. Absorbed soul.It can't absorb a soul at once, but it can absorb all the souls of a monster clan into the rune tower through this kind of gradual extraction, forming a complete monster clan soul.

It is precisely because of this that the formation of souls in the Talisman Tower is a bit slow. If one is absorbed all at once, Ye Weiyang may be in tragedy at this time.


Ye Weiyang froze suddenly, she saw another figure appearing, it turned out to be a person...

Do not!
It is a person's soul!
Do not!
I can't be here anymore!

Ye Weiyang left the rune tower in an instant, returned to her body, then ran towards the top of the mountain with her long legs.Fortunately, the distance she went down the mountain was not far, and she ran back to the top of the mountain in a few breaths, and then sat down on a rock on the top of the mountain, and her consciousness immediately entered the talisman tower.

There are now three monster races in the rune tower, a deer monster, a tiger monster and a dragon monster, and a human race. That human race is fighting with the three monster races, running, dodging, and defending or attacking at the same time. .

With a thought in Ye Weiyang's mind, the human race who was fighting suddenly disappeared from the sight of the three monster races.

The talisman tower that Ye Weiyang visualized was too big, and the edge could not be seen at a glance.So after the three monster races couldn't see the human race, they raised their heads and roared a few times, and started wandering around.At this time, Ye Weiyang had already appeared in front of that human race in the shape of a mind.That human race didn't panic at all, looked at Ye Weiyang and said:

"I didn't expect you to be so young, you took me in?" Then he looked around: "Where is this place? It seems that your background is not simple, and you actually have such a treasure."

Ye Weiyang bowed his hands to the monk and saluted: "Senior, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take you in, I'll send you out right away, and let the monks from the Buddha Kingdom save you to reincarnation."

The monk waved his hand and said, "I'm not a soul, and I don't have a soul."

"Ah?" Ye Weiyang couldn't help being startled: "Then... those monster races just now weren't souls?"

"they are!"

"Then how do you..."

"Why am I not?" the man laughed.

"En!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

"My soul has been reincarnated by monks from the Buddhist Kingdom. Now I am just an obsession left by me when I am dying."


"Yes!" The monk explained to Ye Weiyang: "Obsession is very mysterious, it should be a manifestation of the idea. It is a kind of idea that has not been realized, but is full of unwillingness and does not want to leave. When this When an idea is strong enough to a certain extent, it will become an obsession.

Obsession is not a soul, so it will not be transcended, nor will it be reincarnated.And it will gradually dissipate with the passage of time.

So, you don't have to worry about me.

I have answered your question, now can you answer mine? "

"Oh!" Ye Weiyang nodded hastily, still not waking up from the obsessive shock: "I... here is not a treasure, but a rune tower I visualized."

"The talisman tower?" The monk suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Don't lie to me, although I am not a talisman master, it is not that I have never seen a talisman tower, and the talisman tower is not so big at all.

You can't say that, the talisman towers are still very big, but they all expand with the improvement of the talisman master's realm. How old are you, little girl? "

Ye Weiyang said weakly: "Nineteen!"

"That's right. Is there anyone who visualized the Talisman Tower at the age of 19? It's just that there are very few people who have built the natal talisman. Can you call it the pride of heaven?"

Ye Weiyang raised her chest: "But this is my talisman tower!"

"Forget it!" the monk said: "The talisman tower is controlled by the talisman master, and it can be as big or small as you like, so you can show me the smaller one."

"it is good!"

With a thought in Ye Weiyang's mind, the space inside the Talisman suddenly became smaller.The three monster clans also came to Ye Weiyang and the monk not far away in an instant, and naturally they also saw the true appearance of the environment.Those three demon clans forgot to attack Ye Weiyang and that monk for a while, just like that monk, they stared blankly around.

Another chapter coming soon!
(End of this chapter)

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