The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 211 Great Lightning Falling Technique

Chapter 211 Great Lightning Falling Technique
This time the monster race has done too much harm to our human race, and the wrath of Vajra was born in the hearts of Buddhists.

But the souls of the Yaozu are naturally unwilling to be scattered like this. They are gathering to resist the Buddhist Sutra of Exterminating Souls.When they gather to a certain extent, they will fight back. "

"Counterattack?" Ye Weiyang was startled: "How to counterattack?"

"No, they started to fight back!"

Ye Weiyang hurriedly looked around, and saw the gray mist below the mountain boiled like boiling water, and rushed toward the top of the mountain like a tsunami.

The voice of the Buddhist chanting was even louder, forming a wave of souls as the sound waves crashed down the mountain.Then I saw that the soul wave was blocked by the Sanskrit sound as if it had encountered a transparent cliff, collided at the junction, boiled, and the soul flew away.


Soon, the soul wave began to advance, and the chanting barrier of the Buddhist monks retreated bit by bit.

"Deacon Yun, they are coming up, what should we do?"

Yun Qiang was also nervous at this time, and the soul wave was only one meter away from the top of the mountain, and those Buddhist monks also began to get nervous, but they couldn't retreat. Once they retreated, the soul wave would cover them. I don't know how many monks will die.

"Yedi, back down the mountain quickly." Yun Qiang said anxiously, pushing Ye Weiyang at the same time.

At this time, Ye Weiyang had a bad thought in his heart. These demon souls might rush into the monk's sea of ​​consciousness. Let many monks die.


not like this!

Recalling in my mind just now, I just ran from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and saw the battlefield for the first time, which shocked my soul.

There must be no more casualties for the race!
Lightning strike!
Lightning strike!
Ye Weiyang began to squeeze forward, shouting as he squeezed: "Ghosts are most afraid of thunder, monks who can release thunder quickly help, and talisman masters, we need thunder attribute talismans."

After saying that, she had already started to touch the lightning strike talisman in the talisman tower.

Wherever the gaze goes, the mind goes wherever the mind goes, and the Thunderbolt technique goes wherever it goes!

There was thunder in the sky, and a thick thunderbolt descended from the sky, bombarding the soul of the monster race, and the gray mist dimmed a little at the place that was bombarded immediately.

Fang Ziyi was squeezed in the crowd at this time, seeing Ye Weiyang who was pushing forward while releasing the lightning strike, her respect for Ye Weiyang sublimated to worship.

Yun Qiang reacted suddenly, and at this time the other monks also reacted. Even the monks without the thunder attribute released their attacks towards the boiling gray mist one after another.

Dao lights, sword lights, spear lights, etc., and various Taoist methods bombarded the soul wave.Although it is not as good as the thunder attribute's damage to the soul wave, it can't hold up to a large amount.At the same time, the talisman master also released the talisman on his body, no matter what kind of talisman, to the soul wave.

The chanting of Buddhist monks was even more grand, Ye Weiyang swept across the battlefield, and she found that the chanting of Buddhist monks caused the most damage to the soul wave, followed by spells and talismans with lightning attributes, and then other attacks and talismans.

"Boom boom boom..."

While Ye Weiyang released the Thunder Falling Technique, she wandered around and her face gradually became serious.

At this time, the monks on the top of the mountain were not even in strength.So some places are strong and some places are weak.Where the strength is strong, the soul tide will be suppressed, and where the strength is weak, the soul tide is only a line away from the top of the mountain.


Ye Weiyang saw a few places where the wave of souls rushed to the top of the mountain, drowning the monks.


If a few monks flew over from the air, and the distance was still far away, they would attack.With one palm, he pushed back the soul wave that had rushed to the top of the mountain, causing a large number of soul waves to be wiped out.


Ye Weiyang ran towards those cultivators who had just been covered by the wave of souls, she knew how to save them, because she had taken in the ghosts of the monster race before, and also took in the obsession of a human race.

Want to save these people, only rune tower.

At this time, she no longer cared about hiding her talisman.After a few jumps in a hurry, he came to a monk whose body was already stiff and whose eyes were lost. While sacrificing the Talisman, he shouted:
"The talisman master with the talisman tower, save people!"

Then she sacrificed the talisman tower on top of that person's head, the talisman tower circled, and with a suction force, she saw a very faint shadow of the monster clan being sucked in by the talisman tower.Seeing that monk's eyes became clear, Ye Weiyang ran towards the next monk.


The monks who owned the talisman towers sacrificed the talisman towers one by one and began to save people. The monks recovered their clarity one by one, and the souls of the monster races were sucked into the talisman towers one by one.

It was Liao Linrong, the master of the Talisman Hall, who pushed back the soul wave with that palm just now, and he was also using the Talisman Tower to save people at this time.But his eyes turned to Ye Weiyang in shock.

"She...has already visualized the rune tower!"

"And there are still two floors!"

"No! Her Talisman..." Liao Linrong's eyes widened suddenly: "It's so strong!"

It's not that Ye Weiyang's current talisman tower is very strong, but that this talisman tower has a strong background.As a Dafuzong, he can naturally see it.

"This rune tower... seems to be very similar to that visualization picture!
Not right either!
It seems to be stronger than that visualization picture! "


Liao Linrong withdrew his gaze, enlarged his talisman tower, enveloped dozens of monks at once, and then absorbed the ghosts of the monster race into the talisman tower and strangled them.


The same is true for other talisman masters, Ye Weiyang raised her eyebrows, it turned out that it could still be like this.He tried to expand the Buddha and then enveloped those monks.

"Boom boom boom..."

The ghosts in those monks were extracted by the talisman, and Ye Weiyang immediately raised the talisman, and then continuously released the lightning strike to bombard the ghosts of the monster race. At the same time, Jian Yi also led the three monsters to attack other monster ghosts , but Ye Weiyang drew too many monster ghosts at once, and these monster ghosts rioted in Ye Weiyang's rune tower, even posing a slight threat to the rune tower.This means that her talisman tower is big enough so that the ghosts of those monsters cannot find the edge of the talisman tower to attack at once.


"The thunderbolt technique is not powerful enough to destroy the ghosts quickly. You need more powerful talismans." Jian Yi shouted while attacking the ghosts with a dignified expression.

Ye Weiyang also changed color at this time, not to mention absorbing the ghosts of the monster race, even these ghosts in the current rune tower will bring her huge troubles.

"Great lightning strike! Yes! Great lightning strike!"

However, she does not have the inheritance of the Great Thunder Falling Technique, which is the inheritance of the master.Ye Weiyang wandered around and saw Yun Qiang who was not far away from him, his eyes lit up:
"Deacon Yun, do you have the inheritance of the Great Thunder Falling Technique?"

Thank you very much Meng Chi (100) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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