The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 212 Ye Di Is Already a Fu Sect?

Chapter 212 Ye Di Is Already a Fu Sect?

Yun Qiang didn't have time to think about what Ye Weiyang wanted the Great Thunder Falling Technique for, so he casually threw a jade slip over, and then felt weird for a moment, glanced at Ye Weiyang, and saw that Ye Weiyang seemed to be learning some Great Thunder Falling Technique, his heart couldn't help shaking .

"Grind your guns before the battle?
But can she learn it? "

Then I threw this thought away in my head, where is the time to think about it now?Immediately threw himself into saving those monks again.

At this time, Ye Weiyang had already finished reading the inheritance of the Great Thunder Falling Technique, and with a thought, he entered the Luoshu space, and began to frantically contact and build the Great Thunder Falling Technique.

Repeated over and over again, failed over and over again.

After all, it is a talisman at the level of the talisman sect, and it is also a talisman at the level of the high-level talisman sect. Fortunately, Ye Weiyang is already a first-rank great talisman master at this time, with a relatively deep foundation.Even so, Ye Weiyang practiced nearly a thousand times.

Why do you have to practice for so long?

Because Ye Weiyang is in the Luoshu space, time is still.But when Ye Weiyang comes out of Luoshu space, time will flow.Ye Weiyang wants to construct the Great Lightning Falling Technique as quickly as possible, and the outside world will not give her much time.So she has to be proficient and then proficient, extremely proficient.

Because every breath, or even half a breath, a monk who was entered by a monster ghost may die.

Ye Weiyang came out of the Luoshu space, and the magnificent singing of Sanskrit sounded in her ears, as well as the roar of various Taoism and talismans. She immediately began to construct the Great Thunder Falling Technique, drawing her mental power into a line, and quickly placed it in the talisman tower. The first layer of weaving takes less than thirty breaths.

to make!
"Boom boom boom..."

The Great Thunder Falling Technique is really not comparable to the Thunder Falling Technique. The thick thunderbolt descends like a dragon, and immediately bombards a demon ghost. The thunder continues, and the demon ghosts in the rune tower are rapidly decreasing.Ye Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, at this moment, she already had the strength to observe the surrounding situation.

So scattered!

The monks who were infiltrated by the ghosts of the monster race were too scattered, which affected the efficiency of rescue.At this time, there were still waves of souls breaking through the blockade at a certain point, drowning the human monks.


Ye Weiyang blasted to death the last monster ghost in the rune tower, and rushed towards a monk where more monster ghosts had entered his body.Those monks all had grim faces and stiff bodies at this moment, because they were fighting with the ghosts in their bodies.Ye Weiyang saw a lot of monks with low cultivation levels, they couldn't help to stop the soul tide, their cultivation level, they would be overwhelmed by the soul tide if they rushed up, at this moment they stood blankly at the fighting monks Behind him, he wanted to help, but he was at a loss.Ye Weiyang's heart moved, and she shouted at them:

"Help, gather the monks who have been infiltrated by ghosts to the talisman master."

The monks froze for a moment, then moved immediately.One by one, the monks who lifted the ghosts into the body and whose bodies were stiff ran towards the monks who released the rune towers with all their strength, and then moved the monks whose bodies were stiff.

A trace of relief appeared on Liao Linrong's face, he glanced down the mountain, and his brows were furrowed again.

The soul wave is too big, it is because too many monster races died in this war.

As soon as Liao Linrong raised his hand, a stack of talismans was taken out from the storage ring, and thrown down the mountain. There was a roar, and the range of the bombardment was cleared.

"Boom boom boom..."

The monks who can cultivate the talisman pagoda can basically use two things at once. Every talisman master began to save the monks while sacrificing their own talismans. Ye Weiyang also kept taking out talismans from her storage bag and throwing them at down the mountain.However, almost all of her storage bags are talisman master-level talismans, and there are only a few big talisman master talismans.The effect is much worse than others.

"Night Talisman!"

At this time, those monks with stiff bodies were quickly carried to Ye Weiyang's body.Ye Weiyang sacrificed the talisman, covering those monks. The talisman is the nemesis of ghosts, instantly sucking the monster ghosts in the monks into the talisman, and then frequently triggered the big thunder.Blow away the ghosts of monsters and beasts.

At this time, Jian Yi was no longer needed, and he took the three monsters to watch from a distance, his face full of sighs.

"To be able to construct the Great Lightning Falling Technique in such a short period of time is really the realm of the Talisman Sect!"

Then he couldn't help but frowned. At this time, those monster race ghosts were blown away, turned into Yin Qi, and scattered in the rune tower.The Yin Qi in the Talisman Tower is getting heavier and heavier. As Ye Weiyang continuously absorbs the ghosts of the Yaozu and bombards them to death, the Yin Qi in the Talisman Tower has become so thick that it has begun to take on color. Transparent, forming a gray fog, and gradually forming a gray cloud.

Jian Yi took a breath, with a relaxed expression on his face.And the three monster races also looked refreshed, and these yin qi had a strong nourishing effect on them.

outside world.

Ye Weiyang was already at his fingertips at this time, constantly absorbing the souls of the monster race into the talisman tower, and then smashing the souls of the monster race with the Thunderbolt Technique, and at the same time constantly throwing out the talismans in the storage bag...


Ye Weiyang wiped an empty hand, the talisman in the storage bag has been used up.

"Teacher, here!" Fang Ziyi's voice sounded from the side.

Then I saw that Fang Ziyi got a stone slab out of nowhere, and on the stone talisman paper, talisman brush and talisman ink were placed.When I was painting healing talismans at the foot of the mountain, all the talisman paper and talisman ink were kept at Fang Ziyi's place.And Fang Ziyi saw Ye Weiyang throwing talismans all the time, she had thought that the talisman in Ye Weiyang's storage bag would not last long, so she was ready.

Ye Weiyang nodded approvingly, and Fang Ziyi's eyes narrowed immediately.Ye Weiyang grabbed the talisman brush and began to draw the Thunderbolt Technique. When the last stroke was finished, the talisman flew down the mountain as soon as the tip of the pen was picked up.


The Great Thunderbolt Technique crashed down, and countless demon souls were scattered.

The monks around couldn't help being shocked, it wasn't because the Great Thunder Falling Technique is so great, but now many talisman masters are throwing the Great Thunder Falling Technique.The key is Ye Weiyang!
Being able to visualize the talisman pagoda was already enough to surprise these monks, and then it was even more surprising to find that Ye Weiyang's healing speed for the monks was not slower than those of the talisman sects.Later, it was discovered that Ye Weiyang was focusing on two tasks, and now he was painting the Great Thunder Falling Art while saving the monks.

That is a talisman of the talisman level!
"Yedi is already a Fuzong?"

Ye Weiyang, however, was completely immersed in her own world. While treating her, she drew the Great Lightning Falling Technique, and then released it.

The spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness was exhausted rapidly, Ye Weiyang immediately extracted the liquid spiritual power from the Luoshu space.This keeps her healing and character drawing at a high speed.

It's just that repairing the rune soldiers has consumed a lot of spiritual power in the Luoshu space, and now there is not much liquid spiritual power left.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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