The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 213 Liao Linrong's Roar

Chapter 213 Liao Linrong's Roar
In fact, at this time, not only Ye Weiyang was drawing talismans while rescuing those monks invaded by ghosts, but also other talisman masters, thinking that all the finished talismans were used up.

At this time, Liao Linrong was as focused as Ye Weiyang. He was painting talismans while healing the monks. What he painted was not the Great Thunder Falling Art, but Thunderbolt. Every time a talisman was sacrificed, a large number of ghosts would be bombarded and scattered.

It's just that this kind of talisman is powerful and consumes a lot.I can't help but sigh in my heart, I have stayed at the peak of the Great Talisman Sect, and have not broken through to the Talisman. If I break through to the Talisman, I should be more handy now, and I will not consider the consumption of mental power.

And he was standing on the front line of the battlefield before, whether it was physical consumption or mental energy consumption, it was much more than Ye Weiyang and the others.At this moment, he actually felt a little pain in his muscles, which was the sequelae of excessive physical exertion.

An hour later, Liao Linrong found that there was no talisman paper, so he couldn't help shouting to the apprentice who was helping him:
"Where's the talisman?"

"No more!" The apprentice turned pale with fright.

"Go get it, go to the warehouse to get it! Bring up all the talisman papers in the warehouse and distribute them to the talisman masters."

Immediately someone moved, and soon all the talisman papers in the warehouse were moved up and distributed to every talisman master, and every talisman master was busy again.


One of the deputy commanders of Foshan, Qian Chongrui, came to a great monk. That monk was Master Guanyun, the commander of Foshan. At this time, Master Guanyun was reciting Sanskrit.Hearing this, he kept chanting, but turned his eyes to Qian Chongrui.

"Except for the thunder attribute, it has little effect on ghosts!"

Master Guanyun nodded, in fact, he had already seen it.The Sanskrit sounds of the great monks are the most lethal to the ghosts of the monster race, followed by the thunder attribute Taoism and talismans, while the other attacks of the monks are very ineffective.

"Should we give up here?"

Master Guanyun frowned slightly, then shook his head.Qian Chongrui sighed, and continued to use Taoism to attack the ghost, but he was not of the thunder attribute. Although the Taoism was strong, the damage to the ghost was obviously far from that of Master Guanyun.

Liao Linrong looked up at the foot of the mountain, then looked down at the talisman paper that was assigned to him, and then glanced at the other talisman masters. He saw Ye Weiyang's speed of making talismans, and he couldn't help showing a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"You really have quick eyes and quick hands!"


"It can already be described as fast into lightning!"

Then his face sank again, because he saw those talisman papers, this amount was not enough at all.He has a clear understanding of those ghosts, and if he wants to completely wipe out this wave of souls, it probably takes less than five days, which is not enough at all.And the talisman papers in front of him are probably only enough for a little more than a day.If there is not enough talisman paper, there will be no chance for the talisman master to show his power.Just relying on those great monks and other monks, not to mention eliminating the soul tide, I'm afraid they will be overwhelmed by the soul tide instead.

He strode towards Master Guanyun.

Fang Ziyi nervously stood beside Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang drew the talisman too fast, she wanted to release the talisman with the tip of Ye Weiyang's pen, and immediately spread the new talisman paper for Ye Weiyang, seamlessly , to save Ye Weiyang some time.

The monk next to him also saw Ye Weiyang's speed.

This is too fast!

At this time, Liao Linrong had come to Master Guanyun, staring straight at Guanyun with bloodshot eyes:
"Not enough talismans!"

Guan Yun understood immediately, and his expression became tense, but he didn't stop chanting, but just signaled with his eyes, and Liao Linrong also immediately understood the meaning of Guan Yun's eyes:
"It can only last for one day! Without the talisman, we can't eliminate this soul wave at all."

When the already nervous monk heard Liao Linrong's words, his expression changed, and the atmosphere became depressed.Guan Yun finally stopped chanting: "Then what are you doing here to watch me? Bring up all the talisman papers from the warehouse at the bottom of the mountain." Guan Yun roared angrily, venting his dissatisfaction in his roar.

Qian Chongrui at the side had never seen Guanyun get angry before, and Guanyun had always looked like an eminent monk, this anger, like a Buddhist King Kong, made his heart tremble.

"It's all moved up, but it's not enough!" Liao Linrong still stared at Guan Yun.

"Then you stare at me, what can I do?"

"You are the commander, who the hell am I going to look for if I don't look for you?" Liao Linrong also yelled: "You are the commander, and you have to be responsible for everything. How many monks died in this Tiebi mountain to keep it, you want those Does the death of monks become meaningless? Do you know how many monks will die if there is no talisman paper, the soul wave will completely submerge here?
Too many monks of the human race died! "

Liao Linrong's tone was full of grief, and the bloodshot eyes became more bloodshot.

"We can choose to give up here, anyway, we have defended Iron Wall Mountain and repelled the Yaozu."

"Fart!" Liao Linrong turned his face to Qian Chongrui and sprayed furiously, all the spitting stars sprayed on his face: "Are you an idiot, deputy commander-in-chief?
How did you get along?

Do you know the consequences of our retreat?

This place will be completely submerged by the tide of souls, turning into a haunted ghostly creature, completely isolating us from the monster race.

Not bad!

With this land of ghosts and monsters, the monster race can't get through, but we can't get through either.

What we want is not to share half with the Yaozu, what we want is to completely drive the Yaozu back to where they should be.

Tell me, with this ghostly land, how can we drive away the monster race?

Now is the best time, we have severely damaged the Yaozu, as long as we take advantage of the victory and pursue, it is possible to completely defeat the Yaozu.

You want to withdraw?

Are you giving Yaozu a chance to regroup? "

Qian Chongrui was ashamed by Liao Linrong's spray, and he opened his mouth, but he couldn't refute.

Guan Yun's face was also very ugly. As the commander of Foshan, he naturally knew the importance of Tiebi Mountain, and he also naturally knew how important the timing is now. If this place becomes a place of ghosts and monsters, all the advantages of the human race will be wiped out.

"The solution!" Guan Yun looked directly at Liao Linrong: "Don't shout here, what I need is a solution."

"Rear!" Liao Linrong said in a condensed voice: "There are talisman papers in the rear talisman hall, but it is too far away from here. It will take me a day to bring back all the talisman papers in the storehouse of the talisman hall.

Only you can achieve this speed and stamina! "

Liao Linrong stopped talking and just stared at Guanyun.

"I go!"

Guan Yun was very decisive, stood up, took a step forward, flew up into the air, and flew towards the rear, only to disappear in the blink of an eye.

Thanks a lot to Ji Moxue (1500) and Scorpion Braid (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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