The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 224 The Big Brother's Attention

Chapter 224 The Big Brother's Attention

The rumbling sound in Ye Weiyang's dantian finally stopped, and her dantian was opened up for three days in a row, until the spiritual power in her body was completely exhausted.

At this time, the spiritual power in her dantian became very thin. On the one hand, the spiritual power was consumed when opening up the dantian, and on the other hand, because her dantian was too big, the spiritual power was divided.

Ye Weiyang continued to circulate the spiritual power, the spiritual energy from the surrounding world was absorbed, circulated in the acupuncture points and meridians, and then poured into the dantian, the spiritual power in the dantian gradually became stronger.Ye Weiyang's mood was very comfortable, and her spiritual power obediently obeyed her orders, which made her feel so refreshed.Don't worry about exploding spiritual power, just concentrate on cultivation and absorb spiritual power, is there anything more enjoyable than this?

The cultivators in the pond finally breathed a sigh of relief, the energy continuously sprayed out by the Yin Yang Spring was finally not absorbed by Ye Weiyang domineeringly, and they could practice again.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The bosses came to the pond one by one, and a boss called softly: "Yedi!"

Ye Weiyang opened his eyes, and the boss immediately said: "You don't need to stop practicing, you can continue, just answer us a few words."

Surrounded by so many bosses, Ye Weiyang nodded weakly.The 99 heroes in the pond also pricked up their ears.

"Did you succeed in opening the dantian?" The bosses began to ask.


"Then do you know how big your dantian is?"

Ye Weiyang shook her head, then nodded again: "It's very big."

"You don't know!" The boss shook his head: "From the amount of spiritual energy you absorbed, I can tell that your dantian should be two to three times the size of a normal dantian.

I say this, you may not have an accurate concept yet.In this world, ordinary monks are the most, and they account for more than [-]%.As for excellent monks, they surpass ordinary monks in all aspects.For example, their dantian will be larger than that of ordinary monks.Generally, those whose dantian is increased by [-]% by ordinary monks can be called excellent monks.If it is twice as big as an ordinary monk, it is Tianjiao.The one that is twice as big is the Peerless Tianjiao.And when I broke through through you, the amount of spiritual energy I absorbed, I judged that your dantian was at least twice as large as that of ordinary monks. That is to say, at the level of the alchemy stage, you have surpassed the peerless arrogance, and you are the strongest. "

Speaking of this, all the bigwigs couldn't help but feel regretful.

what a shame!

It seems that Ye Di's spiritual power cultivation aptitude and talent are the same as her talisman aptitude, both belong to the peerless arrogance.But he just practiced Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue.

There is no future!
The faces of the 99 monks in the pond all changed, Ye Di's aptitude is so strong!

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed at this time, the opening of her acupoints was double the effect, and now the opening of her dantian is also double the effect, so to speak, my own efforts have achieved the effect of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue.That is to say, when I opened my dantian, although I used the Taoist Heavenly Scripture because I didn't have the follow-up method of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, I achieved the effect of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue after a short operation.

"We all know that you have practiced Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, but you only practiced to the meridian period, because you have no follow-up skills. You can't control the spiritual power in your body. That's why you came to Yinyang Spring and used Yinyang Spring to assist you You practice to achieve the effect of breakthrough."

Ye Weiyang nodded again.

"But you don't have any follow-up exercises!" The boss frowned: "What kind of exercises did you use?"

"Dao Palace Heavenly Scripture!" Ye Weiyang said softly.

The bosses frowned even tighter: "Even if you are a peerless arrogance, using Daogong Tianjing to open up your dantian can at most double the effect, and your dantian is definitely more than double, how did you do it? "

At this time, Ye Weiyang already had the answer in his heart. There should be two reasons why he was able to achieve this effect. On the one hand, after recasting his foundation, he is a peerless arrogance.On the other hand, it was his own operation.Naturally, the matter of recasting the foundation cannot be said, Ye Weiyang said softly:
"When I was practicing the Heavenly Scripture of the Dao Palace here, after 36 cycles of the sky, there was a tendency to hit the dantian. But I didn't. I wanted to achieve the effect of the Heavenly Cycle and the Star Art, so I continued to cycle..."


Those bigwigs couldn't help being shocked. It's not like no one in history wanted to open up a wider dantian, but the reason why the Daogong Tianjing will show signs of opening up the dantian after 36 weeks of operation is that 36 Zhou Tian has already reached the limit of the Heavenly Scripture of the Taoist Palace. If it continues to run, the monk's meridians and acupoints will not be able to withstand the pressure of the over-compressed spiritual power.

The meridian will be broken!

The hole will explode!

If you don't want to explode, you have to be a peerless genius. What is a peerless genius?
It is the kind whose acupoints are large and the meridians are strong from birth, and there are even those whose meridians are self-opening from birth.Only this kind of peerless arrogance can withstand the pressure of this kind of spiritual power operation.



Yedi should be regarded as the peerless arrogance, right?
So she took it!

At this moment, all the bosses looked at Ye Weiyang with pity, why did this child practice Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue?
There is no future!
At this time, Ye Weiyang continued to talk: "Afterwards, I have been circulating for 72 weeks, and the spiritual power in my meridians is already thick. But I feel that I have not reached my limit, so I continue to circulate..."

The bosses are petrified!

If it wasn't for Ye Weiyang sitting alive in front of them now, they would have scolded Ye Weiyang.

Did you know that the Taoist Heavenly Scripture runs for 72 weeks, which is already the limit of a peerless genius?
Are you still going on?

Are you looking for death?


She is still alive.

But why is she still alive?

Ye Weiyang's voice continued: "Later, I ran for [-] weeks, and the spiritual power in my meridians was like mercury, and I felt that I had reached my critical point, so I hit my dantian."

The bosses were silent, all thinking about why Ye Weiyang was still alive.

Then they get it.

Ye Weiyang's aptitude is a peerless genius, which has allowed her to run the Heavenly Scripture of the Taoist Palace for 72 weeks.But don't forget, she used to practice Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue, so her acupoints and meridians were tempered by Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue.The superposition of aptitude and skills creates the effect that her acupoints and meridians are far stronger and wider than ordinary monks, so she can withstand the pressure of running [-] weeks, which is exactly the same. It was only then that she was created. Although when opening her dantian, she used the Heavenly Scripture of the Taoist Palace, but the success of her cultivation has reached the effect of Zhou Tian Xing Chen Jue.

It really is……

The bosses don't know what to say.

They left silently one by one, but their faces were full of regret and pity. After a while, a big boss said: "That's fine, without the follow-up exercises, Yedi can concentrate on the road of Talisman."

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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