The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 225 Time and Space Disorder

Chapter 225 Time and Space Disorder
In the pond.

Ye Weiyang closed her eyes again, and began to run the Heavenly Scripture of the Taoist Palace, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth around her.Then she discovered that the big dantian also has the disadvantage of big dantian. If someone else practiced it, it would take half a day to fill the dantian with spiritual energy, and then you can start to pulse.

But her dantian is too big, it is estimated that it will take nearly a day and a half.

Of course, this is the first time. When the dantian is full, when you practice again, you don't need to waste time like this.After all, she won't consume all the spiritual power in her dantian every time.

After a day and a half.

Ye Weiyang is ready to start pulse.This is a rare opportunity for her, which only comes once in ten years.

After the dantian is opened, it is the five qi state.The so-called five qi states are the heart channels, liver channels, spleen channels, lung channels and stomach channels in sequence.Each meridian needs to open seven orifices, and then the seven orifices are connected, which means that one qi has been opened. When all five qi meridians are opened, it is the first state of monk cultivation. Refining and transforming qi to achieve perfection is called five qi. .

Ye Weiyang just wanted to take advantage of the effectiveness of the Yin-Yang Spring, open up the Qi channels as much as possible, and improve a little bit.After all, talisman making also requires physical strength.

Ye Weiyang began to concentrate on cultivation, the first direction of cultivation was naturally to open up the seven orifices in the heart vein, and then connect the seven orifices into one vein.

In order to achieve the effect of practicing the Circumstellation and Star Art, she still circulates her spiritual power in her meridians over and over again, and has to circulate for [-] celestial circles, reaching the level of pulp like mercury.She believed that once she reached this level, she might be able to do it in one go, continuously penetrate the seven orifices of the heart, and become a perfect monk with five qi and one meridian.

this day.

The faces of the crowd watching suddenly changed, because they received the news that the Yaozu began to counterattack, and they were so aggressive that they even defeated the human monks in the front line and began to attack this side.

You must know that the front line is not far from here, and the monks of the human race began to gather here from the rear, and the bosses stopped watching, and began to bring reinforcements to block the monster race.At this time, it was only eleven days before the end of Yinyang Spring, and the human race did not let these one hundred heroes leave, let them stay in Yinyang Spring as much as possible, and they believed that the human race could stop the progress of the Yaozu.

It was still nine days before the end of Yinyang Spring, and the monster clan's attacks were so fierce that they almost came out in full force, and even hit the vicinity of Yinyang Spring.The bosses led the human race to the top.Moreover, an order was issued, whether the monks in Yinyang Spring should leave or not is up to them to decide.

Those bosses also knew in their hearts that these monks were all geniuses and had certain fighting abilities.And they are not reckless people, once the Yaozu hit Yinyang Spring, they should still have the ability to protect themselves.

And when that time comes, they too will have to fight.Therefore, there was no death order for them to leave.

There were still six days before the end of the Yinyang Spring, and the army of monster races had reached the edge of the Yinyang Spring. The other monks in the Yinyang Spring all came out of the Yinyang Spring and joined the battle.Only Ye Weiyang remained in the Yinyang Spring, because she was just short of the last acupoint opening all the liver vessels, and became a monk with perfect five qi and two meridians.That acupuncture point has been half opened, and it can be completed if she is given a dozen breaths of time.

"Boom boom boom..."

The area around Yinyang Spring has become a battlefield, and the huge roar can be heard endlessly. It seems that the world has been smashed and the space has become distorted.

There are the roars of the monster race, the screams of the human race, and the roar of battle...

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged in the pond, praying constantly in her heart.

Give me just a little more time, just a little more time, and I'll be off to the fight.

This time point is very dangerous for Ye Weiyang, if you leave at this time, at the key point where half of the acupoints are opened, this acupoint will become useless, and your cultivation will stagnate here for the rest of your life.

Ye Weiyang was very nervous, surrounded by battlefields, although she was sitting cross-legged in the Yin-Yang Spring, only her head was exposed, basically the fighting humans and monster monks couldn't see her, but accidental injuries were inevitable.

She is at a critical point right now, and she can't even move!

"Boom boom boom..."

It's true that none of the monks saw her, but the battle around Yinyang Spring was too fierce.Countless human and demon bosses have participated in this battle.

The sky collapsed, and the space was distorted like a twist.

The space where Yinyangquan was located was also affected, and the space began to distort. Looking at Ye Weiyang with the naked eye, the human form could no longer be seen, and it was distorted beyond recognition.

The violent fluctuation of the space caused Ye Weiyang's body surface to produce a layer of light, that layer of light was extremely thin, but extremely mysterious.

That is the light of time and space.

When Ye Weiyang travels through time and comes to this era, the mysteries of time and space will inevitably stay in Ye Weiyang's body, although there is only a faint trace of it, and this faint trace of time and space has disappeared in more than a year. Quite a few, maybe in another half a year, the mysteries of time and space in Ye Weiyang's body will completely disappear.

But, at this moment, inspired by the distortion of space.

In fact, even if it is stimulated, it can only cause the passage to go faster.If it is not stimulated, this little mystery of time and space may still be retained for half a year, but once it is stimulated, it will soon disappear completely.


Here is Yin Yang Spring!

The Yin-Yang Spring contains the mysteries of yin and yang, and when the space distortion stimulates the time-space mysteries in Ye Weiyang's body, the time-space mysteries also collide with the yin-yang mysteries, creating a stress response.


The energy in the Yin-Yang Spring was instantly drawn out, forming black and white circles on the pond, and forming a Tai Chi diagram with Ye Weiyang as the center.

The space became even more distorted, and the rotation of the Taiji Diagram around Ye Weiyang caused the entire space to rotate at a high speed, even Ye Weiyang, who was practicing, felt that something was wrong.

She opened her eyes and looked out of the pond, and saw a tragic scene of war.


The tragic war scene was suddenly distorted, and the surrounding fighting sounds, roars, screams and roars disappeared.

She saw a piece of tranquility, she saw green mountains and green waters, and the flowers were full and the moon was full.

She saw that she was still sitting in the middle of the pond, with monks sitting cross-legged around her.And those monks were looking out of the pond in surprise, with shock and confusion in their eyes.

It was just a moment, the space was distorted again, and the surroundings became a battlefield again.The sounds of fighting, roaring, screaming and roaring are back.

(End of this chapter)

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