Chapter 226 The Return
The Buddhist disciple of Daxiangguo Temple was sitting cross-legged in the Yinyang Spring at this moment, watching what happened before him in astonishment.

The vision of Foshan appeared in the world. The Datianguo Temple sent a group of Buddhist monks into Foshan. During the period, they experienced countless hardships and dangers. The people he brought were also killed and injured. Finally, 27 days ago, they discovered this place.Accidentally drank a sip of water here, and found that there was a mysterious energy in this pond, which made the spiritual power in his body become magnificent. What shocked him the most was that the subtleties he had been comprehending all along, reached the level at this moment. up.

Just by taking a sip of water, you can control the spiritual power in your body at a micro level.

This made him instantly realize that this pond is a holy place for cultivation.Dang even jumped into this pond and began to practice retreat.He hoped that this pond would not be discovered by others and that he would have it all to himself.

This is simply the greatest opportunity he has obtained after entering the Foshan Vision.


Soon someone discovered this place again, and the news spread quickly. More and more monks came, fighting for the qualification to cultivate in this pond.

The Buddha is very strong, but the Taoists from the Dao Palace have also come, the saints from the Valley of Ten Thousand Gus have come, the saints from the Shamanism have also come, and there are also masters from all walks of life and heroes from all walks of life.In order to compete for a spot here.All of a sudden, blood flowed like a river.

Even if you finally get the qualification to practice in the pond, it is not stable.When a strong man comes, he will challenge the relatively weak monks in the pond.The monk either obediently moved out of the way, or it was a duel.

However, the four people, Buddha, Dao, Holy Maiden and Holy Son, have never been challenged.

Because they are strong!

At this time, Taoist, Buddha, Holy Son and Holy Maiden and other monks all looked out of the pond in shock and bewilderment.Daozi said softly:

"Buddha, did I get dazzled just now? How did I see the battlefield?"

"I also saw..."

Before the Buddha could finish his words, the space began to distort again, and then the battlefield appeared again...

At the same time as this battlefield appeared, no one noticed that there was an extra figure like them, and that figure was staring blankly at everything in front of them, but it was Ye Weiyang.

There was a sound like glass shattering in the space, and the battlefield disappeared again.

There was a blank look in the Buddha's eyes.

Ye Weiyang saw the battlefield again, and the monks of Fozi disappeared from her vision.

"I am..."

Her heart beat violently.

"This is me... I just returned to the time and space where I existed? I..."


At this time, the last acupoint in her liver veins was opened, and the seven orifices connected to the veins, becoming a monk with perfect five qi and two meridians.

"I can move!"

As soon as this idea came up, the space was distorted again. She saw the monks of the Buddha, but in the blink of an eye, she returned to the time and space of this war.


"Why can I travel between two time-spaces? But the cultivator in that time-space in the pond stayed in that era, and I returned to this era?"

Ye Weiyang couldn't figure it out, because she didn't know, it was precisely because of the mystery of time and space left in her body, that this kind of coincidence allowed her to switch back and forth between the two eras.

The frequency of switching is getting faster and faster, one moment is the era of the battlefield, and the other is the era of the Buddha.

Fozi and others were shocked by this switch, and no one noticed Ye Weiyang flickering.Moreover, it took only a dozen breaths of time from the occurrence of this switch to the present.

She didn't know that because of the mystery of time and space in her body, she could only stay in this time and space, and Buddha and the others could only stay in that time and space.


Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat, what if I leave this Yin Yang Spring?
If I switch to that era in time and space and leave Yinyangquan, will I stay in that era?

She faintly felt that the switch of time and space should have something to do with this war, with herself, and with this Yin-Yang Spring.If I leave Yinyangquan, one of the three conditions no longer exists, will the time-space switch disappear?
And is it possible for me to stay in the era I originally came from?


Ye Weiyang stood up and ran towards the pond, but at this time, time and space switched again.Ye Weiyang didn't care, and still ran towards the pond, running between the monks.

Ye Weiyang's movement naturally attracted the attention of those monks, but after the time and space switched, they found Ye Weiyang's figure disappeared.


Then a battlefield appeared around them again, and Ye Weiyang's figure appeared again, but this time the place where it appeared was not at the original place, but closer to the pond.

"This is a time-space switch..." Fozi raised his eyebrows.

Then the bloody battlefield disappeared again, and the surroundings were once again peaceful.There was only a moment of tranquility, then the roar and cries sounded again, and they also saw Ye Weiyang running again, and even bumped into the cultivator in the pond.

"She is... from another time and space..."

The battlefield and Ye Weiyang disappeared at the same time, the peaceful environment, the bewildered people...

The battlefield and Ye Weiyang appeared again, this time Ye Weiyang had already run to the edge of the pond, everyone's eyes were on Ye Weiyang, and then Ye Weiyang and the battlefield disappeared.

By the pond in the battlefield, Ye Weiyang has already made preparations, waiting for time and space to switch again.


Ye Weiyang jumped out of the pond at this moment, and then let go of her feet and ran, allowing the power of the five qi and two veins to reach the extreme. His speed suddenly doubled, and blurred afterimages were drawn in the air, and he ran away without a trace in less than a breath.



The battlefield disappeared, and the Buddhist monks in the pond, Daozi and other monks looked at a loss.

Did the hot woman run away, or did she return to that time and space?

It's just that no one chased after her. Since it's not sure whether that woman has returned to that time and space, then why chase after her?
How about continuing to watch here, this is also an opportunity for us.

Not bad!

This is a chance for them. Although the time-space switch is an instant every time, they have seen the battle of those big bosses.Every type of magical power is heart-shattering, even if it only captures a trace of charm, it will definitely benefit a lot.It's like having a boss teaching in person.

Ye Weiyang was still running, looking around while running.

The battlefield is gone...

Surrounded by...

She saw the grass taller than her, and couldn't help but see joy in her eyes.

This should be my return, right?
Are you back?

At this moment, she thought of Hu Yanfeng, Lan Sichu and others, but she could only sigh, it happened so suddenly, I hope they have a good life there.


She suddenly remembered her so many contribution points...

Ye Weiyang was about to cry.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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