Chapter 231
An invisible thread floated out of his body, it was a thread of the woman's soul, entangled in his body, and brought out.


The picture scroll can no longer seal the memory of Xiang Ding, the soul is weakened to the extreme, and the memory is relatively stronger, and the seal of the picture scroll was originally sealed by Xiang Ding's own soul, the soul weakens, and the seal becomes weaker, but The deepest, most frightening, and saddest things in memory came out of the cocoon.

Xiang Ding didn't remember too many things, but only remembered the most profound things in his memory.

That is Ye Weiyang...

Ever since he knew that Ye Weiyang would not survive, fear and sadness began in his heart, and as Ye Weiyang grew up year by year, this fear and sadness accumulated year by year, deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul, but in This moment exploded.

His heart was filled with grief at this moment, he stood up abruptly, pulled out the big gun stuck beside him, and stabbed forward.


A river of sorrow!

Following his stabbing, it was like pulling a river. The river roared like weeping, setting off huge waves, and the end of the huge waves turned into a sad and crying face.

in call sign...

Xiang Ding was suddenly stunned when the spear was thrust out, and more memories flooded in...


A shrill scream came from behind Xiang Ding, Xiang Ding looked back suddenly, and saw the peach tree behind him flickering, when it was hidden, it was vaguely a charming woman, when it appeared, it appeared again It is the peach tree.

After several times of looming, the peach tree disappeared and turned into a woman holding her head and screaming in pain, and from the woman's body, like a stream, strands of soul flowed out and poured into Xiang Ding's body.

As the soul returned to Xiang Ding's body, Xiang Ding's soul became more and more complete, and his memory became more and more complete.


The painted world is shattered!

There was a trace of confusion in Xiang Ding's eyes. He found himself standing in a hut, looking up at a painting on the wall.


The memories in the paintings flashed, and then I remembered the scene when I walked into the hut.

"I...was caught in the painting before?"

"And... I'm out again now?"

His eyes looked at the painting on the wall again, and the painting was still...


Something is wrong!
Xiang Ding looked at the painting carefully, but his memory was a bit fuzzy, as if it had been decades or even a hundred years since he last saw this painting, but in the end the memory gradually became clearer.

I remember……

There is a man outside the door of this painting, the door is half open, and there is a woman inside...


Now the mountains are there, the houses are there, and the peach blossoms are still there, but there are no people.

There was no one inside or outside the door.

and also……

His gaze moved to the other side of the scroll.

I remember there was a poem here, why is it gone now?
Instead, it turned into a blank?
What is that poem about?

Xiang Ding stretched out his thumb and rubbed his temples, thinking in his eyes, and whispered softly at the same time:
"Last year and today, in this gate, people's faces are complemented by peach blossoms..."

Suddenly, an enchanting voice came from behind him: "I don't know where the human face is, but Peach Blossom is still smiling at the spring breeze!"

The hairs all over Xiang Ding's body stood up in horror, and he felt a coolness spread rapidly from the tailbone along the big vertebrae upwards, and spread to the top of the head in an instant, his scalp was numb, he turned his head suddenly, and saw a man in red A seductive and charming woman in a red dress stood behind him, looking at her with a half-smile.

"You..." Xiang Ding's scalp exploded, and his memory flooded: "You are...a girl..."

When he remembered, his face instantly became angry. He not only remembered who this woman was, but also remembered his last scene, the scene where the soul ejected from the woman's body like a fountain returned to his body.

There is no doubt that these souls of myself were taken away by this woman, and I almost died in the hands of this woman.


He looked around.

Why did this woman come out? Am I returning to the real world outside the painting, or am I still in the illusion in the painting?


The hatred in his heart was boiling, no one would stand in front of a person who almost killed him, and still be calm.

do not care!
Regardless of whether it is real or an illusion, you must die!

I, Xiang Ding, can die, but I have never been teased like this before!


With a flick of his big gun, he stabbed towards the woman opposite.

The woman backed away, a pair of red sleeves fluttering like two long red water chestnuts, swinging Xiang Ding's big spear.


The thatched hut fell apart in an instant, and the two fought fiercely together.

Xiang Ding's big gun opened and closed, extremely fierce.

Stab, point, tease, chop, pump...

People are like tigers, guns are like dragons!
But the woman's pair of red sleeves were so soft that Xiang Ding couldn't gain an advantage.It's like a tiger being entangled in a net, but it can't exert its strength, but it gets more and more tightly entangled...

Xiang Ding felt grief and indignation in his heart, scenes of the past flashed in his heart, the more scenes flashed, the more grief and indignation in his heart.


His big gun screamed, and instinctively stabbed a shot.

When the spear was pierced, it felt as if the sky and the earth were instantly gloomy, the wind that blew past seemed to be whimpering, and the big gun seemed to be hanging on a raging river.

A river of sorrow!

There was a huge wave, and one end of the wave turned into a human face, sending out sorrowful pain, and rushed towards the enchanting woman on the opposite side.

Before the gun arrived, a sad atmosphere enveloped the woman, and the sadness directly hit her heart.


The woman's red sleeves fluttered like red waves and endless flames, bursting out with endless power, Xiang Ding was blasted out, the big gun flew out of her hand, whirled in the air, and with a clang sound, it was inserted into the air. When it hit the ground, the barrel of the gun was shaking violently, making a beeping sound.


Xiang Ding's back hit the trunk of a big tree, blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the opposite side with red eyes.

The enchanting woman stood quietly among the greenery, her red dress was like fire, but two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

Her mood was still affected...

"Ta Tata..."

The woman walked towards Xiang Ding, stood pretty in front of Xiang Ding, and stretched out her hand to Xiang Ding: "Let's talk!"

The angry look in Xiang Ding's eyes gradually disappeared, and he became indifferent, ignoring the other party's outstretched hand, but started fighting by himself, a trace of remaining sadness flashed in his eyes, it was the aftertaste of a river of sadness.But it was this lingering rhyme that calmed him down.

Seeing that Xiang Ding had calmed down, the woman withdrew her hand, put her hands together in front of her, squatted down slightly, and bowed softly:
"Let's get to know each other formally, Yin Rao."

Xiang Ding bowed his hand and returned the gift: "Xiang Ding!"

(End of this chapter)

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