The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 233 Request

Chapter 233 Request
"I really do not know!"

Xiang Ding thought to himself, but he was also shocked by the power of the monster clan.They can walk without the body, but the soul leaves the body, gathers the green wood energy between the heaven and the earth, and condenses the body.It's just that if this is the case, the strength should not be as good as merging with the main body, but this is too powerful.

Because they cannot be killed, as long as their bodies are not found, they can be resurrected.

"The person in the painting should know the secrets of our Aoki clan like you, so after he broke up my condensed body, he sealed me in this painting.

He seems to be very interested in the secrets of our Aoki clan, so he built a hut here, and then hung paintings on the walls, observing my soul state every day.

Later, for unknown reasons, he left suddenly, without even having time to put away the scroll.

I am in the picture scroll, and I am also studying this picture scroll every day, and I am heading towards the broken painting.

However, I found that the person in the painting was really amazing, and I couldn't think of a way to break the painting.Tried everything imaginable, but to no avail.And I discovered a thing that frightened me, that is, this painting actually cut off the induction between me and the main body.It also isolates the world outside the picture.

In this situation, I can't continue to practice at all, and what's more serious is that as the years go by, my soul is slowly weakening. Although the weakening is extremely slow, one day I will die. "

Xiang Ding frowned and said, "Didn't you say that you will not die? As long as your body is not destroyed, you will be reborn?"

Yin Rao said lightly: "The premise of my rebirth is that my soul returns to my body. And I was sealed in the picture scroll. Even if my soul was so weak that it was scattered, it would still be scattered in this picture scroll and I couldn't get out. How can I return to my body? ?
How is this different from death? "

Xiang Ding nodded, this is indeed no different from death, and Xiang Ding also thought that if Yin Rao lost the connection with the main body, would the big tree of the main body lose the qualification to continue practicing?
Will it gradually decline?
In the end, the main body rotted and died. At that time, did Yin Rao really die?


That body gave birth to a new soul?
Occupying the body of the big tree, even if Yin Rao breaks out of the painting and returns to Taoyuan, there is nowhere to go?
"I can't just watch this kind of thing continue, and finally I thought of a way, which is to suck the monks outside the picture, regardless of whether they are human race or monster race, into the picture scroll, and then devour their souls to strengthen myself. So Not only will I not get weak, but I will also become stronger. Maybe after I become stronger, I will be able to break through the painting.

However, how easy is it to attract monks outside the picture?

This is not my painting?
I have been experimenting for a long time, and finally I have some understanding of this painting, and I can use a little power of this painting.Finally, a poem appeared on the scroll with a trace of my soul. As long as a monk recites this poem, it will be sucked in and the memory of that monk will be sealed.

At that time, I was very excited.As long as the monk is sucked in, with the power I use for this painting, although I can only use a little bit, it can seal the memory of that monk. If the monk is not strong enough, I will directly devour his soul.If that monk is stronger than me, so strong that even with the power of the painting scroll, I can't swallow his soul all at once, I will let him fall in love with me, and then draw his soul one by one in the cycle of reincarnation, In the end, his soul was taken out.


Speaking of this, Yin Rao's expression became depressed: "I waited and waited, but no one recited that poem all the time."

Xiang Ding was also taken aback, and then couldn't help laughing.

This Yin Rao is really unlucky. It is estimated that no monk has discovered this place.Then he was taken aback again.

How do you say this?

It has been thousands of years. There were both the real battle of Foshan and the coming of the vision of Foshan. A large number of monks poured into Foshan, but no one found it. They just let themselves see it and almost died here.

Thinking this way, I am unlucky enough!
Xiang Ding's face turned dark!

Seeing Xiang Ding with a black face, Yin Rao also thought of the reason, and couldn't help laughing out loud, which made Xiang Ding's face darker.Yin Rao laughed for a while, and continued:

"Without anyone coming, my soul becomes weaker and weaker."

Speaking of this, she took a look at Xiang Ding: "If I was sealed in the picture scroll at the beginning, with your cultivation level, you wouldn't need those methods at all, and I would suck your soul all at once. But, you When I came in, I was already very weak, and I could no longer devour your soul all at once. I could only reincarnate again and again, letting a wisp of my soul enter your soul first, and then bring a wisp of your soul back to the In my soul."

Xiang Ding's face became ugly and he said: "You are so weak that I can't beat you? Are you lying to me that you are not that weak at all?"

"No!" Yin Rao said frankly: "Didn't this come out of the scroll? I can perceive my body, so I recovered a little. And even if I didn't recover, I was still weak, although I couldn't recover all at once. Devoured you, but if you fight, you can't beat me."

Xiang Ding's face became even more ugly: "You are so honest with me, why do I think it's not a good thing?"

"Although it's not a good thing, it's not a bad thing either." Yin Rao said frankly, "I want to get back my strand of soul."

"What ray of soul?"

"I have been using a ray of soul to entangle your soul, so that ray of soul is still too deeply entangled with your soul in every reincarnation. When you break the painting, when your soul is withdrawn, it also brings I took away my strand of soul. I lost a strand of soul. Although it is not harmful to my life, it will affect my future practice, so I must take back that strand of soul. It’s just that I need your help. And this It's a long process, so I need you to go to Taoyuan with me, and when I get my soul back, I will let you go."

Xiang Ding's eyes were full of sarcasm: "Needless to say it so nicely, you want to swallow my soul all at once after you recover stronger, and you will naturally get back your soul, don't you?" ?”

"Of course not!" Yin Rao shook his head helplessly and said, "I have already explained the situation in the painting to you, I have to come up with this method of devouring the souls of other monks, otherwise I will keep weakening and eventually die.

But our Qingmu clan is a pure race, and we pay special attention to the purity of the soul in cultivation.In fact, absorbing the souls of other monks will make my soul impure, which will have a great impact on my future cultivation.The world in the painting is for survival, there is no other way.But now that I have come out, I naturally don't want my soul to become impure.

You have to believe me, I really just want to get back my sliver of soul.I'm not interested in your soul. "

Thank you Ji Moxue (1500) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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