The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 234 Peach Blossoms Fly

Chapter 234 Peach Blossoms Fly

Xiang Ding didn't know anything about the Qingmu clan, so he didn't believe Yin Rao's words at all.But if you can't beat the opponent, so what if you don't believe it?
Looking at Yin Rao, he said, "How do you want to take away that wisp of soul?"

"This requires your help." Yin Rao's eyes lit up: "I need you to strip out the strand of my soul, and you now know that my strand of soul is too entangled with yours, and I can't help it." .Only you, in your body, I have only a trace of my soul, which is not as powerful as yours, so you can strip out the trace of my soul and give it to me."

Xiang Ding was silent for a moment, wanting to sense his own soul, but then he shook his head and said:
"I don't and can't perceive my own soul."

"I'll help you, and I can teach you the secret method. It's just a long process. You and I will go back to Taoyuan first, and we will leave now."

"I can't go!" Xiang Ding shook his head and said, "Now it's the vision of Foshan..."

After Xiang Ding finished speaking, Yin Rao was stunned for a while before saying, "You mean we have to wait for the vision of Foshan to disappear before we can go out?"

"Well!" Xiang Ding nodded and said: "First of all, we have to live until that time. The vision of Foshan is full of dangers, and I don't know when I will die. Secondly, I don't know when the vision of Foshan will disappear. , Maybe it will disappear tomorrow, maybe it will disappear after a thousand years.”

Yin Rao was in a daze for a while, and then sighed: "Forget it, we'll hide here, and then I will teach you the secret method of soul cultivation, you strip the soul and give it to me..."

As soon as the words fell, Foshan was vibrated, and the huge mountain peaks, huge vegetation, etc. began to fade, and Xiang Ding suddenly raised his head and looked around:

"The vision of Foshan is about to disappear!"

"Great!" Yin Rao's face was full of excitement: "This way we can go to Taoyuan."

Xiang Ding looked at Yin Rao seriously and said, "Can you go to our human race's place...Forget it, let's go to a place where there are no people, and we will separate after I strip out your soul."

Yin Rao was surprised and said: "Why do you want to go to a place without people? Why don't we go to Taoyuan? Don't worry, I will treat you well. Treat you as my most honored guest."

"I'm afraid that you will treat me well!"

"What do you mean?"

"You don't understand what I mean?" Xiang Ding also went all out: "I went to Taoyuan, and when I peeled off that wisp of soul, would you let me go? Once you let me go, wouldn't you have exposed the truth of your body?" Location? You will let people know the location of your body? Doesn't that mean danger to you?

You don't have to lie to me, you will kill me when I peel off your strand of soul.Don't kill me now, because even if you kill me, your strand of soul will be entangled with mine, and you can't separate that strand of soul purely, so only I will take the initiative to strip it , to be able to succeed.

Why don't you talk anymore?

Did I tell the truth, and I don't know how to make a lie? "

Yin Rao frowned, then looked at Xiang Ding with a complicated expression and said, "If you don't tell me, I really haven't thought of this question."

Xiang Ding's expression froze, and then he said indifferently: "Even if you don't think about it now, when you return to Taoyuan, it will be a long time, and you can't think about it. So, you don't have to think about it anymore, even if I die, I won't separate it for you." That ray of soul."

"You... why bother?"

"Why bother? Haha..." Xiang Ding laughed loudly and said, "You all end up dead, so why should I make it easier for you?"


The sky and the earth shook, and the vision receded quickly. The huge mountain peaks, huge vegetation, etc. faded away at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the original Foshan landform.

"follow me!"

Yin Rao said lightly, and then saw Yin Rao turned into a peach blossom, sucked Xiang Ding into the peach blossom, the petals closed, turned into a flower bone, and went away through the air.

Ye Weiyang watched the real Foshan appear with joy on her face, and then she saw a peach blossom disappearing in a flash.


"what is that?"

"Peach blossom?"

"Can you fly?"

Although the peach blossom flew very fast, it was the time when the vision of Foshan disappeared. Many people were looking up at the sky, seeing the huge mountain, and the huge vegetation faded and disappeared, so many people saw it. That peach blossom.But the peach blossom was fleeting, but a few of them thought they were strong enough to chase after it, and most of the rest rushed to the place where the peach blossom took off. What if there is a chance?
Ye Weiyang also rushed over, she wasn't thinking about some chance, what she was thinking about was, would Xiang Ding rush over?
In this way, we can see the third brother!

As she ran towards that side, she kept praying: "Third brother, you must be safe!"

Ye Weiyang is not far from the place where Peach Blossom took off, but when he arrived, he saw a few people there, searching around, Ye Weiyang slowed down, walking towards that side while looking around.

There seems to be traces of a fight here.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A few more people came in one after another, but at this time Ye Weiyang couldn't care about them anymore, her eyes were fixed on a monk, it was a young monk, holding a big gun in his hand, the big gun She is too familiar with it, it is the rune gun that she made for the third brother.

She stomped and ran towards the young man, the young man looked at Ye Weiyang warily, and at the same time, the others also looked over curiously.

Ye Weiyang stood opposite the young man, his eyes started to turn red, he pointed at the big gun and said:
"Brother, where did you get this gun?"

Seeing Ye Weiyang's expression, not to mention that young man, everyone around could also understand.The owner of this gun should be a relative or friend of the little girl.

However, now that only guns exist, one can imagine what happened to the owner of the gun!
"I picked it up just now, and I picked it up here."

The young man pointed to a place not far away, Ye Weiyang looked over and found that there was still a hole in the ground there, and turned back to look at the young man:
"Didn't you see anyone?"

"No!" The young man shook his head and said, "I'm the closest here, and I'm the first one here. There's only this big gun here."

Ye Weiyang's tears flowed down, for the third brother, the gun was there and the person was there, but now the gun is there and the person is gone.

What else could it be?
Third brother... is dead...

What about the corpse?
What about the corpse?
Ye Weiyang started to run around frantically, looking for Xiang Ding's body, everyone around shook their heads and sighed, but they didn't feel much sadness in their hearts. Many people died from the Foshan Vision, and not one more died. strangeness.

The young man left, and left with that big gun.

This is what he picked up, and whoever finds it belongs to him!
He also has no psychological burden.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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