Chapter 235 The Return
Li Qiaoran walked out of Foshan lonely, looked back at Foshan that had recovered to its original state, and sighed.

During this trip to Foshan, Li Qiaoran was physically and mentally exhausted.

Hu Qike is dead, Liu Dazhuang is dead, and the whereabouts of Xiong Ba and Yang Xingguang are unknown.Just leave yourself alone.


Didn't come across any chance!
The only lucky thing is that I am still alive...


As soon as her eyes moved, she couldn't help reaching out and pressing her chest. There was a jade plaque hanging next to her body, a jade plaque from southern Xinjiang.It's just that at this time she got a vague call from the jade tablet, and the direction of the call...

She looked up in that direction.

Southern Xinjiang!

In her mind, she recalled the criss-crossing of time and space that she had experienced in the vision of Foshan. There was a woman who seemed to be pointing at the jade tablet hanging on her chest in the criss-crossing of time and space.

Li Qiaoran's eyes gradually brightened.

Go to southern Xinjiang!
Maybe this is the opportunity I got, this jade card will guide me.


She let out a long breath, and began to stand at the foot of the mountain, staring at the people who came out one by one, looking for the figures of Yang Xingguang and Xiong Ba.

On the other side of Foshan, in the direction leading to the Buddha Kingdom, two people, one tall and one short, came out. The tall man's body was close to three meters, like an arhat, but it was Xiong Ba, and the person walking beside him The monk of the Great Heavenly Kingdom Temple refrained from anger.

"Master, I'll send you here!" Xiong Ba bowed deeply to Jie An: "Thank you, Master, for your guidance."

Jie Chen smiled and said, "Where are you going?"

"Go home!"

"Where is your home?"


"No!" Jie Yan smiled warmly: "Your home is in the Buddha Kingdom, in the Great Heavenly Kingdom Temple."

"No, my home is in Dahua, where I have relatives!" Xiong Ba shook his head.

"No, you have a predestined relationship with the Buddha. You are the natural seed of the Buddha family. You are the reincarnation of the Arhat."

Xiong Ba scratched his head, then shook his head twice: "No matter what you say, my home is in Dahua. Master, I have to go."

After saying that, Xiong Ba turned around and strode away.


The sleeves were on Xiong Ba's shoulders all the time, Xiong Ba wanted to move, but was held down by the light sleeves, turned his head to look at Jie Chen and said angrily:

"Monk, what are you doing?"

"follow me!"

"Don't go!"

"It's up to you, you will fall in love with Datianguo Temple."

Jie Chen turned around and flew away with big strides, the sleeves seemed to be stuck to Xiong Ba's shoulders, dragging Xiong Ba to follow closely, no matter how much Xiong Ba struggled, he couldn't break free. Soon it turns into a black spot and disappears.

At the foot of Foshan.

Li Qiaoran's eyes moved, she saw two monks from Luojiazhuang, and those two monks from Luojiazhuang also saw Li Qiaoran and walked towards her.Li Qiaoran turned around and left, squeezed into the crowd, shuttled quickly, and looked back at Foshan, his eyes turned red and tears dripped down his face.

"Big Bear, Starlight..."

Suddenly turned back and shuttled away.Leave in the direction of southern Xinjiang.

The two Luojiazhuang people just searched instinctively, and then remembered that their owner was dead, so they were also disheartened and left in dismay.

At this time, outside of Foshan, there were many people who came to see the excitement. Seeing that the vision of Foshan disappeared, many people entered Foshan to see if they could get something cheap, so the foot of the mountain was very chaotic.

Ye Weiyang walked along the mountain road towards the foot of the mountain, raised her arm to wipe away her tears, and sobbed a bit.She searched for a long time in Foshan, but she couldn't find the third brother.

"Third brother, woo woo woo..."

Ye Weiyang wiped away her tears again, and walked down the mountain sadly: "Third brother, why do you want me to explain to Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li? Woooooo...

How to explain to elder brother, second sister, and fourth brother... woo woo woo..."

"Wei Young!" Suddenly came a surprised voice: "Why are you here?"

Ye Weiyang suddenly turned his head to look, and saw a person coming out of the fork on the left, he was overjoyed:
"Brother Qin, where's my third brother?"

The surprise on Qin Yi's face instantly became sad: "I don't know, we got separated. Why did you come here?"

"I was worried about you, so I came to Foshan to look for you. Then... woo woo woo..."

"Don't cry!" Qin Yi walked over in two steps: "What happened?"

"I, I... woo woo... I found the big gun of the third brother, but the third brother... woo woo... The third brother is gone."

Qin Yi's expression froze, the gun was found, but the man disappeared...

What else could it be?

Taking a deep breath, seeing Ye Weiyang's grief, both eyes were red and swollen like peach pits from crying, her lips moved and said:

"Wei Young, maybe Xiang Ding just lost his gun..."

Qin Yi couldn't continue, he didn't even believe it himself, but Ye Weiyang believed it, or hoped so in his heart, nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes, yes, let's hurry down the mountain and look for the third brother at the foot of the mountain."

"it is good!"

What else could Qin Yi say, the two walked quickly towards the foot of the mountain, and finally walked out of Foshan, Ye Weiyang said to Qin Yi:
"Brother Qin, you stay here and see if the third brother has come out of the mountain. I'll go around and find out."

"Okay!" Qin Yi nodded, and when Ye Weiyang left, helplessness and sadness appeared in his eyes.

"Xiang Ding, Xiang Ding!"

Ye Weiyang searched, and called at the same time, from one side to the other, gradually, the voice of calling has taken on a crying tone.


A familiar voice came from the opposite side, Ye Weiyang stopped to look, his face changed, extreme uneasiness appeared in his heart, and even his voice became stuttering:

"Brother Yang... you you you... why are you here?"

Yang Xingguang's face was full of sadness: "Our Starlight team is here..."

"Where is my second sister?" Ye Weiyang rushed over suddenly, grabbed Yang Xingguang's sleeve, her face was full of tension.

"Captain, she..." Yang Xingguang opened his mouth, finally shook his head and said, "I don't know, we got separated."

"Then... my fourth brother..."

"It's also lost!"

"other people……"

"Dead!" Yang Xingguang burst into tears: "I saw Hu Qike and Liu Dazhuang die with my own eyes. After I came out of Foshan, I kept looking for Dazhuang and the captain, but I couldn't find them."

"Second sister..." Ye Weiyang burst into tears, then squatted down: "Fourth brother... woo woo woo..."

The junction of the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions and the Great Hua of the East.

There was an endless stream of people and horses.

Some people go to the Buddhist country, some of these people go to the Buddhist country for training, or for business, or to visit Foshan, with different purposes and the same direction.

Some people went to Dahua from the Buddha Kingdom, and some of this group of people were monks who came out of Foshan, and some were people who returned to Dahua after watching the excitement in Foshan.

There were three horses walking on the official road, and Ye Weiyang, Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang were sitting on them.

Thank you very much Meng Chi (100) for your tip!

(End of this chapter)

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