The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 238 Qin Yang

Chapter 238 Qin Yang
"Yes!" Qin Yi's face was full of dust: "Finally home, Weiyang, Xingguang, you will live in my house."

"Okay!" Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang both nodded.

After entering the city gate, follow the main street all the way forward.The three chatted and laughed, Ye Weiyang's mood also recovered a lot, there are some things that have to be faced.

What's more, his relatives may not necessarily be dead.

"Ta Tata..."

Suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes on the opposite side, and the pedestrians in front rushed away to the sides in a panic. Qin Yi frowned, and leaned aside with a rein, then raised his head and looked forward, frowning even tighter.At this time, a group of more than a dozen people had already rushed over on horseback. The young man at the head saw Qin Yi at a glance, restrained the steed under his crotch, stared at Qin Yi, and suddenly smiled and said:

"Isn't this the third brother?"

"Brother!" Qin Yi bowed his hands to the young man immediately.

The young man nodded, his eyes quickly passed Yang Xingguang, and fell on Ye Weiyang.

Today's Ye Weiyang is not the little one she used to be, she is already 1.7 meters tall, and has a slender figure and a beautiful appearance.And because of his illness for more than ten years, the only thing he can do is to read books, so he has a unique book temperament.Let the young man's eyes shine:
"Third brother, who is this?"

Ye Weiyang has never been a person with low IQ, she just saw the expressions between Qin Yi and that young man, she knew that the two of them would not get along.

And he could see that Qin Yi's big brother was looking at him, making him sick, and he had a strong desire.It just so happens that Ye Weiyang is in a very bad mood right now, she is just relying on her usual calmness to suppress the irritability in her heart.At this time, the young man was prying open the rage in her heart.

What's more, she doesn't have many friends, and she cherishes Qin Yi very much.So, he said with a cold face:

"Who am I, does it have anything to do with you?"

Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang were taken aback, and Yang Xingguang was even a little dumbfounded.He didn't expect Ye Weiyang, who has always been calm and gentle, to have such a violent side.

This is Qin Yi's eldest brother. Qin Yi is the third son of Emperor Dahua, so this person is the prince of Dahua.Is it really okay for you to tell the prince of Dahua like this?

The prince's expression froze, he had never met such a disrespectful person.


At least he didn't meet such peers who didn't give him face, but he didn't know the details of Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang was so tough, he couldn't help being cautious, his face sank, and he said:

"Have we met?"

Ye Weiyang's white hair fluttered gently in the breeze, her eyes fell on Qin Yang's face, and said lightly:

"I haven't seen it, but I'm disgusted with you."

Qin Yang's face froze, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes: "Do you know the consequences of talking to me like this? Even Qin Yi dare not talk to me like that.

Are you Qin Yi's recruit?
Now that you have switched to my sect, I can forgive you. "

Looking at Ye Weiyang's beautiful face under her snow-like white hair, Qin Yang felt his heart beat faster by two points.It's not that he hasn't seen beautiful women before, but he has never seen someone with white hair, such a pure and beautiful face, and a bookish temperament on his body.

At this moment, he was really moved, not a playful one, but a kind of love that he had forgotten for a long time, so he was willing to tolerate Ye Weiyang's rudeness just now.

Especially this kind of aggressive sassy, ​​but wrapped in a layer of bookishness, which made him want to stop.

"Forgive me? Are you worthy?"

Ye Weiyang thought of her elder brother in her mind, did her elder brother meet those Second World Lords in the Daoist sect, was bullied and humiliated, and then he rose up and left the Daoist sect?

These second princes are really hateful!
Presumably the Daozi of that Daomen is not a good thing, maybe Daozi bullied and humiliated the eldest brother, if it wasn't for the Daozi, how could there be such a big influence, so that the Daomen wanted to arrest the elder brother?Thinking of this, I couldn't help but vent my anger:
"The world is as black as crows, the Taoist Palace has a Daozi, Dahua has a prince, bah!"

Logically speaking, for this sake, and Ye Weiyang even poohed Qin Yang face to face, this formed a death feud.


What did she just say?

She said that the world is as black as crows, that there are Taoists in the Taoist palace, and there are princes in Dahua?

She met Daozi?
And looking at her appearance, I'm afraid she didn't have any face at that time, but she lived a good life...

Qin Yang's heart started beating violently, this time it was not for love, but because of fear and jealousy...

The gloom on his face has dissipated, replaced by a very complex look, with fear, envy, jealousy, love, and ambition...

Taking a deep breath, he turned to Qin Yi and said, "I never thought that you, an elm lump, would have such a good life. But no matter how good your life is, you are still an elm lump."

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Brother, if you are strong, you will be weak, and if you are weak, you will be strong!"

Seeing that Qin Yang's face was flushed, Qin Yi shook his head and said, "Brother, you are busy with your work, and I am busy with mine. Everyone has different goals, so why bother to argue?"

Qin Yang narrowed his eyes, and then smiled brightly: "The third brother is right, we should get closer to each other in the future."

"Let's say goodbye!" Qin Yi shook his head and said, "Differences are different, don't conspire with each other!"

Qin Yang frowned and remained silent.

Qin Yi cupped his hands towards Qin Yang, and then said to Ye Weiyang: "Weiyang, let's go!"

The three of them urged the steeds under their crotches and walked along the street.

"Prince!" Someone beside him called softly, and only after Qin Yi looked over did he say: "Do you want to..."

Qin Yi waved his hand to stop the man and said, "Don't act rashly, investigate the details of that woman for me."


Qin Yi was still a little worried and said: "We need to investigate secretly, and don't disturb that woman."

"I understand, don't worry, His Royal Highness."

"Da da da……"

The three of them drove slowly down the street, but no one spoke.All the way to Jin Wangfu, the people in the palace welcomed Qin Yi excitedly, and introduced Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang to Jin Wangfei, Jin Wangfei went to Zhang Luo to welcome the wind banquet in person.After the banquet, four people sat around and drank tea in the small building arranged for Ye Weiyang.

The cold moonlight came in from the open door, Princess Jin and Ye Weiyang sat together, talking to Ye Weiyang from time to time, Qin Yi was a little silent.After a while, looking at Ye Weiyang, he said:

"Weiyang, you shouldn't treat big brother like that. You're new here, it's not good for you. Although I am the king of Jin, he is the prince. I am not as good as him in terms of strength and power. Once he moves his mind on you, maybe I don't even know, something happened to you."

Princess Jin suddenly looked at Qin Yi, then turned her head to look at Ye Weiyang, and finally looked at Qin Yi again, her eyes were full of worry.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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