The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 239 My World Is Small

Chapter 239 My World Is Small
"My world is small!" Ye Weiyang said lightly.

"What?" Qin Yi looked at Ye Weiyang puzzledly, and Princess Jin and Yang Xingguang's eyes also fell on Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang said calmly: "I mean my world is very small."

"What's the meaning?"

Ye Weiyang stood up, walked to the steps outside the door, looked up at the crescent moon in the night sky, her voice was like a dream in the night sky:

"In my world, there are only Uncle Li, Uncle Zhang, Big Brother, Second Sister, Third Brother, Fourth Brother, and then Brother Yang and you, and Anton, and maybe Liang Yuan."

She sighed in her heart, and Fang Ziyi...

"This is my world, do you understand?"

There was silence in the room, Princess Jin still didn't understand, but Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang's expression suddenly became gloomy.

Because of her health, Ye Weiyang hardly ever goes out. For 16 years, she almost stayed in the old soldier's pawn shop. There are really only a few people in her world.

In other words, there are only a few people she cares about.

But now...

Uncle Li and Uncle Zhang are missing, and Zhang Jiuling is on the run, being hunted down all the time.

Li Qiaoran, Xiang Ding and Xiong Ba...

Mostly dead!
Ye Weiyang's world suddenly became lonely and gloomy.

But in this small world of hers, Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang are accepted now, which makes the two of them feel heartache while being moved, especially for Ye Weiyang.

"Wei Young..." Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang spoke almost at the same time, and stopped at the same time, feeling that their throats were congested.

Ye Weiyang turned around, with a quiet smile on her face.

"Don't worry about me, I will take care of my affairs. But I have to ask Brother Qin to help me find out the news."

"En!" Qin Yi nodded vigorously: "I will."

"Thank you!"

A smile appeared on Qin Yi's face: "There is no need to talk about these things between us. By the way, I have already heard about Dai Donglin."

"Oh? What is Mr. Dai's current position?"

"He's grown up now, and was appointed as the chief assistant by the emperor. Wei Young, do you want to meet him?"

Ye Weiyang thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Alright!"

Looking up at Qin Yi, he said, "You and your elder brother?"

Qin Yi obviously didn't want to talk more about this time, so he just said briefly: "His goal is the throne, and I have a few brothers who want to fight for it. So he doubts all the brothers. In fact, I don't have this intention, you know , I am only interested in the Tao and the Talisman. By the way..."

Qin Yi changed the subject and said, "You should be more than a fifth-grade talisman master now, right?"


"Then you have to go to the assessment as soon as possible. The higher the grade, the higher the status, and the greater the benefits. Even if you ask for information, it will be easy."

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up, she nodded and said: "Tomorrow, I will pay a visit to Mr. Dai, and then see if I can join the talisman hall of the imperial capital."

"You don't need to go to Mr. Dai for this. By the way, he is Dai Shoufu now. I can arrange it for you. What department do you want to go to? Or the restoration department?"

"It's better to restore the department! But, I have to visit it."

The next evening.

Ye Weiyang, Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang rode towards Dai Donglin's mansion with simple gifts.Five monks on horseback came from the opposite side of them, one of the monks' eyes lit up, and he rode his horse towards Ye Weiyang.Excitedly exclaimed:

"Night Talisman!"

Ye Weiyang followed the voice and saw a familiar person approaching him. Seeing Ye Weiyang's uncertain gaze, that person said with embarrassment:

"Master Yefu, it's me! You still remember that when I was in Daming Mansion, I asked you to repair the weapon. By the way, it is this sword."


The monk drew out his sword and showed it to Ye Weiyang.But Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang urged their horses forward, covered Ye Weiyang, and looked at the monk vigilantly.

Seeing that sword, Ye Weiyang remembered it all at once, with a smile on his face and said:
"It's you! This sword has been repaired!"

"Yes!" The cultivator put away his sword and said, "I'm ashamed, I didn't believe you back then in Daming Mansion, and even scolded you."

Ye Weiyang waved her hand to show that she didn't mind.

"But I didn't expect that the Fuzong of this imperial capital is exactly the same as what you said. The three plans are exactly the same as what you said. However, it is too expensive."

Seeing his pained face, Ye Weiyang couldn't help laughing out loud.The monk was even more embarrassed, seeing Ye Weiyang just now, he didn't think about anything else, he just felt that he should apologize for scolding Ye Weiyang.After calming down at this moment, it suddenly occurred to me that this is not a bad thing, I can take this opportunity to make friends with Ye Weiyang, who is still so young, and he will come up with a solution just like Fu Zong, and it will definitely be extraordinary in the future.

Now Ye Weiyang is still young, after Ye Weiyang takes off, he wants to hug his thigh, but he can't.

Immediately he raised his chest and said: "Master Yefu, I am the captain of Thunder Squad. My name is Cui Wuze. We often go hunting. If you need anything, just let me know."

Ye Weiyang was just about to shake her head, but suddenly her heart moved: "Brother Cui, help me find out a few people. Two men and one woman, the men's names are Xiang Ding and Xiong Ba, and the woman's name is Li Qiaoran. If you get any news, you can go to the Jin Palace to find Me. By the way, this is Jin Wang Qin Yi."

Cui Wuze's eyes lit up, he really had thighs... golden thighs.

"I have seen His Royal Highness King Jin!"

Qin Yi nodded and said: "You have to do your best for what Wei Young told you."

"Don't worry!" Cui Wuze nodded quickly.

Qin Yi said again: "We still have something to do, you are welcome to come to Prince Jin's Mansion as a guest."

"Yes, don't disturb Your Highness, goodbye Master Yefu!"

Cui Wuze steered his horse away, watching Ye Weiyang's three people's backs gradually disappear, the members of Thunder Squad surrounded him, they all heard the conversation just now, and all of them showed excitement on their faces:
"Captain, who is that Yefu master? King Jin actually gave her so much face?"

"It's a long story, I think back in Daming Mansion..."

Dai House.

in front of the gate.

When he knocked on the door, Qin Yi handed over the greeting card, and soon heard footsteps coming from inside, and saw Dai Xing come out in a hurry.

Ye Weiyang couldn't help but sigh, Dai Donglin is really proud.A prince doesn't seem to be in his eyes, and it's not worth him going out to greet him.And Qin Yi saw Ye Weiyang's expression, before Dai Xing came to him, he whispered to Ye Weiyang:

"He's just trying to avoid suspicion!"

Ye Weiyang suddenly realized that now that the emperor's sons are fighting for the seat, the ministers of the court, especially the chief assistant, naturally try to avoid any connection with these princes.

Thank you: Meng Chi rewarded 100 coins!
(End of this chapter)

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