The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 240 Goodbye Dai Donglin

Chapter 240 Goodbye Dai Donglin

"Weiyang!" Dai Xing saw Ye Weiyang, his expression froze, and then he was overjoyed, walked to the front quickly, and first saluted Qin Yi:
"I have seen His Royal Highness King Jin."

Qin Yi waved his hand and said, "I just accompanied Wei Young here today."

Dai Xing breathed a sigh of relief, he believed Qin Yi's words, because when he was in Daming Mansion, Ye Weiyang lived in Qin Yi's mansion, and while inviting three people in, he asked:
"Where did you go, Weiyang? You don't know, what a panic you have made my father and Liang Yuan be!"

"I went to Foshan!"

"What?" Dai Xing suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking at Ye Weiyang in shock: " can you go to Foshan? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

"Am I not coming back?" Seeing the worry and anxiety in Dai Xing's eyes, Ye Weiyang felt warm: "Brother Qin also went, we met in Foshan."

"Your Highness has gone too?" Dai Xing's voice rose again.

Qin Yi smiled and said, "Dai Xing, you also know what I'm after. Is there anything unusual about my going to Foshan?"

"Forget it!" Dai Xing smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's good if I can come back."

Talking all the way, he walked into the main hall, served tea for the three of them, and then whispered a few words to a maid.Inform Dai Donglin of Ye Weiyang's arrival.If it was just Qin Yi who came, he would greet him with a haha, but when Ye Weiyang came, he had to let his father know.My father was very concerned about and saw Ye Weiyang.


Before he finished half a cup of tea, he saw Dai Donglin walking in.Everyone hurriedly stood up, and Qin Yi took the lead in saluting:

"Meet Dai Shoufu!"

Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang also followed closely to salute.

"Your Highness, there is no need to be polite!"

Qin Yi sighed in his heart, he was not as good as Ye Weiyang.If he had come by himself, Dai Donglin would never have come to see him.However, he didn't have any ambitions at first, and he didn't have any intention of gaining or losing.Sitting down with a smile, this made Dai Donglin nod secretly, it seems that Qin Yi really came to accompany Ye Weiyang, and would not cause trouble for himself.Looking at Ye Weiyang, he said:
"Wei Young, where were you before?"

Embarrassment appeared on Ye Weiyang's face: "Looking back at Shoufu, I was worried about Third Brother, so I went to Foshan to find Third Brother."

"Oh? Where's Xiang Ding? Why didn't you come?"

In Dai Donglin's mind, Ye Weiyang was able to come back from Foshan, he must have caught up with Xiang Ding, and the two brothers and sisters did not enter Foshan, otherwise, with Ye Weiyang's strength, how could he come back alive?

Ye Weiyang's face showed a look of sadness: "My third gone."


"I found the third brother's gun in Foshan, but I didn't see the third brother's person."

"Your third brother entered the vision of Foshan?"


The room fell silent, and the atmosphere was a little depressing.

Find the gun, but not see the person, what else can it be?
I'm dead!
After a while, Dai Donglin said, "What are your plans for coming to the Emperor?"

"My second sister and fourth brother also went to Foshan Vision, and they disappeared too. So I followed Brother Qin to the imperial capital, thinking that there would be a lot of news here, and I could find out news about my brothers and sisters."

"That's fine!" Dai Donglin nodded and said, "You rest for two days first, and after two days, Xing'er will take you to the main hall of the Talisman Manufacturing Department... By the way, which department do you want to go to?"

"I'll go to the restoration department! Thank you, Chief Assistant."

Dai Donglin waved his hand and said, "You have to make a living, and with your talent in talisman, you will definitely have some achievements. With achievements, it will be beneficial for you to inquire about the news. I will also help you inquire about it."

"Thank you, Chief Assistant!" Ye Weiyang hurriedly stood up, and bowed deeply towards Dai Donglin.

"Okay, you young people talk."

Dai Donglin got up, this time he didn't treat Qin Yi as a transparent person, nodded to him, and then left respectfully sent by this young man.

He values ​​Ye Weiyang very much, and thinks Ye Weiyang is a rare talent in Fu Dao, and some time ago, Ye Weiyang disappeared inexplicably, so he came out to take care of Ye Weiyang, knowing where Ye Weiyang went, and now he is fine, so he will no longer stay.

Ye Weiyang also just came to visit politely, in fact, she didn't intend to ask Dai Donglin to arrange for her to enter the repair department, because Qin Yi can do it, but since Dai Donglin arranged for her, so it will be arranged.I didn't have anything else to do, so I sat for a while, then got up to say goodbye and leave.

Ye Weiyang sat cross-legged in her room, frowning slightly.

During this period of time, I felt sad and hurt again, and I have not practiced.Now that he has come to the imperial capital and his mood can be controlled, Ye Weiyang thinks of practicing. After controlling his mood, his previous wisdom has recovered. He knows in his heart that only the stronger he becomes, the more convenient he can inquire about his uncle and News from brother and sister.And once the Dao Palace bullied the elder brother, he would have the strength to take revenge.

"Spiritual strength..."

Ye Weiyang closed her eyes, and began to carefully run the Daogong Tianjing. She is now at the peak of the five qi and two meridians, the heart and liver meridians have been opened, and the next step is to open the spleen meridian, but when she cautiously poked out A trace of spiritual power entered into the spleen veins, and that trace of spiritual power instantly became violent, causing a trace of blood to ooze from the corner of her mouth, she hurriedly withdrew her spiritual power, and slowly withdrew.

"Cough cough..."

As she coughed, blood spurted from her mouth.His face became pale.However, there is only melancholy between the eyebrows, but there is no worry.

She just tried it a little bit, and now her control over spiritual power has reached [-]%.So after a little trial, it was terminated immediately, only slightly injured.This kind of injury does not need to take pills. With her current foundation, she can heal herself in less than three days. However, she still released a healing talisman on her body, so she can heal within half a day.


This made her understand that she couldn't practice spiritual power until she found a way.My own cultivation has stopped at the peak of the five qi and two meridians.

Sighing faintly, she began to look inside her sea of ​​consciousness, and only then did a trace of joy appear between her brows.

Know the sea.

The Luoshu space is at the top, and below it is its own talisman tower.The Talisman Tower still only has two floors, this is because Ye Weiyang has neglected visualization during this time, otherwise it should have been three floors by this time.

40 flying needles hover around the Talisman Tower like a galaxy, continuously nourished by spiritual power. Even if Ye Weiyang does not practice, the flying needles in the sea of ​​consciousness are continuously nourished by her spiritual power, allowing them to be in harmony with Ye Weiyang's spiritual power. Wei Young is getting more and more compatible, and will eventually become a part of Ye Wei Young, like a commanding arm.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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