The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 241 Restoring Practice

Chapter 241 Restoring Practice
Ye Weiyang sensed it carefully, and the smile on her face became wider. Now the nourishment of these 40 flying needles has reached 40%, and with a thought in her mind, the [-] flying needles suddenly began to gather in the sea of ​​consciousness, forming a Seven phoenix feathers, but this speed still made Ye Weiyang slightly frowned.

With a thought, seven phoenix feathers flowed out from the sea of ​​consciousness and floated in front of her.She thought again, and the seven feathers began to move in the air, making various defensive and attacking moves.


The seven feathers scattered in the air and decomposed into flying needles. Ye Weiyang controlled the flying needles and started various attack methods.Finally, those flying needles gathered towards the center according to the visualization in Qin Shuang's heart, and gathered into a long sword with cold light.


Ye Weiyang reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword, got up and came to the yard, and began to practice the sword.

Chop, stab, pick, point, wipe, tease.

It is still the six basic sword skills.

After half an hour, Ye Weiyang stopped, let go of her hand, and the sword turned into streaks of light, entering her sea of ​​consciousness.

She was silent for a moment, and made a simple analysis of herself.

Huafeng's supernatural power is only able to construct seven feathers. In fact, she can also construct a smaller phoenix with only 40 flying needles, which may not necessarily require 360 million flying needles.

But she can't do it now, because the level of control over the flying needle is not enough. First, she must nourish the flying needle to [-]%, and then start to practice painting phoenix.She has only learned how to draw phoenixes now, so it takes more than a dozen breaths to construct seven phoenix feathers, and controlling phoenix feathers to fight is even less smooth. On the contrary, directly controlling flying needles is better than controlling phoenix feathers. Be stronger.If you control fewer flying needles, such as dozens of needles, it will be more handy.

As for Guanghan, he didn't even understand it.She is still on the basis of practicing the six forms of sword skills, but she feels that holding a long sword made of flying needles is more convenient than holding a real long sword. This should be because the flying needles have been nourished by herself by [-]% , to be more in tune with your body and mind.

"Ask Jianyi!"

Returning to the room, closing the door with a bolt, returning to the bed and sitting cross-legged, consciousness entered the first floor of the talisman tower.



Entering the eyes is like a ghost.

stomping on...

Jian Yi sat on the back of the bull demon, followed by the tiger demon, and the dragon demon was flying above, and came to Ye Weiyang.Jian Yi looked at Ye Weiyang with displeasure on his face:

"Wei Young, you haven't come in to practice swords for a long time."

Ye Weiyang smiled bitterly and said: "Something happened. I'll practice it now for you to see."

Seeing the bitterness on Ye Weiyang's face, Jian Yi stopped talking.Although she doesn't know what happened to Ye Weiyang, but based on her understanding of Ye Weiyang, something must have happened that severely affected Ye Weiyang.

Ye Weiyang stretched out her hand, and the 40 flying needles outside the talisman tower flowed into the first floor of the talisman tower, converging into a big sword, which she held in her hand.

Chop, stab, pick, point, wipe, tease.

After completing the six movements, Ye Weiyang looked at Jian Yi.Jian Yi nodded in relief and said: "Your foundation of sword skills is already very solid, thanks to your strong mental power, but this is just your conscious body, I don't know how well you can control your real body?"

"Let's go out!"

Ye Weiyang got up again, thought for a while, but still didn't go out, just moved the table and chairs in the room to the wall, vacating the central place, and moved Jian Yi from the talisman tower to the room with a thought inside.Jian Yi looked around, how did he look at Ye Weiyang and said:

"let's start!"

Ye Weiyang stretched out his hand, and flying needles flowed out from the sea of ​​consciousness, forming a big sword in his hand, how to chop, stab, pick, point, wipe, and tease.

After completing these six actions, she looked at Jian Yi.

"Shrink this sword down a bit, maybe a quarter of its original size." Jian Yi thought for a while.

"it is good!"

Ye Weiyang nodded, and the flying needles flew up from the long sword, like peeling off layers of skin, how could they turn into streamers of light and return to the sea of ​​consciousness, leaving only the long sword made of [-] flying needles. sword.

Chop, stab, pick, point, wipe, tease.

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up, and she felt that she was more handy. This time, before the sword opened her mouth, another layer of flying needles was peeled off, and she returned to the sea of ​​consciousness.Ye Weiyang experimented again and again until only the long sword made of [-] flying needles was left. After performing the six sword skills once, she looked at Jian Yi in surprise.

Jian nodded and said, "Have you broken through in your spiritual strength?"

"Well, the peak of five qi and two veins!"

Jian Yi didn't ask her how she broke through, nodded and said: "The size of this sword is just right for you at present. When you break through to the realm of five qi and three veins, try to increase the flying needle. Your current six-style sword skill It's been perfect."

"Then I..."

"I haven't studied Guanghan, and the direction of my sword practice is not Guanghan's way. Guanghan...

Just hearing the name, it should be cold, icy, and the direction of mercury pouring down.Or you can try to visualize the moon in the sky every day to understand.

However, when I was alive, I had obtained three sword skills in similar directions, and the level must be incomparable with Guanghan.However, with your current cultivation level, you can't practice Guanghan, but the level of sword skills I gave you is just right. "

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up, and he saluted Jian Yi: "Please teach me, senior."

Jian nodded and said: "The sword skills that have been handed down are divided into eight grades, which are heaven, earth, black, yellow, and universe. The heaven grade is the strongest, and the wild grade is the weakest. And above these eight grades, it is not the scope of sword skills. Yes, it is called a god-level sword skill, and it is also called a supernatural power. Guanghan is a god-level sword skill.

And above the god level, it is the holy level.I don't know anything about saints.In fact, even for the god level, I can't help you.Because the highest sword skill I have practiced is the sky level.

And each grade is divided into upper, middle and lower grades.

Of the three sword skills I got that should be in the same direction as Guanghan, the lowest grade is Huangji Top Grade, called Hanyu Sword.With your current state, practice it first. "

Ye Weiyang nodded vigorously, she knew that sometimes the higher the level of cultivation, the better the sword skills, but the better one that suits her.

Jian Yi stretched out his hand, Ye Weiyang hurriedly handed the long sword in his hand to Jian Yi.Sword Yi held the long sword and said:
"Look out, there are only nine forms! I will tell you the formula while practicing."

A quarter of an hour later, Jian Yi had already practiced three times, stopped and said: "I haven't practiced much sword skills in this direction, and I can only teach you these, and you have to comprehend the rest by yourself. But I I can feed you moves, when you are free every day, you can enter the rune tower, and the two of us will practice together."

(End of this chapter)

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