The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 242 The Prince

Chapter 242 The Prince
"Okay! I'll practice first."

Ye Weiyang took the long sword and practiced it in the middle of the room. The sword nodded and said: "As expected of Fu Zong's mental power, powerful mental power can control your muscles very well, and make your sword skills very good. Standard. But after the standard, how to comprehend its essence and mysteries is your own business, I can't teach you anything, I can only help you by practicing with you."

"Thank you!"

Ye Weiyang bowed respectfully to Jian Yi, but Jian Yi disappeared, Ye Weiyang sat back on the chair, and his consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness again, and entered the first floor of the Talisman Tower, Jian Yi had already ridden the bull demon to leave go:

"Come here today, practice tomorrow."

Ye Weiyang nodded, then looked up at the talismans in the air, they were all yin attribute talismans, she frowned slightly, the yin attribute talismans she knew were all constructed here.Then she went to the second floor, where there were more than 200 talismans in the air, very few of the talisman master level, and the rest were all talismans of the great talisman master realm.After thinking about it, she didn't plan to continue building talismans on the second floor.Wait until you learn some talisman-level talismans before building them here.

However, the first floor is not good. She is going to borrow books from the Talisman Making Department. First, she will screen the Yin attribute talisman at the level of a talisman teacher, and then build it on the first floor.It is obvious that the yin attribute talisman has a promoting effect on the ghostly environment on the first floor, and she also wants to see, if this continues, what will the first floor of the talisman tower look like?

Ye Weiyang withdrew from the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and first condensed a piece of Boundless Sea Talisman, just after the construction was successful, it was sucked away by the Luoshu space, turned into a drop of liquefied spiritual power, and dropped into the great lake of spiritual power in the Luoshu space .Then she started to visualize the Talisman Tower. After visualizing, she consumed a lot of mental energy. She began to practice Tiangong Jue to recover, so at midnight, she finished her practice, washed up, and went to bed to sleep.

the next day.
Dai Xing didn't come, and Ye Weiyang was not in a hurry.After breakfast, practice swords in the yard.Practicing the Cold Rain Sword over and over again.

at the same time.

Prince's Mansion.

A middle-aged man was standing in Qin Yang's study room, and whispered to Qin Yang who was sitting on the chair:
"Your Highness, the origin of the white-haired woman has not been found out, but people have been sent to the Daming Mansion. The Third Highness went to the Daming Mansion before, and this white-haired woman should be from the Daming Mansion. However, we found that at dusk yesterday. The white-haired woman and the Third Highness went to Dai Shoufu's residence."

"Huh?" Qin Yang sat up straight suddenly: "The youngest went to Dai Shoufu's residence?"

Then he laughed again: "He went to the Daming Mansion, changed his temper? Want to curry favor with Dai Shoufu? But he is so stupid, hehehe..."

Qin Yang's words were full of disdain for Qin Yi.Although Qin Yi is also very famous in the imperial capital, he is called a genius in the formation.But in Qin Yang's eyes, this is a waste and a fool.

As the son of the current emperor, he didn't think about how to fight for that seat, but put all his energy into the formation. Isn't this stupid?
It's enough for the superior to know how to manage people. As long as he sits in that position, the geniuses of formations and talismans, don't they all serve themselves?

What a fool!
What the superiors need to learn and do is how to control people's hearts!

Calm was restored in his heart, and he even had complacency and disdain and contempt for Qin Yi.But when he saw the look on that middle-aged man's face, his expression couldn't help but change slightly:

"You still have something to say?"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man said in a low voice: "We got the news through our insider at Dai's capital residence. It seems that it is not the Third Highness who went to visit Governor Dai, but accompanied that silver-haired woman to visit Governor Dai. Or That is to say, House Chief Dai does not value His Highness the Third Highness, but attaches great importance to that silver-haired woman."

Qin Yang sat up straight again, and frowned slightly: "How did you judge?"

"According to the insider, Dai Xing was the one who greeted Qin Yi and the silver-haired woman. House Chief Dai didn't come out at all, or he didn't intend to see Qin Yi at all. But when Dai Xing saw the silver-haired woman...


That silver-haired woman is called Wei Young, or her first name is Wei Young, but I don't know her surname.As soon as Dai Xing saw the silver-haired woman, he was very happy, and then Governor Dai also appeared, but the insider did not hear what was said in the lobby.Only about a quarter of an hour later, Governor Dai left. "

"So..." The middle-aged man glanced at the prince quickly: "I analyzed that the silver-haired woman named Wei Young should have some relationship with Mr. Dai, and the relationship is not shallow.

And the Third Highness just accompanied the silver-haired woman to visit Mr. Dai. "

The crown prince tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said halfway: "Is it possible that that woman is only valued by Mr. Dai in terms of formation or talisman?"

"It's not impossible, but it's not very likely. In other words, this is just one of the reasons why Mr. Dai valued that silver-haired woman."


"His Royal Highness, you once told me that the silver-haired woman seemed to know Dao Gong Dao Zi, and she didn't even take Dao Gong Dao Zi seriously."

Prince Qin Yang's gaze shrank, and he pondered for a moment and said: "Ji Xian, do you think the youngest is seeking that seat by befriending that silver-haired woman?"

Ji Xian frowned and thought for a moment, then finally shook his head and said, "I can't analyze it now. His Highness has always given the impression that he is not interested in that seat, and he is also somewhat disgusted with this aspect. However, we can't just Exclude him completely, maybe that's just his appearance to confuse others. After all, there is only one seat, and he is one of the people who has the qualifications to compete. If he has no idea at all, it is not normal."

Prince Qin Yang's expression became gloomy, his fingers tapped on the table faster and faster, he suddenly stopped, looked directly at Ji Xian and said:
"Intensify the monitoring of the third child, and pay more attention to the silver-haired woman. But don't disturb her, everything will be discussed after the person who transferred her returns."

Speaking of this, he rubbed his eyebrows and said: "If the third child is also involved, and that woman really has a Taoist background, it will be a big trouble."

Ji Xian said: "His Royal Highness, don't worry too much. With the wisdom of Governor Dai, even if he valued that silver-haired woman, he might not give the Third Highness a platform.

Moreover, Mr. Dai is famous for his impartiality. "

The prince nodded, his eyes softened slightly: "The key point is the silver-haired woman. We will talk about everything after the investigation of her. Before that, don't let her find out that we are investigating and monitoring her. If necessary, you can Abandon surveillance and investigation."


and also……

(End of this chapter)

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