The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 243 Assessment

Chapter 243 Assessment
Jin Wangfu.

Qin Yi hurriedly walked into Ye Weiyang's private courtyard: "Weiyang, Weiyang..."

"What's the matter?" Ye Weiyang walked out of the room.

"Have you read the books on Zhen Dao that I brought over for you yesterday?"

"Oh..." Ye Weiyang shook the book in his hand towards Qin Yi: "No, I'm reading the talisman book you brought over for me."

"You can't do this!" Qin Yi said in a hurry: "You have to read books on the Dao of Arrays. I still want to wait for your realm of Dao to improve, and we will communicate with each other."

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "Okay, I will find time to read it in the future."

"You must see it!"


"By the way, today is October [-]st. The first day of every month is the assessment day for the Talisman Division. Wei Young, you shouldn't be a fifth-grade Talisman master now, right?"


"Then why don't you hurry up? Go to the assessment. The higher your grade, the higher your status, and it will be much more convenient for you to do anything."

Ye Weiyang put the book in his hand into the storage ring, and while following Qin Yi out, he asked, "Can I skip the assessment?"

"No! According to the rules, it must be tested level by level. It saves someone from being ambitious and wasting the examiner's time and energy."

"Alright then!" Ye Weiyang rubbed the center of her brows, this level-by-level assessment is too waste of time.

"By the way, can I go to assess the third-grade talisman maker immediately after I finish the assessment of the fourth-grade talisman maker?"

"No, at that time the third-rank assessment has already started, and it may be over."

"Oh, that's it!"

Ye Weiyang shook his head, the two of them passed by Yang Xingguang's yard all the way, saw Yang Xingguang practicing sword, Ye Weiyang and Qin Yi, they stopped and said:

"Third Highness, Wei Young, where are you going?"

"I'm going to assess the level of a talisman teacher." Ye Weiyang said.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll go too. I haven't watched the talisman master assessment yet."

Yang Xingguang ran back in a hurry, and after a while, he had already changed his clothes and came out: "Wei Young, can you let me see the talisman master assessment?"

"No, in the house, you can only wait outside, and..." Ye Weiyang calculated the speed at which she made the fourth-grade talisman:

"I'm afraid it will take nearly a day."

"It's okay!" Yang Xingguang said cheerfully, "When you come out, I'm having dinner right now. I'll treat you to celebrate."

"Then you will have to spend money." Qin Yi said cheerfully: "Let's go to Lingyun Pavilion, a meal is not cheap. It is the most expensive place in the imperial capital."

"No problem!" Yang Xingguang was embarrassed afterwards: "But I didn't bring the spirit stone with me, Third Highness, you can borrow it from me first."

"Why don't I invite you this time!" Qin Yi smiled and said, "You can invite me next month!"

"next month?"

"Yes, next month Weiyang will assess the third-grade talisman maker."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Ye Weiyang touched her chest, there were two storage bags, one was given to her by Qin Yi at the beginning, and the other was given to herself in the Talisman Hall in the era of going back in time.Both storage bags are now empty, and the contents are placed on the storage ring on her finger.Then he took off the storage bag obtained in that era back in time, handed it to Yang Xingguang and said:

"Brother Yang, this is for you."

Qin Yi took a glance and found that it wasn't the storage bag he gave to Ye Weiyang back then. His heart couldn't help but move. It seems that Weiyang also had an adventure in the vision of Foshan.

"Isn't this too expensive?" Yang Xingguang hesitated.

"Take it, I still have more." Ye Weiyang moved her hand forward again.

"it is good!"

Yang Xingguang also has no relatives, and has always regarded the members of the Nighthawk Squad as relatives. Now that the Nighthawk Squad is gone, he attaches this affection to Ye Weiyang, and the family doesn't care.No more excuses, just put it away.

The three chatted and laughed, and came to the Talisman Department, Qin Yi said hello to some people, and brought Ye Weiyang to the assessment place with ease, Ye Weiyang handed in the spirit stone, and then was taken into a room , there are already dozens of people inside.

The assessment method is still the same, everything is familiar.So when the assessment started, Ye Weiyang's speed of making talismans was extremely fast, even he was surprised, and found that his speed of making talismans was much faster.After thinking about it, there should be two reasons. One is that now I have not only visualized the Talisman Tower, but also visualized two layers.Mental strength is more suitable for controlling one's own muscles.On the other hand, it was because his spiritual strength had broken through to the peak of the five qi and two veins.From this point of view, it would take me about half a day to complete the assessment.

After Ye Weiyang finished making a talisman, she couldn't help but looked up at the other monks, and found that the speed of other monks making talismans was very slow.

Not bad!

From Ye Weiyang's point of view, it is too slow!Much slower than her speed!

It's normal to think about it. All the four-rank talisman masters who come to this room for assessment, the talisman masters of this realm, don't even build natal talismans, and their spiritual power belongs to the bottom of the foundation.And what about Ye Weiyang?
Even the talisman tower has two floors.What's more, she is still a monk with five qi and two veins. It cannot be said that the talisman masters in this room do not have this kind of cultivation, but they are rare.

Ye Weiyang lowered her head, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, she began to quickly draw symbols.

The sunlight gradually shrank on the window sill and moved towards the outside of the window. When noon was approaching, Ye Weiyang put away the tools, and then walked to the examination platform with the fifty-foot talisman:

"Teacher, I'm done!"

Ever since Ye Weiyang got up and walked towards him, the examiner stared at Ye Weiyang, until Ye Weiyang finished speaking, his eyes showed surprise, then he looked down at the stack of talismans in front of him, the expression in his eyes The shock was even worse, because he could tell that this talisman had just been made.He raised his head and glanced at Ye Weiyang again, then lowered his head and began to look one by one, the more shocked his face became.At this time, the dozens of talisman masters who were evaluated below also chattered in a low voice.


"It must be, it can't be so fast."

"There must be a storage bag, please ask someone to make a good talisman in advance, and take it out to cheat."

"It's really stupid. Even if it's cheating, you have to wait until the end. If you take it out so quickly, is this treating the examiner as a fool? Who can be so fast? Does she think she is the talisman sect to assess the talisman teacher?"

"You're stupid. Even if you take it out at the end, do you think the examiner won't be able to see it? Can the talisman just made be the same as the one made in advance? You can't see it, can't the examiner see it?"

"Then... is she trying to die?"

"It must be death! Hey, does any of you know her?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it before."

"Could it be a bumpkin from outside the imperial capital?"

"should be!"


And at this time, the examiner also finished reading the talisman, and looked up at Ye Weiyang in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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