The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 245 Hidden Ability

Chapter 245 Hidden Ability
At this time, the hundreds of monks listening around were all excited. The healing talisman was indeed the gospel for them, and it really gave them a future. This made them really feel grateful and respectful. More trust, in contrast, the trust in Fumeng has been reduced a lot.So some monks asked one after another.


Ye Weiyang couldn't help rubbing her teeth, originally thought that the talisman master she was bragging about was just an ordinary talisman master, but she didn't expect to be a hall master, the hall master of the imperial capital, at least a talisman sect, right?
A Fuzong bragging about himself without a bottom line makes Ye Weiyang feel that this matter is too illusory.

If it's an ordinary talisman master, it's fine, a talisman sect, a hall master of the talisman medicine hall, how can... can...

At this time, the master of Fuyi Hall was overjoyed when he saw the excited and respected expressions of all the monks.

In the past year, the competition between the Talisman Making Division and the Fumeng has become more and more fierce, and the history, background and means of the Fumeng are much stronger than that of the Talisman Making Division, and the Talisman Making Division has always been at a disadvantage.Fortunately, with this healing talisman, the talisman maker brought back some advantages.In the past year, the entire Talisman Manufacturing Department, especially the Fuyitang, has publicized Ye Weiyang whenever they find an opportunity, making Ye Weiyang famous in the imperial capital.

"Her name is Ye Weiyang!" Hall Master Zhang replied loudly, his voice echoing throughout the hall on the first floor: "Listen to this name!
Ye Weiyang!
Do you know what Wei Young means?

It just has no boundaries.

Ye Weiyang is night!There is no limit!
It means that our senior Ye Weiyang's ability has no limits, only you can't think of it, no senior Ye Weiyang can't do it! "

Ye Weiyang on the stairs covered her face, her face was on fire.The whole person is like being electrified, numb and crisp.

This...was a little too much?
But... why does it sound so comfortable!

"Boom..." Hundreds of people exploded, talking a lot.

"As soon as you hear this name, you will know everyone with great ability!"


"It's as good as it sounds!"


"Master Zhang, is the old man male or female?"


"What did the old man look like that night?"

Hall Master Zhang smiled: "You all call her old senior, can't you still imagine what she looks like?"

Speaking of this, his face showed a radiance of admiration: "The old man must think that she has silver hair..."

Ye Weiyang raised her hand to stroke her silver hair, and thought to herself: "This... is quite accurate! Could it be that Dai Shoufu told them that my hair is already gray?"

"The appearance is graceful and noble..." Hall Master Zhang said hastily.

Ye Weiyang's face turned red again.

She knows her own affairs, if she is said to be beautiful, youthful and invincible, Ye Weiyang feels that she can still accept it.But graceful and noble, Ye Weiyang felt that she still couldn't reach that level.

"Although there may be some wrinkles on her face, it shows her kindness and broad mindedness..."


Ye Weiyang couldn't help but let out a soft breath.He raised his hand to touch his little face.

Very smooth!

How come there are folds?

She hurriedly took out a small mirror and looked at it.My skin is very moist and smooth, at the age of youth and invincibility for a 20-year-old girl, without a single wrinkle!

Ye Weiyang came to her senses, and couldn't help showing a look of dumbfounding on her face.

This is...they only know their name and the healing talisman they have completed, but they don't know their age and appearance at all. No wonder I used to describe myself as a highly respected person.

"Bang bang bang..."

And at this moment, the injured monk who was lying on the stretcher and looked at Hall Master Zhang with gratitude and admiration, suddenly heard seven consecutive explosions from his left chest, and seven blood burst out from his left chest. Hua, seven blood holes burst out on his left chest, and blood spurted out.

The excited and noisy hall suddenly fell silent. Everyone looked at the fainted monk on the stretcher in astonishment. Their faces were still full of excitement and admiration, and that expression was frozen on their faces. superior.


The look of excitement and admiration disappeared, and turned into a look of doubt and anger, a look of anger that was fooled, and looked up at Hall Master Zhang.

And Hall Master Zhang's face was also flustered at this time, he walked to the stretcher in two steps, checked it quickly, and showed a relaxed and anxious expression on his face, but these two incompatible expressions appeared on the scene. a person's face.He raised his head and said to the people who were carrying the stretcher:
"He was injured fighting the bamboo python?"

"Ah? Yes!" The monk froze for a moment, then nodded quickly.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Zhang Zhang glared at the monk.

"I... forgot, is this... very important?" The monk looked blank.

Hall Master Zhang's face changed for a while, but finally he sighed: "You are too young to know the horror of bamboo pythons. Moreover, bamboo pythons are very rare and few people can encounter them, so the vast majority of people, I don’t know the ability of the bamboo python.”

Speaking of this, he looked up and glanced at the crowd, and explained: "The bamboo python not only looks like a huge bamboo, but also because after it attacks a person, it will leave hidden power in the person's body, just like a bamboo python. Each section contains abnormal energy. This abnormal energy comes from the power of the bamboo python. We call it supernatural power for short, because they do not belong to our human energy.

This kind of energy will always be lurking in the human body, absorbing the energy in the human body, and then reaching a certain energy value, and then exploding from the human body, seriously injuring the human body.Originally, it took time, but because I didn't tell me, I directly used the healing talisman on him, and the energy of the healing talisman was absorbed by the potential of the bamboo joints left by the bamboo python, reaching the critical point of explosion, So it exploded. "

"Then...then what should we do?" the monk asked in a panic.

Zhang Zhang's face was full of helplessness and said: "In this case, there is no way to save him with a talisman, even the elixir, because the energy in the elixir will be absorbed by the latent energy of the bamboo joints, and in the end it will hurt him. Human body, after a few times, this person will die. The only way is to remove this bamboo joint ability in the human body first."

"That piece!" The young monk was about to cry: "Get it removed soon!"

Hall Master Zhang still had helplessness on his face: "I don't have this ability at all. And you have to know that killing a person is incomparable with removing the ability from a person's body. Want to remove the ability from his body?" , It needs a monk with a very high level of cultivation to be able to do it. If you want to pull it out completely cleanly without leaving a trace of bamboo joint potential, you need a big monk with three flowers on the top to do it."

Thank you very much Meng Chi (100), I really like the reward of Jinlingdong (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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