The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 246 Please let me go

Chapter 246 Please let me go

"Alas..." He sighed when he said this: "If you know such a senior, hurry up and carry him for treatment."

"I don't know..." The young monk cried: "Please introduce one!"

"I..." Section Master Zhang had a wry smile on his face, "Where did I know you?"

"Even the emperor doesn't have three flowers gathering on the top?" Someone said softly.

Disappointment appeared on the young man's face.


I am afraid that there is not a big monk with three flowers gathered in the whole imperial capital, at least not on the surface.

Dao Palace should have...

But the Dao Palace is far away from here, and even if I take my uncle to the Dao Palace, can I find a big monk with three flowers gathered on the top?
At this time, Ye Weiyang on the stairs frowned, she seemed to remember something vaguely, and then quickly inserted her mental power into the storage ring.When I went back in time, because I visualized the Talisman Tower, all the Talisman-level Talismans and Dao inheritances in the Library Pavilion were released to me for free, so Ye Weiyang copied many Talisman Dao inheritances and put them in her storage ring middle.She vaguely remembered that she once saw a kind of talisman in the talisman inheritance of the great talisman master level.

Pull different symbols.

The name of this talisman is its effect.

Pulling out the strange talisman is the talisman that removes the supernatural power in the body.

In that era, there were not only bamboo pythons, but the human race was not facing monsters at that time, but monster monks. There were many powerful monsters. so rare.

So the human race of that era created this kind of talisman, which is like pulling poison ointment.

No matter in which era, ordinary people occupy the majority.Therefore, ordinary people become doctors, and the duty of doctors is to treat ordinary people.Toxin-extracting ointment is a kind of plaster for ordinary people to remove toxins, which can pull out the toxins contained in ordinary people who have a boil.And pulling out the strange talisman is to pull out the latent abilities sent into the monk's body.

It's just that at that time, Ye Weiyang didn't choose to learn this kind of talisman, and chose other great talisman masters to learn.But the impression is there.She found the jade slip, penetrated in with her mental strength, quickly read the drawing talisman, and then entered the Luoshu space.

In the Luoshu space, a workbench appeared, and rays of light hung from the star-like sky, constructing two kinds of talismans.One is the different drawing talisman in inheritance, and the other is the different drawing talisman after improvement.

Ye Weiyang immediately started to practice, first she practiced the different drawing talisman in the inheritance, with her current understanding of the talisman and the level of spiritual power, and then learning the talisman of the level of a master talisman, it is really very fast.Only after practicing it seven times, he was able to successfully draw the Different Talisman.Then she started to practice the improved different drawing talisman, and she just practiced the nine changes, and she successfully drew it.

Ye Weiyang, who was standing on the stairs, opened her eyes and walked down the stairs. At this time, the door was pushed open, and Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang walked in.The two of them went to eat, but they just ate a bowl of chaos at the roadside stall, and then rushed back.Although Ye Weiyang said that the assessment will take about one day, but what if it comes out earlier?

The two of them have great confidence in Ye Weiyang's ability to pass the assessment.But as soon as they entered, they felt that the atmosphere in the lobby on the first floor was different, and at this moment, they heard a familiar voice:

"Please let me go!"

Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang hurriedly looked around, and saw Ye Weiyang gently patting the back of the person in front, begging them to get out of the way.


The monk turned his head and saw the beautiful white-haired Ye Weiyang, he couldn't help stepping aside.

"Please let me go!"

Ye Weiyang walked forward while talking.

People have a herd mentality, when the first person starts to give way, the others will naturally give way, Ye Weiyang quickly walked to the stretcher, then squatted down, took out the talisman paper, talisman pen and Rune ink.

Hall Master Zhang and the talisman talisman masters beside him stared blankly at Ye Weiyang's movements, feeling a little out of their wits.

Everyone in the hall also stared blankly at Ye Weiyang, and the entire hall was silent.

Suddenly, Hall Master Zhang broke the silence.

"what are you doing?"


Although Ye Weiyang didn't raise her head, and kept drawing symbols with her hands, her tone was very polite.After all, he praised himself so much that he almost went to the sky just now, and he must be polite to this kind of person who worships and praises himself.

"Save people?" Zhang Zhang suddenly raised his voice, then looked down at Ye Weiyang, and found that he didn't know him, and he was definitely not someone from the Talisman Division, his heart skipped a beat:
"Could it be a guy from Fumeng?
Want to take this opportunity to heal this monk, so as to humiliate the Talisman Division? "

No wonder he thinks this way, it's really recently that they have used the healing talisman and Ye Weiyang's reputation to suppress the Fumeng.Isn't it normal for Fumeng, who has a profound background and has always been proud, to fight back?


This is the hidden ability of the bamboo python!
Can it be saved by talismans?

This will only kill the injured monk. This is to fight for power and profit. Is the lard fooled?


It should not be Fumeng's decision, but the private decision of this young girl from Fumeng.She may be a genius of the Fumeng, or she feels that she is a genius, and she feels that she is very capable and can cure this monk, make the face of the Fusi in the Fusi, and then return to the Fumeng with a whole body of glory.

It's still too young, and only young people have this kind of impetuous mentality and overwhelming pride.

Section Master Zhang glanced at the monk lying on the stretcher and passed out, and sighed in his heart.In his heart, this monk is doomed.

There is no big monk with three flowers gathered in the capital, at least he doesn't know.Even if the emperor has it, how can such a big monk save an ordinary monk?

Even if the three-flowered monk is willing to save him, can you afford the spirit stone?

Therefore, this monk is dead.He was too clear about the final result of this monk.

His eyes fell on Ye Weiyang's body, and his heart skipped a beat.

Now that this monk is dead, let's make some contributions to the Talisman Division.It is impossible to cure this young Fumeng girl.If you are too courageous and ambitious, something will happen.

I just watch quietly!

At most, some spirit stones could be given to the family of the mortal monk, which would be regarded as burial expenses.


Section Master Zhang's eyes lit up, and it was this young woman who was the talisman master of the talisman league who really killed the monk.After that monk is put to death, he can further attack Fumeng by exposing the girl's identity.

With a decision in his heart, Zhang Zhang's mood relaxed, and his eyes couldn't help falling on the talisman that Ye Weiyang was drawing.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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