The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 247 Pulling the Different Talisman

Chapter 247 Pulling the Different Talisman

"Master..." At this moment, standing beside him, his favorite disciple Shen Zhongshu asked softly, "What talisman did she draw?"

Hall Master Zhang also frowned slightly at this time, because he found that he didn't know the talisman that Ye Weiyang was drawing.


Kind of familiar!
Hall Master Zhang frowned, thinking carefully, his eyes widened suddenly, the eyeballs almost fell out, he remembered, this talisman looks a bit like a different talisman.

The grade of drawing different talismans is not high, it is a talisman at the level of a great talisman master, but many parts of drawing different talismans are missing. Although many people want to make up for it, after thousands of years, no one has succeeded at all. .

Could it be... the Differential Talisman that Talisman League has successfully completed?

Just like our talisman maker successfully completed the healing talisman?
Fumeng has also produced a highly respected senior?
What respect!The already completed different drawing talisman is not made public, but is hidden and used to make the face of the talisman at this time.

"This is..." An old talisman doctor standing on the other side of Ye Weiyang also saw what Ye Weiyang drew, and his tone was a little excited:
"Is this... a different talisman?"


Ye Weiyang kept moving her hands, but her tone was extremely gentle.

These people are all the talisman masters of the talisman making department, and they are all my future colleagues.The most important thing is that they all praise themselves so much, working with them must be a very happy thing.

"Pull out the different talisman? What... do you mean?" The young monk, the relative of the wounded on the stretcher, asked cautiously.

Hall Master Zhang was in a panic at this moment, he was scolding Fu Meng, and he didn't hear the monk's cautious words at all.The old talisman doctor took a look at Section Master Zhang, saw Zhang Section Master's face was ugly, and explained it softly to the young monk.The young monk immediately became excited:

"My uncle was saved?"

"It depends on whether the talisman master can successfully make the different talisman..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized that he didn't know this talisman master, his heart skipped a beat, and he turned his gaze to Sectional Master Zhang. Seeing Sectional Master Zhang's ugly face, he also realized something, and his expression suddenly became very ugly.

"What's going on here?"

A voice suddenly came from above the stairs, and then there was a sound of footsteps.Everyone also looked for their reputation, and saw a group of six people walking down the stairs.Hall Master Zhang's face suddenly became more gloomy, and he stared at one of the six people, with unwillingness, anger, and fear in his eyes.

The person he was staring at was none other than the deputy leader of Fumeng, Lin Tiantian.Walking with him is the deputy director of the Talisman Division, Cao Xuan.Behind the two of them, three of them were also members of the Fu League, and one was from the Fu Division.

At this moment, Hall Master Zhang remembered that Lin Tiantian came to visit the Talisman Making Department this morning. Originally, he thought it was because the Talisman Making Department had won many honors for the Talisman Making Department because of Ye Weiyang's healing talisman recently. It made the Fumeng feel the pressure, Lin Tiantian came to negotiate with the Talisman Division.But at this time, he understood that the other party was not here to negotiate at all, but to mess things up.

But the question just now was asked by Cao Xuan, Zhang Zhang had to answer, and hurriedly said:

"Director Cao, the cultivator on the stretcher was injured by the bamboo python, but he didn't tell us when he came here, so we used the healing talisman, but the result was the bamboo-jointed ability."

Cao Xuan frowned slightly. He had already walked down the stairs at this time. Everyone stepped aside. Cao Xuan and Lin Tiantian walked side by side. Lin Tiantian didn't say a word.He came today because he really wanted to trade with the Talisman Making Department, and exchanged a unique talisman of the Fu League for the method of making the healing talisman.It's just that they didn't make a deal, so his complexion wasn't very good at the moment, and naturally he wouldn't take the initiative to intervene in this matter, and even hoped in his heart that something would happen to the Talisman Division.

"What is she doing?" Cao Xuan asked as he walked, his gaze pointed to Ye Weiyang, who was squatting on the ground, drawing a talisman.

"This talisman master..." Section Master Zhang said with reluctance in his eyes, "I'm making a different talisman."

"Pull out the different talisman?" Cao Xuan froze for a moment, accelerated his feet, and stepped behind Ye Weiyang, looked down, and then immersed himself in it:
"Wonderful!" Lin Tiantian's exclamation came from beside him, awakening Cao Xuan who was immersed in it, surprise appeared on his face, he turned to look at Zhang Zhang and said:

"Is this the talisman master of our talisman department?"

Hall Master Zhang sighed in his heart, his face became even more ugly, and he lowered his voice: "She should not be our talisman maker, I have never seen her before."

Cao Xuan's complexion changed, but Lin Tiantian who was standing beside him became happy.He thought to himself: "It's not from the Talisman Division, is it from our Talisman League?"

Cao Xuan's face had returned to calm at this time, but his heart was full of anger. He had figured it out now, no wonder Lin Tiantian brought someone to the Talisman Making Department today, and what he said about exchanging the method of making Talismans was simply a cover.This is because the Fumeng completed the Pulling Talisman, came to make a fuss, and made a name for himself in the family of the Talisman Making Department.

Needless to say, the monk who was injured by the bamboo python was hired by them.

Just to smash the scene and face!

Cao Xuan's expression of surprise suddenly turned gloomy, but after all, he is a generation of talisman sects, and he knows in his heart that whether it is the talisman league or the talisman master of the talisman division, it is the gospel of the human race to make up for the different talismans. His face softened slightly, and his heart began to turn, how to deal with the matter of Fu Meng coming to slap his face.

And Lin Tiantian's eyes on the side revealed an irresistible surprise.No matter how soft Zhang Zhang's voice was, he could still hear it clearly.

Could it be that this female talisman master is some big boss of our talisman league?
Because he was standing behind Ye Weiyang, he only saw Ye Weiyang's silver hair but couldn't see Ye Weiyang's face, so he thought it was an old woman.Fu Meng really has several old women with white hair.

"Who is this?
Is it Pan Liangmei?

Or Yu Dongxia?
Does the back look a little different? "

At this time, there are still some talisman sects and great talisman masters around. If this is the imperial capital, there are not many talisman sects and great talisman masters.At this moment, they were all quietly looking at Ye Weiyang's talisman, the more they looked at it, the more frightened everyone became.The drawing of this drawing is really too mysterious.

"Give way!"

A low voice sounded, both Lin Tiantian and Cao Xuan suddenly turned their heads, their eyes glistening with anger.Standing here alone, who would dare to squeeze in?
(End of this chapter)

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