Chapter 249 Panic
He has no hostility towards Ye Weiyang, and even appreciates it in his heart.But the mistake was that Ye Weiyang joined the wrong team and joined the Talisman Division.And at this place, at this time, flaws were exposed.

Young people, you don’t know what it means to be careful and sail forever!

I hope she can learn a lesson in the future, and I have taught her a lesson. If she achieves something in the future, she should be grateful to herself.

He lowered his voice and said to one of his subordinates beside him: "You will learn the Fumeng immediately, let as many people from the Fumeng as possible come over, and tell them that Ye Weiyang is here to make the different talisman, but after all, it is a young man, For thousands of years, so many talisman sects have not completed the talisman, why is she so special? Can she be completed?
This is an opportunity for our Fumeng!
Let's make the most of her failure! "

The subordinate looked happy, nodded vigorously, and squeezed out of the crowd.And his voice was also heard clearly by Cao Xuan and Hall Master Zhang. The expressions of the two of them changed, and they hurriedly set their eyes on the talisman.


The hearts of both of them couldn't help beating violently.

This... is not right!
How could these runes be like this?
It's a bit different from the foundation of the Talisman I learned!
This is... a failure?
The complexions of Cao Xuan and Hall Master Zhang suddenly changed. If this fails...

The two of them immediately understood the purpose of Lin Tiantian's arrangement just now, it was to ruin Ye Weiyang's reputation, to destroy Ye Weiyang!
At that time, so many Fumeng people will come here to make a fuss, and spread the word, Ye Weiyang's reputation will be bad in the Fudao world in the future, and it will be difficult to move an inch.

Cao Xuan suddenly turned his head and stared at Lin Tiantian, his tone was cold, and his lowered voice squeezed out from between his teeth:

"Lin Tiantian, you are going too far!"

Lin Tiantian said flatly: "People like this should be condemned morally. You must know that this kind of talisman is for human use, and it will kill people!"

Cao Xuan stared at Lin Tiantian, the anger in his eyes seemed to burn Lin Tiantian into powder.

"Ye... Talisman Master..."

At this time, Hall Master Zhang stammered. Ye Weiyang had already put away the talisman-making tool, picked up the drawing-out talisman that had already been drawn, and was about to release it to the monk on the stretcher, but was caught Sectional Master Zhang stopped him, turned his head involuntarily, and looked at Sectional Master Zhang with clear eyes.

"Night Talisman..."

Hallmaster Zhang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with nervousness in his eyes. At this time, Ye Weiyang's affairs are no longer her own affairs. The momentum that Wei Young regained was in vain.

This is really Ye Weiyang's success and Ye Weiyang's failure!

"Master Yefu, I think this cultivator is... hopeless, so there is no need to use this talisman, right?"

Hall Master Zhang had a flash of inspiration, and finally came up with a solution, as long as he persuaded Ye Weiyang not to release this talisman, everything would disappear.

A hint of surprise flashed across Ye Weiyang's clear eyes: "He can still be saved, as long as he uses this pull-out talisman, he can pull out the bamboo python's ability in his body, and then release a few healing talismans, and he will be able to recover." Healed!"

"You...this...why didn't you listen to persuasion? Your talisman..." Section Master Zhang's face turned red.

Seeing Hall Master Zhang's stuttering expression, Ye Weiyang was suddenly stunned, because he wanted to quickly remove the supernatural powers in that monk's body, so what Ye Weiyang drew were talismans improved by the Luoshu space, and some Dao patterns were in other talisman masters In my eyes, it will feel a little weird when I first look at it, but if I look at it for a long time, it will feel very natural.At this time, Hall Master Zhang should feel weird, thinking that the drawing of the different talisman he made had failed.

Ye Weiyang looked at Hall Master Zhang's anxious and worried expression, and remembered how he praised himself before.

This is my strongest supporter!

I shouldn't blame him, but I should also comfort the other party and give the other party goodwill.

Thinking of this, a friendly smile appeared on Ye Weiyang's face, a kind smile, stretched out a small white hand, and gently patted Hall Master Zhang's shoulder:

"Don't worry, it's fine!"

Then, Ye Weiyang turned around and released the drawing talisman on the monk.

Hall Master Zhang was terrified by Ye Weiyang's benevolent smile just now, he forgot to stop Ye Weiyang for a moment, and when he realized it, it was already too late.

"Yefu Master... Chi..."

He just yelled three words, and the talisman had been released from the monk on the stretcher.

Then I saw the talisman stuck on the monk's chest at once, and then I could clearly see that there were bulges under the monk's skin, which flowed towards the chest like a stream of water, and then gushed from the chest. After coming out, he was absorbed into the talisman by the drawing talisman.

One, two... seven!
There are a total of seven abilities that walk inside the talisman, like seven white silk threads, which can be clearly seen.Ye Weiyang grabbed the talisman, looked at it happily, and then wanted to put it into the storage ring, but paused halfway, and put it into the storage bag hanging on his chest.

After pulling out the different ability, the pulling out talisman can be stored in the pulling out talisman, and released when necessary to become an attack method.Of course, once released, this talisman will be truly consumed.

"Tallor Master Zhang...Talk Master Zhang..." Ye Weiyang looked at Tang Master Zhang in a daze, and then stretched out his tender little hand to shake in front of his eyes.

"Ah? Yeye... Talisman Master..."

"Give him some healing charms!" Ye Weiyang pointed at the monk on the stretcher.

"Oh, okay, now..."

Section Master Zhang was refreshed, he had just seen with his own eyes the ability of pulling out the seven strands of bamboo python with his own eyes.

Ye Weiyang really completed the different drawing talisman.

It's so arrogant!

Really awesome!

At this time, there were no more words to describe Hall Master Zhang's mood.Hastily took out four healing charms from the storage bag and released them on the monk.

At the same time, Lin Tiantian felt his eyes darken, and the blood in his body rushed straight to his head.

It worked...

Lin Tiantian closed his eyes tightly, his heart was already in a mess, his figure couldn't help shaking, he was supported by his subordinates, and whispered:
"Leader Lin..."

"Don't panic, don't rush..." Lin Tiantian tried his best to calm his mind.

"Not good!" He suddenly remembered that he had just sent someone to notify the talisman masters of the talisman alliance to make all the talisman masters of the talisman alliance.

Now that Ye Weiyang has succeeded, what else is there to do?
Cheers for Ye Weiyang?
Then, the Talisman Making Department will definitely publicize that the Fu League bows to the Talisman Making Department and comes to the Talisman Making Department to learn how to make talismans.


Gotta get out of here quickly!

Go block the Fumeng of the Fumeng!


Lin Tiantian regained his strength, stretched out his hand to push aside the crowd, and strode towards the door.

Cao Xuan was overjoyed, and shouted loudly: "Vice President Lin, where are you going? I have made arrangements to welcome everyone from the Fu League..."

Thanks a lot to Ji Moxue (1500) and Meng Chi (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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