The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 250 Guan Dongting

Chapter 250 Guan Dongting

With his back to Cao Xuan, Lin Tiantian's eyes were bloodshot with anger. He really wanted to turn around and fight Cao Xuan.But he knew that there was no delay at this time. It would be bad if people from Fumeng came.So, he didn't look back, although his body was trembling with anger, his pace was faster.

Cao Xuan was in a very happy mood at this time, and even checked the monk on the stretcher himself, then smiled and said to the young monk beside the stretcher, who was looking forward to him with an anxious expression on his face:
"Director, my uncle..."

"Very good, very good!" Cao Xuan said with a smile all over his face, "You can take him back, and he will probably wake up at night. Of course, don't forget to pay the fee. Oh..."

Cao Xuan paused for a moment, he remembered how to charge for the drawing of the different talisman, but today he was really happy, so he waved his hand and said:

"There will be no charge for drawing the talisman, you can just pay the fee normally."

"Thank you, thank you!" The young man bowed again and again, bowing to Cao Xuan, bowing to Ye Weiyang, and bowing to Hall Master Zhang.

At this time, Cao Xuan faced Ye Weiyang, showed a friendly smile and said, "Master Yefu, come sit with me? There is also the Third Highness."

Ye Weiyang thought about it, in a few days she will come to work in the Talisman Manufacturing Department, and it is necessary to have a good relationship with her boss.Then nodded.

Cao Xuan's face showed joy: "Please!"

At this time, the talisman masters of the Fumeng were happily rushing out of the gate of the Fumeng, and the leader was the talisman sent back by Lin Tiantian.At this time, the talisman master was surrounded by the crowd, and each of the talisman masters asked in a hurry:
"You mean that a monk who was injured by the bamboo python went to the Talisman Division, and then the Talisman Division used the healing talisman to activate the ability of the bamboo joints, causing that monk to be injured a second time?"


"This...that cultivator is doomed! We don't have any big cultivators with three flowers gathering at all in our capital, and we can't pull out the supernatural power at all. At this time, there is no time to hide, that Ye Weiyang... By the way, that is Is Ye Weiyang the one who completed the healing talisman?

are you sure? "


"She pulled out the different talisman again? This is impossible!" At this time, a white-haired old woman said, this person is Yu Dongxia, the Fu Zong of the Fu League:
"I've been studying the different talisman for 20 years, but I still haven't got a clue. You just said that Ye Weiyang is only about 20 years old?"


"That is, it is impossible to research it from the mother's womb." Yu Dongxia said affirmatively.

"That's right!" The talisman master who came back to inform said with a smile on his face: "So leader Lin asked me to inform everyone, and go to the talisman making department to watch together. We can't lose this opportunity. We want to ruin Ye Weiyang all at once. Our Fumeng will be able to sweep away the decline."

Yu Dongxia nodded and said: "It's secondary to wipe out the decline. The key is not to encourage these young people. With a little achievement, they will become so inflated that they don't know who they are."

"Yes, yes, you are right...Leader Lin..." The talisman master suddenly saw Lin Tiantian who was striding over here with a gloomy face:

"Why did you come back? Could it be that after Ye Weiyang failed, Cao Xuan got mad and drove you out..."

The talisman master suddenly closed his mouth, his face was pale, and he knew that he had said something wrong.How could Leader Lin be kicked out?

Even if you are kicked out, you can't say it in public!

Lin Tiantian glared at the talisman master with a gloomy face, then strode forward and said, "Go back!"

"Go back?" This time it was Yu Dongxia who stopped Lin Tiantian: "Why go back?"

"Because..." Lin Tiantian gritted his teeth and said, "That Ye Weiyang succeeded."

"Successful?" Yu Dongxia was shocked: "How is this possible?"

"I saw it with my own eyes!" Lin Tiantian's tone was full of gloom.

"So... bull-nosed?" Yu Dongxia was a little distracted, and she couldn't help but swear.

Lin Tiantian glanced at Yu Dongxia blankly. You must know that Yu Dongxia is usually very noble, but when he saw Yu Dongxia's absent-minded gaze, he remembered that pulling out different symbols has been something she has been studying for more than [-] years. of Talismans.Feeling sympathetic in my heart, I sighed:
"That Ye Weiyang is so arrogant!"

Talisman Division.

Cao Xuan's office.

Cao Xuan, Zhang Zhang, Ye Weiyang, Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang sat on the chairs.Cao Xuan took out all the tea leaves from his collection, Ye Weiyang took a sip, and felt the fragrance of his mouth and teeth, and couldn't help praising:
“Good tea!”

Cao Xuan looked at Ye Weiyang with a smile and said, "Is that so? This is the top Yunwu tea, I still have some here, I'll take it back for you later."

"Is this bad?" Ye Weiyang was a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing bad!" Cao Xuan waved his hand, "I don't know much about tea, and I don't usually like to drink tea."

Hall Master Zhang rolled his eyes, who in the Talisman Division didn't know that Cao Xuan was like tea?Usually, when I want to get some tea from him, I turn against myself.Now you say you don’t understand tea and don’t want to drink tea?
Ha ha……

Hypocrisy old fellow!
"Then... alright!" Ye Weiyang's face showed joy, "Thank you Director."

"Deputy director, it's the deputy director!" Cao Xuan hurriedly said modestly: "I have already notified the director, he should be coming soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a knock on the door.Hall Master Zhang hurriedly stood up, went to open the door, and saw an old man with a bookish look coming in from the outside:

"Old Cao, why are you calling me here in such a hurry? Don't you know I'm busy?"

"Director!" At this moment, everyone stood up, Cao Xuan took two steps and said, "Let me introduce you."

Guan Dongting saw Qin Yi and nodded towards Qin Yi. Qin Yi hurriedly saluted, "I've seen Director Guan."

Guan Dongting had already set his eyes on Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang, and quickly moved his eyes away from Yang Xingguang. Yang Xingguang's temperament made him feel that he was a normal monk at a glance.But Ye Weiyang is different, she actually has the same aura as herself.

This could not help but give birth to a trace of joy in his heart.

At this time, Cao Xuan has already started to introduce: "This is Ye Weiyang Talisman Master, Ye Fu Master, this is the Director of our Talisman Making Department, Director Guan Dongting."

Ye Weiyang saluted and said, "I have met Director Guan."

Guan Dongting thought for a moment, and then his eyes lit up: "You are the Ye Weiyang who completed the healing talisman in the Daming Mansion?"

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded slightly.

"Director, it's more than that."

"Oh?" Guan Dongting glanced at Cao Xuan, then walked to the table, sat down first, and then motioned for everyone to sit down, then said:
"Tell me about it."

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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