Chapter 251 Join
"Master Zhang." Cao Xuan looked at Zhang Liuying.

Zhang Liuying straightened her body, and then began to describe what happened in detail, of course, she briefly mentioned the part where she praised Ye Weiyang.

Guan Dongting listened quietly. After all, it was the boss, but only occasionally a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the expression on his face did not fluctuate greatly.It wasn't until Zhang Liuying finished speaking that Guan Dongting looked at Ye Weiyang and said:


"Thank you!"

Ye Weiyang's face is calm. She has experienced the Foshan battle back in time. In terms of seeing big scenes, Guan Dongting may not be as good as her, and she has been praised by the commander. How can she be excited by a director's praise?
Ye Weiyang's calmness, on the contrary, made Guan Dongting feel a little surprised.Not to mention a small talisman master like Ye Weiyang, even if Zhang Liuying is praised by himself, he will be excited for a long time.But Ye Weiyang's face didn't fluctuate in the slightest.This could not help but slightly lowered the mentality of the superior in his heart.Only in this way can the importance of Ye Weiyang be reflected.

in case……

Ye Weiyang switched to Fumeng...

Just think about it, his heart will be awe-inspiring, absolutely can't let such a thing happen, if it happens, the current Fumeng will be a lesson for the past.Then, a friendly smile appeared on his face:

"Weiyang, you joined the Talisman Making Division in Daming Mansion, you are the people of our Talisman Making Division, and you are our family."

Ye Weiyang nodded, as she lost her family, she couldn't help but feel warm when she heard Guan Dongting's words, but it was hard for her to treat other people as her family, so she just nodded slightly.

"Then what are your plans for the future?" Seeing Ye Weiyang nodding, Guan Dongting's expression became more cordial and kind.

"Dai Shoufu asked me to join the Talisman Making Department in the imperial capital." Ye Weiyang said softly.

Guan Dongting's heart skipped a beat.


At the beginning of Ye Weiyang, it was Dai Shoufu who recruited him into the Talisman Making Department in Daming Mansion, so he should be Dai Shoufu's confidant.So he is relieved, Ye Weiyang will not leave!

"Which department do you want to join? Take your pick."

Ye Weiyang had already thought about it, so she immediately said: "I'd better go to the repair department, I'm familiar with the work there."


Originally, Guan Dongting wanted Ye Weiyang to join the research department of the Talisman Making Department, specializing in the research of those residual talismans.But since Ye Weiyang has a choice, he will not refuse.As long as Ye Weiyang is willing to stay, she will be happy.

"Weiyang, what will you do when you pull out the different talisman?"

"It can be handed over to the Talisman Creator just like the Healing Talisman. Of course, there are the same share and contribution points as the Healing Talisman."

"Of course!" Guan Dongting nodded and said, "Not only do you have share and contribution points, but also the drawing of different talismans belongs to the level of a great talisman master, and the contribution points are much more than the healing talismans. Wait for two days, and we will send your The sharing and contribution points will be summarized and you will be notified.


In addition to being able to use the contribution points to read books in the Talisman Division's Library Pavilion, the greatest use is that they can be exchanged for resources that are difficult to buy in the market, or even impossible to buy.Is there anything you want to redeem? "

Ye Weiyang's heart skipped a beat: "Yes!"

Then a bright light appeared between her eyebrows, and a flying needle as thin as a hair fell between her two fingers, and handed it to Guan Dongting, saying:

"I need such flying probes, the more the better."

Guan Dongting looked at the flying needle carefully, nodded and said: "This is a cold-attribute flying needle, which needs cold-attribute materials. I think your flying needle should be made of the bones of cold-attribute monsters, yes. Bar?"

Ye Weiyang shook his head slightly and said: "No, it's made from the bones of cold-attribute monster monks."


The people around couldn't help but look shocked. You must know that there are no monsters in Dahua now, but there are very few monsters, and most of them are monsters.Moreover, the monster clan is not only powerful, but also cunning. They are generally locked deep in the monster clan's territory, let alone hunting them, it is difficult to penetrate into their territory.

Guan Dongting took the flying needle this time, watched it carefully, and finally confirmed that it was a flying needle refined from the bones of a monster monk.He pondered for a while and said:

"This flying needle can be refined for you, but it is very expensive."

Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, she also knew that it was difficult to find the bones of the monster clan in Dahua, let alone the monster clan with the cold attribute?

But I didn't expect that Guan Dongting actually said that it could be refined. Although I couldn't figure out where to get this kind of resource from Guan Dongting, it was good to have it.Immediately asked:
"How many spirit stones do you need for a flying needle like this?"

"You can't buy spirit stones." Guan Dongting shook his head and said, "But contribution points are fine. I roughly calculated that you should have less than [-] contribution points now, and this still counts your talisman drawing. But such a flying probe requires a hundred contribution points."


Ye Weiyang couldn't help but gasped, this is really too expensive, much more expensive than the era of the Foshan Battle.If it was so expensive in that era, I am afraid that the flying needles I exchanged would not be 40, and [-] would be good.


In that era, there was a war between the two clans, and there were plenty of corpses of monster monks, but in this era, monster monks are hard to see, let alone corpses?

"How much do you want to exchange?" Guan Dongting asked.

Ye Weiyang didn't answer immediately, but was thinking about how to exchange more.The era of the Foshan campaign can no longer be returned, so no matter how expensive this era is, I still have to change it.This means that I have contribution points, and others can't exchange them even if they have spirit stones.

Contribute points!
Contribute points!
The contribution points are all exchanged by myself with the completed talismans. Although there are no completed talismans now, I have improved talismans.And there are many.


Ye Weiyang is much more cautious now, and when she first came to the imperial capital, she also thinks that she should act cautiously.Therefore, she is not going to take out all the improved talismans. Now she is only a fourth-grade talisman master, and it seems a bit uncautious to rashly take out the talisman of the great talisman master level.

At this time, Guan Dongting's gaze also pretended to be inadvertently set on Ye Weiyang's chest, and when he saw the wooden badge, he frowned unobtrusively.

The wooden badge represents that Ye Weiyang is only a talisman master, but it completes the different drawing talisman, which is a talisman of the rank of a great talisman master.His heart skipped a beat.

Ye Weiyang is already a great talisman master?

A great talisman master at this age?

He remembered what Hall Master Zhang had just said, saying that Ye Weiyang had just come out of the examination room, that is to say, she had just obtained the badge of the fourth-grade talisman master.In this way, Ye Weiyang is preparing to pass the exam level by level.Then don't ask yourself, pretend not to know, wait for her to pass the exam level by level, but to see how far she can pass the exam?
(End of this chapter)

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