The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 253 Imperial Capital Restoration Department

Chapter 253 Imperial Capital Restoration Department

A 20-year-old great talisman master, and also a great talisman master who completes the qi talisman, the healing talisman and the different talisman, this is definitely a peerless arrogance in their hearts.No wonder there was hope in Zhang Zhen's eyes.He looked at Zhang Zhen and said:

"would you like?"

"Yes, I am very willing!" Zhang Zhen nodded hastily.

"Alright then!" Ye Weiyang nodded.

Zhang Zhen's face was full of joy, he came to Ye Weiyang's body in an orderly manner, and bowed deeply to Ye Weiyang:
"Meet the teacher!"

Ye Weiyang thought for a while and said: "I'm not your teacher, you should call me Yefu Master."

A trace of disappointment appeared on Zhang Zhen's face, but he still saluted again: "Meet Master Yefu."

Teacher is a very strict name in this era. Once a master-student relationship is established, it becomes one.Students have to die for their teachers, and teachers have to teach and protect students.The teacher's mistakes will cut off the students' future, and the students' stains will also have a great impact on the teachers.Now that Ye Weiyang doesn't know anything about Zhang Zhen, whether it's the aptitude, talent, or character of Fu Dao, how can he accept Zhang Zhen as a disciple?
Looking at the somewhat disappointed Zhang Zhen, Zhang Liuying patted him on the shoulder and said, "Learn from Master Yefu."

Feeling the slight force of his uncle's palm on his shoulder, Zhang Zhen also woke up.How can it be so easy for a teacher to accept disciples?

It needs to be investigated!
I couldn't help but secretly clenched my fists in my sleeves, I will definitely pass the teacher's inspection!
Ye Weiyang went to a jade slip. Originally, she wanted to take out this jade slip after she passed the assessment to the rank of a great talisman master. Now that many people know that she is a great talisman master, there is no need to hide it. Hurry up. Entrusting the talisman maker to help him refine the flying needle is a serious matter.

"Master Zhang, this jade slip contains 260 five kinds of talisman master-level talismans that I improved. I will replace all the contribution points I got with flying needles."

Zhang Liuying's expression was shocked, and he couldn't hide his surprise in his eyes.

260 five kinds?

How did she do it?
Hastily took the jade slips, penetrated with spiritual power, saw the improvement of one of the talismans, then suddenly raised his head to look at Ye Weiyang, took a deep breath and said:
"Wei Young, I'll take you to the restoration department first. As for merit points and share, I'll help you do it well."

"Thank you!" There was a smile on Ye Weiyang's face, she was most afraid of these troublesome things, Zhang Liuying took care of them all, which made her worry free.I sincerely thank you.

Zhang Liuying put away the jade slips and said, "Master Yefu, please!"

The restoration department also heard about Ye Weiyang yesterday, and also knew that Ye Weiyang would come to the restoration department to report today.Therefore, when Ye Weiyang came to the restoration department, not only did he not have the look of the imperial capital's talisman masters looking down on the talisman masters from other places, but all of them were very enthusiastic about Ye Weiyang.

Can this not be enthusiastic?

Just like Hall Master Zhang praised Ye Weiyang yesterday, it was indeed a means to resist the pressure of the Fumeng at the beginning, but if you do too much, it will become inevitable.At the beginning, although they admired Ye Weiyang a little bit for completing the healing talisman, launching Ye Weiyang was more of a means, not the fanaticism and respect like Zhang Zhang praised her. , and even showed adoration.

Everything is for the purpose of fooling the public and gaining the upper hand against Fumeng.

Therefore, at the beginning, the Talisman Making Department mobilized all the Talisman Masters in the Talisman Making Department to praise Ye Weiyang whenever they had the opportunity.But boasting has almost become an instinct, and it naturally affects the psychology of every talisman maker, making them gradually have a good impression of Ye Weiyang, a person they have never met, and also have a little bit of admiration.

Then, they heard about what happened yesterday.

Ye Weiyang completed another residual talisman!
After praising Ye Weiyang for a year, the admiration for Ye Weiyang accumulated in the subconscious, suddenly exploded.

Therefore, Ye Weiyang joined the restoration department, which was regarded as an honor by the restoration department.

Of course, not everyone has a good impression of Ye Weiyang, and Ye Weiyang is not a spirit stone, so everyone can't love her.But even if there are some people who are disliked, dissatisfied, or even hostile towards Ye Weiyang, they are a minority after all, wrapped in the crowd who welcome Ye Weiyang, naturally they will not show it.

Therefore, in this enthusiastic atmosphere, Ye Weiyang joined the Restoration Department of the Imperial Capital's Talisman Division.After getting to know a group of people, he was assigned to the No. 120 restoration room.This made Ye Weiyang click her tongue.

The imperial capital is the imperial capital, and there are so many restoration rooms!

There is also a sign hanging beside the door, which reads: Fourth Grade Talisman Master Ye Weiyang.

The purpose of this sign is to tell those monks who come to repair the rune soldiers that rune soldiers below the fourth-grade rune master can come here to repair them, and those who are higher than this level can go to other repair rooms.

Walking into his own repair room, he saw that the windows inside were clean and clean, and they were all cleaned up.At this time, Zhang Zhen had already taken out the tea leaves he brought to make tea for Ye Weiyang, and then respectfully placed it in front of Ye Weiyang.Seeing that nothing was wrong, Ye Weiyang began to ask Zhang Zhen some knowledge about talismans.Zhang Zhen knew that this was Ye Weiyang's investigation of his own foundation, so he immediately cheered up and answered Ye Weiyang's question seriously.

While chatting, they heard a knock on the door.Zhang Zhen trotted to the door in a hurry, opened the door, and saw a young man with a big gun standing outside the door. Zhang Zhen didn't let the monk in immediately, but glanced at the big gun.

Fourth grade talisman master grade talisman soldiers!

He didn't go beyond the scope, although he knew that Ye Weiyang was already a great talisman master, but he didn't want to break the rules of the restoration department, any level of repair room can repair any level of talisman soldiers.

Ye Weiyang was also observing Zhang Zhen, and had a preliminary impression of Zhang Zhen in her heart.

This is a somewhat old-fashioned person.

At this time, the boy also saw the wooden badge on Zhang Zhen's chest, and seeing the word seven written on it, his expression changed, and he turned his head to look at the sign outside the door.

"Come in, I'm not the talisman master who repairs the talisman soldiers for you, this is the apprentice of the night talisman master."

The young man's eyes lit up, he knew that in the imperial capital, there was a talisman master as an apprentice...

Do not!
It is to be a disciple!

However, not everyone can become a teacher of a talisman master. If one wants to become a teacher of a talisman master, one must at least be a talisman sect. Even a great talisman master is not qualified.However, the seventh-level talisman master in front of him has become the disciple of a fourth-level talisman master...


He just said that he was an apprentice, which means that he has not yet become a disciple of Yefu Master, and is still in the investigation stage.In this way, that Yefu master is really powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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