The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 254 It's so dark

Chapter 254 It's so dark

The reason why he came to Ye Weiyang to repair the talisman soldiers was because of Ye Weiyang's reputation. After all, Ye Weiyang's reputation in the imperial capital has been great in the past year.But he was also a little uneasy, because the talisman maker preached that Ye Weiyang's aspects were healing talismans, and he really didn't know how well Ye Weiyang repaired the talisman soldiers.Today I came to restore the Fu Bing, and when I heard Ye Weiyang's name, I knocked on the door of Ye Weiyang's repair room without knowing what to do. Just now, I still had a little regret in my heart, but now I have more expectations.

Walking in with Zhang Zhen, seeing the white-haired Ye Weiyang, he felt a little nervous in his heart.Respectfully put the big gun on the workbench.Then he looked expectantly at Ye Weiyang.On the side, Zhang Zhen also stared at Ye Weiyang with burning eyes.

The teacher chooses the disciple, and the disciple also chooses the teacher.

Although my uncle tried my best to persuade me to become Ye Weiyang's disciple, and I also respect Ye Weiyang very much, even have a little worship.To be able to become a great talisman master at the age of 20 is undoubtedly much more genius than himself.Then he completed the lookout talisman, the healing talisman and the differentiating talisman. This added another level to the genius, it was a peerless genius, so he agreed to his uncle's persuasion without the slightest resistance.But what he respects and worships is Ye Weiyang's talisman realm, but he doesn't have much confidence in Ye Weiyang's restoration of the talisman soldiers.After all, he is only 20 years old, and he has completed three residual talismans. It can be seen that the experience is used for research. Do you have time to practice repairing talisman soldiers?
However, today you can see Ye Weiyang's level of restoration.So he was all in.But Ye Weiyang just glanced at the big gun, and didn't start repairing it immediately, but looked up at the young man and said:

"There are two ways to repair your flame gun. One is to repair it according to your original runes. After repairing, its power can only be [-]% of its original power. You should know that, right?"

"Yes, Yefu Master, I know."

The young man nodded, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, no one wanted the weapon that he regarded as his partner to reduce its power, just like the lover he admired, whose appearance was reduced.

"But there is another repair method, which can increase your original power by [-]%. Of course, this one is more expensive. Which one do you choose?"

With Ye Weiyang's strong mental power, she instantly felt four small suns lit up around her, which were the eyes of the boy opposite and Zhang Zhen next to him.Four eyes became fiery.The boy said excitedly:

"You... are you telling the truth?"

"Of course!" Ye Weiyang nodded firmly.

The young man took a deep breath, and then asked in a low voice, " many spirit stones?"

"Zhang Zhen!"

Ye Weiyang called softly, when she was in Daming Mansion, her disciple An Dong was also in charge of settling accounts, so she naturally called Zhang Zhen and thought of An Dong at the same time.

Anton didn't follow him to the imperial capital because his parents were both in Daming Mansion.But now Anton has become a Ninth Grade Talisman Master.

Hope he can continue to improve!

At this moment, Zhang Zhen had already said, "If you choose the first type, a middle-grade spirit stone. If you choose the second type..."

Zhang Zhen thought for a while. He really hadn't encountered this kind of repair with improved power. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said:
"A high-grade spirit stone!"

Ye Weiyang froze.

It's so dark!
This is just a rune soldier at the level of a rune master, and it is also a simple flame gun, just a kind of flame rune.

But I didn't expect that the boy nodded immediately: "I choose the second one, hey, this is a high-grade spirit stone."

The boy took out a high-grade spirit stone and placed it on the workbench.

Ye Weiyang looked at the crystal-clear top-grade spirit stone exuding brilliance, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, people in this imperial capital are rich!

Stretching out his hand, he put away the high-grade spirit stone, and then placed the big gun horizontally on the workbench. Zhang Zhen had already started to prepare the tools smoothly, and then began to apply black juice, which would soon destroy the damaged gun. The place is smoothed.Ye Weiyang took a look, pointed to two undamaged runes and said:

"Erase these two runes with Hei Teng juice!" Seeing that Zhang Zhen didn't understand, he pointed out: "The damaged part of this big gun is very small, just improving the few runes, it can't reach The purpose of increasing the power by [-]%."

Zhang Zhen still doesn't understand, but just do it.Soon the two runes were also erased, and then Ye Weiyang picked up the rune knife and started to carve. In less than a quarter of an hour, he completed the runes and motioned to the young man:

"Try it!"

The boy grabbed the big gun with both excitement and apprehension, pouring spiritual energy into it.


A flame emerged from the tip of the gun, and Zhang Zhen's eyes lit up. He could tell that the color of the flame was darker than that of a normal flame gun.At this time, the boy had already exclaimed in surprise:
"Sure enough, the power has increased!" Then he put away his spiritual power, bowed to Ye Weiyang and saluted: "Thank you, Master Yefu."

Ye Weiyang waved his hand, and the boy left happily.Ye Weiyang saw that there were no monks coming to repair the talisman soldiers, so he took out a book of formations and read it intensively, but within two or three breaths, Ye Weiyang raised his head and looked at Zhang Zhen who was standing beside him:

"What are you looking at me for?"

Zhang Zhen's expression showed a twisted and expectant look: "Master Yefu, that flame gun..."

"Do you want to learn?"

"En!" Zhang Zhen nodded quickly.

Ye Weiyang put the book aside, took out the talisman paper and the talisman pen, and said: "The flame gun is a very simple rune weapon dictionary, I improved the flame gun dictionary. In fact, according to my improvement If the talisman is depicted in the picture book, the power of the flame gun will be increased by at least [-]%, or even more. But if only a small part is changed, the power can only be increased by [-]%. I will show you."

Ye Weiyang explained to Zhang Zhen while drawing, and after finishing the painting, handed the talisman to Zhang Zhendao:

"Take it back and learn slowly, and ask me what you don't understand."

"Thank you Master Yefu!" Zhang Zhen took the talisman excitedly, and wanted to study it aside, but he heard Ye Weiyang ask:

"Zhang Zhen, is it appropriate to accept a high-grade spirit stone?"

Zhang Zhen froze for a moment before realizing that what Ye Weiyang said was the cost of repairing the flame gun.Thinking that Ye Weiyang came from the Daming Mansion, he hastily explained:
"Appropriate, maybe there will be less. Night Talisman, this is the imperial capital, everything is expensive. And this is because your first level is a Talisman Master, if you are now a Grand Talisman Master, even if he comes to repair a flame gun, Normal big talisman masters charge ten times the charge of talisman masters."

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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