The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 257 Meng Er, Kong Er!

Chapter 257 Meng Er, Kong Er!
"I don't know!" The cousin also lowered his head slightly, his eyes rolled around, and he said in a low voice: "I didn't dare to come in with my father. I waited for a while before I came in. But I don't know which room my father was carried into. "

"Who did you ask to carry uncle here?"

"The two gardeners in the mansion rarely go out, so no one will recognize them."

"Where are the two gardeners?"

"I'm looking for them too, maybe they went in with a stretcher."

"There are too many talisman clinics here. Let's look for them. Under normal circumstances, those two gardeners will not be allowed in."

The two separated, one in front of the other, walked along the corridor, as if they didn't know each other.

Inside the Fuyitang is a cloister. When the two of them turned the first corner, Cao Xuan walked in from the gate of the Fuyitang.He received an order from the Ministry of War. The sudden appearance of the bamboo python injured many people. Knowing that Ye Weiyang had already completed the different-drawing talisman, he asked Fu Yitang to learn how to make the different-drawing talisman as soon as possible, but before that, let Ye Weiyang Make some diabolisms.

Out of respect for Ye Weiyang, he went to the Restoration Department in person, and when he heard that Ye Weiyang had come to Fu Medical Hall, he came here in a hurry.On the one hand, let Ye Weiyang make more different drawing talismans, on the other hand, let the Fu Medical Hall get ready, maybe a large number of monks who were injured by the bamboo python will be sent here soon.

The two cousins ​​Lin Tiantian walked very slowly, because they wanted to search, and every time they came to a door, they had to listen to the sound inside the door.But Cao Xuan walked very quickly. As soon as he entered the door, he found out which room Zhang Liuying was in from the teacher of Fu Medical Hall, so he went straight to that room.

The two Lin Tiantian brothers were looking along the corridor, and then turned the second corner. The cousin's eyes lit up, and he saw two gardeners in his mansion standing outside a door not far away. .He hurriedly stopped in his tracks, turned his head and lowered his voice:


The sound of the door opening came from behind him, he suddenly turned around, and saw Zhang Zhen walking out, and said to the two gardeners:
"Your master is already awake, come in first and pay the fee, and then carry him away."

Then I heard someone walking out while talking inside the door: "Master Yefu, go to my office to make talismans. The environment here is not good."

The two cousins, Lin Tiantian, moved back a few steps with great agility, then turned a corner and hid.The two looked at each other with relief in their eyes.

My father (uncle) was cured, and I have not been found yet.

The expressions of the two of them suddenly changed again. Because of the sound of footsteps coming from the direction they came from, the two of them lowered their heads slightly, pretending to be talking, not looking at the person who was approaching quickly from behind them, expecting that person People hurried over, and then the two of them would leave the Talisman Division immediately.

The person who came was Cao Xuan who came to look for Zhang Liuying. He glanced at Lin Tiantian's back indifferently, and then looked away.But in the next second, his eyes turned back to Lin Tiantian's back.

It is because he is too familiar with Lin Tiantian, he has been an opponent all his life, not to mention the back view, even if he only sees one hand, he can recognize it, and he couldn't help shouting in surprise:

"Lin Tiantian, why are you here?"

Lin Tiantian's back stiffened, Zhang Liuying who was walking in the corridor paused, then turned around and walked towards the corner, Ye Weiyang frowned, and followed.He didn't know who Lin Tiantian was, but Zhang Liuying was so excited that he forgot to greet him, could it be someone from the Talisman Division?
Could it be some big talisman sect?

Lin Tiantian heard Cao Xuan's voice behind him, and instinctively wanted to walk forward and turn the corner.But he heard hurried footsteps coming from the corner, and knew without thinking that it was Zhang Liuying and Ye Weiyang.

Embarrassment appeared on his face, but when he raised his head and turned around, the embarrassment had disappeared, and instead he was full of joy:
"Director Cao, didn't I come to see you? I think it is necessary to continue what we discussed last time."

Cao Xuan's eyes lit up. In fact, he never thought about monopolizing the production method of the healing talisman. Ye Weiyang was able to hand in the healing talisman, and he was able to share the healing talisman. This is the magnanimity of the Fu Zong. Terran.But in this process, it is necessary to reap the necessary benefits for the talisman maker.He didn't agree with it last time, and he was willing to continue the discussion.However, then he felt something was wrong with a move in his heart:

"Then how did you come here?"

Lin Tiantian didn't panic at all: "Didn't I hear that you came here? I came here to find you."

Cao Xuan still felt that something was wrong, but compared with the things to be discussed, these were trivial matters.A warm smile appeared on his face.

"Leader Lin!" At this moment, Zhang Liuying and Ye Weiyang also turned the corner.

"Master Zhang!"

Lin Tiantian also responded with a smile, but he was secretly lucky in his heart. It seemed that neither Cao Xuan nor Zhang Liuying knew his cousin.Thinking about it, these two people stayed in the Talisman Division all the year round, and only the Talisman Masters with low levels would sometimes go out hunting with the monks in a team.Therefore, people who know my cousin and uncle should be low-level talisman masters, and the highest ones are high-level talisman masters.In this way, his heart is more stable.But he was also anxious to leave here, so he said with a smile:
"It seems that you all have important things to do, why don't we make an appointment and talk about it next time. I won't bother you."

Speaking of this, he nodded to Ye Weiyang and said: "If Master Yefu is free, welcome to come to our Fumeng to exchange ideas."

Cao Xuan and Zhang Liuying immediately became vigilant. Is this old clapper trying to poach someone?
At this time, they heard footsteps again.But Cao Xuan and Zhang Liuying didn't care, what they cared about was Lin Tiantian's behavior of poaching.Cao Xuan felt that he had to warn the other party, so he stopped Lin Tiantian and said:

"Leader Lin wait a minute, I'll make arrangements, and then the two of us will go to my office to talk."

After saying that, he looked at Cao Xuan and said: "There is no order. A large number of bamboo pythons were found in Nianshan, and many monks will be injured by bamboo pythons. Therefore, Fu Yitang should be prepared for large-scale treatment."

Zhang Liuying's expression also became serious: "Yes, I will arrange it immediately."

Cao Xuan looked at Ye Weiyang again, and said with a smile on his face: "Weiyang will trouble you to make some different drawing symbols as much as possible."

"No problem!" Ye Weiyang also said solemnly.

Two gardeners came out from the corner carrying a stretcher. Lin Yu was lying on the stretcher with a look of rejoicing. He didn't expect that he could be rescued after being hit by the bamboo python's latent ability.


When he saw his son... and his nephew, he felt happy all of a sudden:

"Menger, Konger!"

(End of this chapter)

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