The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 258 On-site Drawing Symbols

Chapter 258 On-site Drawing Symbols
Lin Tiantian, who had a natural smile on his face, suddenly became embarrassed, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.At this time, Lin Yu's face was full of astonishment. He found that his son and nephew did not rush to his side, but were full of embarrassment.But the rest of the people made a swish and focused their eyes on him.Then, I saw the Hall Master Zhang who had rescued him come over with a smile on his face and said:

"Sir, were you calling them both just now?"

"Yes!" Lin Yu nodded and said, "One of them is my son and the other is my nephew."

"Ha! Ha!" Zhang Zhang looked at Lin Tiantian, and his laughter was full of jokes.

"Ha! Ha!" Lin Tiantian's laughter was full of embarrassment.

Cao Xuan walked quickly to the stretcher, and held Lin Yu's hand with a smile: "Uncle Lin, are you Brother Lin's uncle?"

"Yes!" A smile appeared on Lin Yu's face.

A concerned smile immediately appeared on Cao Xuan's face: "Uncle Lin, are you in good health?"


"Are you satisfied with our treatment?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied!"

"That's good. Brother Lin and I are good friends. It is my honor to be able to heal you. I will send you off."

"thanks, thanks!"

Cao Xuan got off the stretcher, put his arms around Lin Tiantian's shoulders with a smile on his face, and walked outside. He quickly turned around the corridor and came to the hall.At this time, there were many monks in the hall who came to Fu Medical Hall for treatment. Cao Xuan raised his voice and said:
"Leader Lin, you can send your uncle to our talisman making department for treatment. This is your trust in our talisman making department, and our talisman making department has lived up to expectations and healed your uncle..."

Lin Tiantian could no longer hear what Cao Xuan was saying, his ears were buzzing, and his entire face turned green.

This is myself showing up in person to promote the Talisman Division, and to show that the Fu League is not as good as the Talisman Division!

How to explain this?

How to explain to the leader this time?
How do you explain it to your colleagues?
Undoubtedly, the reputation of the Talisman Making Division will be greatly improved, on the contrary, the reputation of the Talisman League will be further damaged.

This... Cao Xuan... is so wicked!

Sure enough, the monks in the whole hall were boiling, pointing at Lin Tiantian and Lin Yu on the stretcher one by one.

"That person is Lin Tiantian, the leader of the Fu League, I know him."

"The person on the stretcher is Lin Tiantian's uncle?"

"They can't cure the Fumeng? They want to come to the Talisman Division for treatment? Doesn't it mean that the foundation of the Fumeng is much stronger than that of the Talisman Division?"

"That's the old calendar. No one in the imperial capital knows that the Talisman Making Division is better than the Fumeng? The Talisman Making Division has healing charms, but does the Fumeng have them?"


Lin Tiantian felt that his tinnitus was getting worse.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way..." At this moment, there was a cry from the gate, and then a group of soldiers in Dahua uniforms rushed in with stretchers one by one.

"Doctor Fu, hurry up and save someone."

Cao Xuan's expression changed when he saw those soldiers in standard uniforms, and he strode forward and said:

"I'm Cao Xuan, the deputy director of the Talisman Making Department. Did you come down from Nian Mountain?"

"Crack!" The soldier saluted Cao Xuan first, and then said, "My lord, we came down from Nianshan Mountain."

Cao Xuan's expression changed: "Are they all injured by the bamboo python?"

"Yes!" The soldier's expression also became serious: "There are too many bamboo pythons."

"Why are there so many? There has never been a bamboo python before Nianshan..." At this point, Cao Xuan stopped and waved to Ye Weiyang:


"Understood!" Ye Weiyang stepped forward quickly, and shouted: "Bring a table over here, and I need talisman-making tools and talisman paper."


Immediately, someone moved over the table, and Zhang Zhen also came over at this time, and began to quickly put a stack of talisman papers on the table, and then ground them.At this time, there were too many monks injured by the bamboo python, and it was too late to enter the doctor's room.Ye Weiyang picked up the talisman pen, dipped it in the talisman ink, and began to make different talismans.

Lin Tiantian's eyes moved, he took a few steps closer, and watched carefully, and there were many talisman masters watching.

Ye Weiyang started to draw quickly, Lin Tiantian looked at Ye Weiyang's brushwork, and looked more seriously, Cao Xuan saw Lin Tiantian's serious appearance, but he was not worried.

A talisman is not something you can learn just by looking at other people's paintings.The thickness, depth, and strength of the spiritual power of each rune are ever-changing. No one has given a detailed production method. You can't learn it just by watching.Or you have to go through thousands of trials before you can find the right direction.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's smooth brushwork, all the monks watching were dumbfounded.

How many different symbols do you have to draw before you can be so proficient?
I am afraid that there are not hundreds of them, and they will not be so proficient.

Talisman master is a profession that piles up money, because talisman paper and talisman ink are very expensive, so talisman master has no chance to waste talisman paper and ink.It is unimaginable to consume hundreds of sheets of talisman paper and talisman ink on one talisman.Of course, if it is a mature talisman, the talisman master will naturally make hundreds or even thousands of pieces during the long-term work tasks.

However, isn't this different character drawn just completed?


Zhang Liuying's eyes flashed, it's not a matter of proficiency in a certain talisman, but Ye Weiyang's foundation is too solid and proficient.

Any complex talisman is constructed from the most basic rune patterns. When Zhang Liuying was in the state of the talisman sect, he could see that Ye Weiyang's basic rune patterns were drawn too steadily and smoothly.To be honest, he felt that Ye Weiyang's foundation was more solid than his.

How much effort did this have to spend on the foundation?

Many talisman masters also saw the clues at this time, but after seeing it, they were even more surprised.

With such a solid foundation, how many basic runes have to be drawn?

Must be more than ten thousand times?Even tens of thousands of times, one hundred thousand times?

How much talisman paper and talisman ink would be consumed?

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is how much time and energy does it take?
How old is Ye Weiyang this year?

Does she have that much time and energy?

"The foundation is too solid!" A big talisman master sighed: "I feel that my foundation is a scum compared to the night talisman master!"

"Is it necessary to practice such a solid foundation?" A talisman teacher asked softly: "Isn't this delaying the improvement of the realm?"

"Speed ​​and success rate!" Someone explained to the young talisman teacher: "The more solid the foundation, the better the success rate. You can't guarantee success every time you make a talisman, can you?"

"Yes!" The young talisman master said weakly.

"If your foundation is more solid, you will have fewer failures. Moreover, your speed of making talismans will be very fast."

"Does it need to be so fast? Can't you draw slowly?"

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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