The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 266 Mainstream and Auxiliary

Chapter 266 Mainstream and Auxiliary

Dai Xing's face changed.

"Don't worry!" Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said: "Dai Shoufu's character and morality, or his past actions, make it hard to believe that he will support a certain prince when the Holy Majesty is still here.

In this way, they will only doubt whether I, Ye Weiyang, belong to Dai Shoufu's camp or King Jin's camp.


Ye Weiyang shook his head and said: "I'm still very weak now, just a talisman master. A talisman master may still have some status in the Daming Mansion, but it's similar to an ant in the imperial capital. The reason why I have some fame in the imperial capital is because the talisman maker wants to To attack the Fumeng, use my withdrawal as a means.

Only the common people will think that I am very far away. In the hearts of those who play games, I am nothing at all, just a very small pawn.So, as long as I don't provoke them, we won't pay attention to me. "

Dai Xing was stunned.

Following Ye Weiyang's narration, he had to agree with Ye Weiyang's analysis in his heart.The reason why he was astonished was because he hadn't thought of this before, but Ye Weiyang thought of it.

I can't think of any problems, because my father often said that I was still young and politically immature, and there were many problems that I couldn't think of and didn't think well.

But the problem is that Ye Weiyang thought of it!

Ye Weiyang... is younger than herself!
" did you think of this?" Dai Xing asked what he wanted to know after being stunned.

Ye Weiyang was silent for a moment, thinking of Uncle Zhang, Uncle Li, the second sister and the three brothers, and the time back in time, sighed softly:

"growing up!"

Dai Xing was silent, almost broke out in the silence.

"Like who the hell isn't growing up...but you're growing up so fast, you know that?"

He finally did not explode, but asked: "What do you want to do? As you said, your current situation is very delicate. But because you are weak, you are not noticed by those people, but you must be strong after all. Wake up, don't you?
In the imperial capital, great talisman masters are nothing, but there are still very few 20-year-old great talisman masters, which will attract the attention of those people.And even without those people's attention, you'd have a choice, wouldn't you? "

Ye Weiyang thought about it and nodded, "I owe Dai Shoufu a favor, and I am friends with Prince Jin, this is my choice."

The smart Dai Xing immediately understood the meaning of Ye Weiyang's words.

Ye Weiyang will not stand in Dai Donglin's camp, at least not now.He just admits that he owes Dai Donglin a favor, and to be honest, this favor is not directly owed by Ye Weiyang, but owed on behalf of Xiang Ding.When Xiang Ding was convicted because the rune cannon was destroyed, he could have been executed directly, but Dai Donglin still didn't do that, which gave Ye Weiyang the opportunity to rush to Daming Mansion to repair the rune cannon.

Once Dai Donglin uses this favor, Ye Weiyang will no longer owe Dai Donglin any favors, and the two parties will still have contacts, but Ye Weiyang will not be used by Dai Donglin.

Of course, there is nothing to regret about this. After all, the two sides have made a good start, and who knows that this start cannot continue?

Perhaps one day, Ye Weiyang will become a steadfast person in Dai Donglin's camp.

not to mention……

Dai Donglin and his son value Ye Weiyang, but they don't want Ye Weiyang to be a member of their camp.After all, the current Ye Weiyang wants strength but not strength, influence but not power, and connections but not connections.Ye Weiyang is just a pawn laid by Dai Donglin, it is better if it is effective, or it doesn't matter.

At the same time, he also understood the relationship between Ye Weiyang and Qin Yi.The two are just friends, Ye Weiyang will not participate in Qin Yi's affairs, but Ye Weiyang will not sit idly by if someone hurts Qin Yi.

He recalled the scene of meeting Ye Weiyang for the first time in his mind, recalling Ye Weiyang at that time, his clothes were wet by the light rain, a bit embarrassed and immature Ye Weiyang, but dared to look directly at him, with a smile on his face. He said the words "I want to try" with determination.

"She is still the loving, righteous and responsible Ye Weiyang!" Dai Xing sighed in his heart: "And she is much more mature than before!"

There was silence in the living room, and after a while, Dai Xing said, "I have already sent someone to investigate your family information."

Ye Weiyang's eyes lit up: "Is there any news?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Dai Xing's mouth, Ye Weiyang at this moment seemed to be suitable for her age: "Not yet, just sent out, it will take time."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Ye Weiyang's face: "I'm sorry, I was impatient."

"I can understand, don't worry, I will do my best."

"Thank you, I owe you another favor!"

"I don't want you to say such things again." Dai Xing looked at Ye Weiyang sincerely.

Ye Weiyang was silent, she knew that it was Dai Xing who sent her an invitation, this invitation was either to invite her to join Dai Donglin's camp, or to invite him to become a friend.

But it is a quagmire, Ye Weiyang has enough troubles now, she has no energy, and does not want to divert her energy to do other things, God knows how much pressure is on her heart because her family is missing, she can only I want to get my family back, and I don't want to be distracted by anything.

Seeing Ye Weiyang's expression, Dai Xing quickly flashed a trace of regret in his eyes, but he quickly rearranged his expression: "You are now considered to have some fame in the imperial capital, which is also a good thing for you to find your family. help."

"My not enough!" Ye Weiyang showed a wry smile on his face.

Dai Xing seemed to remember something and said, "You know the school of cultivation, right?"

"I know!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "One major mainstream, four major assistants. Spiritual power cultivation, that is to say, monks are the mainstream of the entire Blue Star Continent. Talisman Dao, Formation Dao, Pill Dao and Qi Dao are the four major Auxiliary."

"anything else?"

Ye Weiyang pondered from her memory, her expression changed: "Are you talking about the Four Kingdoms Competition?"

"Yes!" Dai Xing nodded and said with a smile: "If we talk about the mainstream, the fighting power of the monks, the Northern Snow Country is slightly stronger than the other three countries. It's not because of the strong heritage of the Northern Snow Country, but because they are more combative. They It seems to be born for fighting. When a monk spends his whole life fighting except for cultivation, the more he fights, the stronger he will naturally become, I think you can understand."

Ye Weiyang nodded, expressing her understanding.

"The four major assistants have their own strengths."

"Everyone has their own strengths?"

"Yes! Both our Dahua and the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions are better at making talismans and alchemy. But in terms of making talismans, our Dahua is more outstanding. In terms of alchemy, the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Regions is more outstanding. But the Northern Snow Country is in Artifact refining is more prominent. Nanjiang is a little better at Array Dao.

The mainstream monk competition is held every ten years, and the four countries take turns to hold it.The ten-year deadline is still far away, so let's not talk about it.Talk about the four major support ratios.

The four major support competitions are also held every ten years, but the four major countries do not take turns, but the champion country of each session will automatically become the host country of the next session.

The last host country was our Dahua, and our Dahua won the championship, so this year's host country is still our Dahua.And the date of Dabi is not far away.

Next year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the Four Kingdoms Talisman Competition will be held.It's late summer now, and Dabi is only a little over a year away.Therefore, Dahua's domestic competition will be held at the end of the year.In the domestic competition at the end of the year, the top three will be determined, and then in the Mid-Autumn Festival next year, the top three will represent Dahua in the four-nation competition. "

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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