The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 267 Big Competition

Chapter 267 Big Competition
"Are there any requirements for the participating talisman masters?"

"There is only one requirement!" Dai Xing raised a finger: "Must be under the age of 30. Wei Young, this is an opportunity for you, a chance to become famous. As long as you have a reputation, you will easily have more connections. It will be easier to inquire about your family. And..."

Seeing that Dai Xing stopped talking, Ye Weiyang couldn't help asking: "And what?"

"Do you know the reward for winning the championship?"

"What is it?" Ye Weiyang cheered up, she had a premonition that the reward must be very important to herself, otherwise Dai Xing would not have said it in such a tone.

"The country that loses the big competition has to lose a certain amount of resources to the champion country. This is not to mention the interests of the country. Let's just say that the individual has won the reward.

That was an opportunity to go to the Taoist Palace Qiankun Mirror to practice. "

"Dao Palace?"

Ye Weiyang's hands on the armrests of the chair suddenly exerted force, and she almost stood up from the chair.She didn't care about the universe mirror anymore, and she didn't even hear it clearly, because the word Daogong had already occupied their thinking.She really wanted to know what happened to her eldest brother in the Dao Palace. If she could enter the Dao Palace, she would undoubtedly have a chance to find out.

"Brother Dai, how do you sign up?"

Dai Xing waved his hand and said: "Weiyang, don't worry. There are still several months, and Honglu Temple will announce the registration process. What you have to do now is to try to improve your talisman realm. I know you are now a big Talisman masters, 20-year-old great talisman masters are absolutely rare in Dahua. But, don’t forget that the age limit for Dabi is 30 years old, and there is no shortage of great talisman masters under 30 years old in Dahua.”

"Is there a talisman?"

"Are you kidding?" Dai Xing looked at her strangely: "Maybe there are Taoist Palaces, Datianguo Temple, Shamanism and Ten Thousand Gu Churches, but they definitely don't exist in the secular world. The Four Kingdoms Dabi belongs to the secular world. Daoist Palace, Datianguo Temple, Shamanism and Wangu Sect will not participate. Only rewards will be provided to show support for the secular world."

Ye Weiyang felt relieved, her eyes showed thoughtfulness.

The Dao Palace is a must, it doesn't matter what the reward is, he must go to the Dao Palace to find out what happened to the eldest brother there.Since there is no Fu Zong in the big competition, this champion has been won by himself.

"I know you want to go to the Taoist Palace to inquire about Zhang Jiuling!" At this time, Dai Xing's voice sounded again, but he deliberately lowered it: "But you have to be careful not to expose your relationship with Zhang Jiuling. And don't Let the people in Dao Palace feel that you are asking about Zhang Jiuling on purpose. Even if you give up asking in the end, don't take risks."

Ye Weiyang's expression became solemn, she stood up and saluted Dai Xing: "Thank you, Brother Dai."

Dai Xing waved his hand, signaling Ye Weiyang to sit down, and then said: "And don't ignore a practice in the Qiankun Mirror, it is a chance for you talisman masters, especially for talisman masters in the secular world. You only have one chance in your life."

Ye Weiyang finally became interested: "What kind of opportunity?"

"Now that you have built the natal talisman, you should know about the sea of ​​forging consciousness, right?"


"The Qiankun mirror is an independent small space. It is said that the Qiankun mirror is placed in the Qiankun Hall of the Taoist Palace. It will automatically absorb the energy between heaven and earth, and these energies will generate something like a monster in the Qiankun mirror. But it is not really It is composed of pure spiritual power transformed from the energy absorbed by the universe mirror from heaven and earth.

The talisman master who entered the universe mirror wanted to fight these monsters. If he killed the monsters, he would gain spiritual power.In the process of constantly beheading monsters, continuously gaining spiritual power, until the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness reaches the full level, you can go to the Qiankun Palace in the Qiankun Mirror. "

"The Palace of Heaven and Earth?"

"Yes, there is also a Qiankun Hall in the Qiankun Mirror. When you feel that the spiritual power in the Sea of ​​Consciousness has reached the limit of filling, you can enter the Hall of Qiankun, which is the place to help you forge the Sea of ​​Consciousness."

"Then after I forged the Sea of ​​Consciousness in it once, can I still come out of the Qiankun Palace, hunt monsters again, get full of spiritual power again, and then enter the Qiankun Palace to forge the Sea of ​​Consciousness?"

"No!" Dai Xing shook his head and said, "There is only one chance to enter the Qiankun Palace, once you come out of the Qiankun Palace, you will be teleported out by the Qiankun Mirror.

correct! "

Dai Xing became serious: "If you can go to the Dao Palace in the end, you must keep a low profile. Don't have friction with the disciples of the Dao Palace, and sometimes you even need to be patient."

Ye Weiyang's expression changed: "A Taoist disciple is very domineering?"

"Overbearing is certain, after all, it is one of the four superpowers. Their transcendent status determines their mentality, do you understand what I mean?"

"You mean..." Ye Weiyang frowned slightly: "They look down on us?"

Dai Xing said with a smile: "It's inevitable, so they won't take the initiative to trouble you, because they look down on you and it's not worth it. But their attitude will make you very difficult to accept, and you will feel very aggrieved. For example, he will Directly instructing you to do something is like treating a slave.

So, you have to endure! "

"What if you can't bear it?" Ye Weiyang raised her eyebrows.

"It's not life-threatening. The Taoist Palace still doesn't allow the disciples of the Taoist Palace to kill the rewarded talisman masters in our secular world, because that is contrary to the purpose of the Taoist Palace. The Taoist Palace gave us rewards from above, and the rewarded talisman The master was beaten to death in the Taoist palace, which would cause conflicts between the secular world and the Taoist palace.

But the proud Taoist Palace doesn't mind our disciples teaching us, as long as they don't kill us, the Taoist Palace will not punish those disciples. Maybe the Taoist Palace thinks this is a trivial matter, or it is also a way of declaring their detachment. A deterrent to our secular world.

However, it's not like those of us who went to the Dao Palace were injured by them, and even when we entered the Universe Mirror and finally gained enough spiritual power to enter the Universe Palace and prepare to forge the Sea of ​​Consciousness, we were directly injured by them. Then threw it out of Qiankun Temple.You also know now, as long as you come out of Qiankun Palace, you will be teleported out immediately.In other words, that talisman master lost the only once in his life opportunity to quickly forge the sea of ​​consciousness. "

"This... is too bad!" Ye Weiyang was dumbfounded.

"Actually, there are reasons for this, not all because they look down on us." Dai Xing glanced at Ye Weiyang and said, "The Qiankun Mirror needs time to absorb and transform energy. So it is opened once every ten years. But ten years of accumulation The energy of the universe is still limited. Whether it is the monsters in the universe mirror or the forging of the Talisman Master's sea of ​​knowledge in the Qiankun Temple, it is the consumption of the universe mirror. In the eyes of the disciples of the Taoist Palace, these energies belong to them. But part of it was divided by you, this is the original sin."

Thank you very much for the reward of scorpion braid (100)!

(End of this chapter)

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