Chapter 274
Qin Feng took a step back in embarrassment, Ye Weiyang turned around and came to the workbench, took out a piece of talisman paper, and quickly drew a few swamp talismans, by this time Qin Yi had already finished operating.

The Zhenbei sword was put into the restraint formation, suspended in the air, with the hilt facing up and the tip of the sword facing down, about a foot away from the ground. From the tip of the sword upwards, more than a third of the sword The runes are all dark red, and they are faintly wriggling, giving people a weird and eerie feeling.

Ye Weiyang came to the front of the bondage formation with a stack of swamp symbols, and released a swamp symbol on the ground inside the bondage formation.The ground soon formed a swamp with a radius of about one foot, exuding the smell of mud.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Zhenbei sword instantly, and they saw the dark red lines on the Zhenbei sword suddenly became active, like dark red earthworms wriggling, and then there was a hint of dark red A head protruded from the rune on the tip of the sword.

"Come out!" the red-haired young man next to Qin Feng said excitedly. Qin Yi gave him a sideways look, and immediately raised his hand to cover his mouth.

The dark red thread was getting longer and longer, like a dark red tentacle, reaching down toward the swamp talisman.Qin Yi began to concentrate, controlled the speed of the bound array against the Zhenbei sword, and slowly raised the Zhenbei sword, the dark red silk thread was still protruding towards the swamp, and because of the distance, it also protruded out longer and longer.

Qin Feng had unconsciously clenched his fists, his eyes fixed on the dark red thread, full of anticipation.

When the Zhenbei sword was raised about one and a half meters, the dark red silk thread seemed to have finally come to an end, and it was detached from the Zhenbei sword and fell into the swamp.

"Quick, reduce the distance." Ye Weiyang hurriedly said softly.

Qin Yi immediately controlled the binding formation, lowered Zhenbei Sword, and then saw another dark red silk thread protruding from the tip of Zhenbei Sword.


Everyone exhaled lightly and exchanged glances with each other.


At this time, Qin Feng also relaxed a little, and his brows that had been furrowed all the time were relaxed.Next, everyone waited slowly. During this process, Ye Weiyang released a swamp talisman from time to time, keeping a small swamp on the ground.

Repair the exterior.

From time to time, people poked their heads in the corridor.

"How long have you been in here?"

"Would it take more than an hour?"

"Yes, it's almost two hours."

"Does this mean that Yefu Master has a solution?"

"There should be, otherwise it won't come out for so long, but I don't know what the final effect will be?"

"It is said that the Zhenbei sword is His Royal Highness's most cherished treasure. If something goes wrong, His Royal Highness's iron-blooded personality will definitely go crazy!"

"You won't fight inside, will you?"

"Will the Yefu master be okay?"

"Shut your crow's mouth, Director Guan is inside, can you watch what happened to Master Yefu?"


Prince's Mansion.

Qin Yang looked at the long white clouds outside the window: "It's been so long, it seems that Ye Weiyang really has some skills!"

Duan Rong, who was sitting opposite, poured tea for the prince: "As long as there is news, it will be sent back as quickly as possible."

"The third child has gone too?"


"It seems that the third child is still very nervous about Ye Weiyang. Do you think the third child is interested in Ye Weiyang?"

"This... the subordinates don't know. However, according to the news from the surveillance, there seems to be no intention of that between the two of them."

"Tsk tsk... It's normal that the third child doesn't have that kind of meaning towards Ye Weiyang, he doesn't look like a prince at all, he is too strong."

Speaking of this, the prince suddenly laughed: "If Ye Weiyang fails and the seventh child is angry with Ye Weiyang, the third child will definitely clash with the seventh child. It's really a big scene. Let's go..."

The prince stood up and said: "We also go to the talisman department. I am the prince of a country from the public. I am their eldest brother from the private side. I can't watch the two of them clash in the public and lose the royal family." .”

Duan Rong also stood up with a smile, and nodded in agreement. He thought the timing was very good.For the prince to stop the conflict between the two princes, on the one hand, it shows the prince's character and prestige, and on the other hand, it shows the two princes' nonsense.

Talisman Division.

The door of No. 120 repair room opened, Qin Feng walked out with the Zhenbei Sword in its sheath in his hand, with a happy face, and then turned back to Ye Weiyang, who was standing side by side with Qin Yi, and said:
"Master Yefu, you can come to me no matter what happens to you in the capital. I owe you a favor."

"It's not obvious!" Qin Yi rolled his eyes: "With me here, who else can bully Wei Young?"

"That's true!" Qin Feng is in a good mood now, nodded to Qin Yi and said, "Brother Sanhuang, when you are free, I will be the host."

"Forget it!" Qin Yi waved his hand: "We don't have a common language with you. I don't understand what you say, and you don't understand what I say."

Qin Feng smiled helplessly. What Qin Yi said was true. When the two of them were together, he was talking about marching and deploying formations, as well as his cultivation experience.Qin Yi was talking in arrays, and the two of them really couldn't talk together, so they nodded and turned to leave.

"His Royal Highness..."

Qin Feng paused, turned his head to look at Ye Weiyang, Ye Weiyang said softly: "You haven't paid the repair fee yet!"

There was silence in the corridor, and the talisman masters who were watching were all stunned and shocked.

Is Ye Weiyang crazy?

His Highness the Seventh Prince has already said that he owes her a favor, and she still wants Lingshi?
Can no amount of spirit stones compare with the favor of His Highness the Seventh Prince?

Is this head caught by the door?

Or is Xiufu Daoxiu stupid?

This is not a matter of whether Lingshi can compare with the favor of His Highness the Seventh Highness, it is rejecting the favor of His Highness the Seventh Highness, so he is not afraid that the Seventh Highness will go crazy?

It's over, it's over...

It's a good thing, Ye Weiyang turned it into a bad thing.

Brain is a good thing, Ye Weiyang doesn't have it this time!

Qin Feng was also stunned, then took a deep look at Ye Weiyang, and calmly said: "How much do you need?"

"Zhang Zhen, settle the score!" Ye Weiyang turned to Zhang Zhen who was following behind.

Zhang Zhen had a bitter expression on his face, howling in his heart.

That's His Royal Highness, how do you want me to settle the score?

How much is appropriate?
"I used thirteen swamp talismans, all of them are counted." Ye Weiyang said seriously.

The corner of Zhang Zhen's mouth twitched a few times, and he looked at Guan Dongting and Cao Xuan for help, only to find that Guan Dongting and Cao Xuan were looking at him with smiles.

"By the way!" Qin Yi on the side suddenly said: "Counting the consumption on my side, I used eight low-grade spirit stones, and each spirit stone also has the formation pattern carved by me, and my The strength of this Daoist formation must be counted."

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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