The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 275 Influence

Chapter 275 Influence
Zhang Zhen's face became even more bitter, and he really wanted to say to Qin Yi, why are you joining in the fun, you are a prince who lacks some spirit stones.

never mind!

It was the teacher who asked me to settle the accounts, so I will do the calculations honestly.


The swamp talismans and spirit stones consumed are easy to calculate, but what about the power of the Third Highness?
and also……

This is not a serious repair rune soldier, how is this counted?
The surroundings were silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on him, causing a layer of white sweat to emerge from his back.He also knows that he can't count for too long, maybe this is the teacher's test for himself.

If there is something to do, the disciple will do his best!
Gritting his teeth, he said, "Teacher, there are ten high-grade spirit stones in total."

Before Ye Weiyang could speak, Qin Feng waved his hand at the red-haired young man.The red-haired youth immediately took out ten high-grade spirit stones and handed them to Zhang Zhen.Then Qin Feng turned and left, but the red-haired young man smiled brightly at Ye Weiyang, then turned and followed Qin Feng's footsteps.

Guan Dongting nodded to Ye Weiyang with a smile, "Well done!"

Cao Xuan also nodded appreciatively to Ye Weiyang, then nodded to Qin Yi, and the two left together.Qin Yi patted Ye Weiyang's shoulder:

"I'll throw a banquet for you when I go back tonight."

Ye Weiyang nodded: "Okay!"

"Let's go!" Qin Yi left with a bright smile on his face.

Ye Weiyang turned around and walked into the repair room, Zhang Zhen followed closely, closed the door, followed Ye Weiyang to the workbench, put ten high-grade spirit stones on the workbench, frowning, with confusion in his eyes road:
"Teacher, why did Director Guan praise you for doing a good job? Is it because you restored Zhenbei Sword? But you have already praised it before."

Ye Weiyang sat on the chair, looked at the confused Zhang Zhen and said, "I just want to live a peaceful life and don't want to cause more trouble."

Zhang Zhen is also a person who has lived in the imperial capital for a long time, and Zhang Liuying is his uncle, and his political wisdom is not low, but his reaction is not so fast. Now that he was reminded by Ye Weiyang, he reacted instantly, and looked at Ye Weiyang in shock.

"My teacher... is not only powerful in talismanic dao, but also has too much political wisdom, right?"

Then I became happy again. Only by following such a teacher can I have a future.

on the street.

The guards escorted a carriage and drove slowly, and a group of war horses came from the opposite side.The guard immediately became alert, and then relaxed after seeing the person on the horse clearly.The war horse came to the carriage and said softly:

"His Royal Highness."

The window of the carriage opened, revealing Duan Rong's face.The knight handed over a closed bamboo tube, Duan Rong took the bamboo tube and closed the window.

In the compartment, Duan Rong opened the bamboo tube, poured out a roll of paper, opened the paper, glanced at it, and handed it to the prince, saying:

"latest news!"

The prince took the paper and read it quickly, thought for a while, and said with a smile on his face:

"Ye Weiyang is showing his attitude?"

"There are two conjectures." Duan Rong has already considered everything in such a short period of time: "One conjecture is that Ye Weiyang does not want to participate in the matter of seizing the heir, she just wants to study the talisman. By asking His Royal Highness the repair fee , to express her attitude. Of course, this is based on the fact that the Third Highness does not have the idea of ​​seizing the heir. One can speculate that if the Third Highness has the idea of ​​seizing the heir, then Ye Weiyang is expressing her attitude to the Third Highness, and she only supports it. Third Highness."

"Good!" The prince nodded.

"His Royal Highness, there is no need for us to go to the Talisman Division."

"No, let's go." The prince smiled and said, "We have to get in touch, otherwise how can we change Ye Weiyang's first impression of me?"

Duan Rong smiled helplessly, the prince is good in everything, he is a qualified heir to the empire, it's just a widow's disease.

Talisman Division.

Ye Weiyang was reading a book in the restoration room, after experiencing the help of Qin Yi's Zhen Dao to restore Zhenbei Sword just now, she became more interested in Zhen Dao.He watched and recorded.Waiting for him to comprehend the realm of the formation Taoist, he will hand over his comprehension and the formation Tao improved through the Luoshu space to Qin Yi.

Thinking of this, Ye Weiyang couldn't help but tilt her head, wondering what grade Qin Yi's current array is?
Go back tonight and ask.


There was a knock on the door, Zhang Zhen stood up quickly, walked to the door quickly, opened the door, looked surprised, and hurriedly saluted:
"Meet Your Royal Highness."

"Excuse me!" Qin Yang nodded with a smile.

Zhang Zhen flashed there in a hurry, and called out to Ye Weiyang: "Teacher, the Crown Prince is here."

Ye Weiyang had already stood up at this time, turned out from behind the workbench, and saluted: "Meet Your Highness the Prince."

Looking at Ye Weiyang's beautiful face and slender figure under a head of white hair, a trace of lust flashed in his eyes.He just hid it quickly, with a gentle smile on his face and said:
"Gu heard that Brother Seventh Emperor came to your place, so he came here to have a look. Brother Seventh Emperor has a bit of a temper, didn't it cause any inconvenience to Master Yefu?"

"No!" Ye Weiyang said calmly: "He just came to repair Zhenbei Sword, and left after repairing."

The prince showed admiration on his face: "The Zhenbei Sword of the Seventh Emperor's Brother stumped the Great Talisman Sect, but he did not expect to be repaired by the Yefu Master. Yefu Master's talisman talent is really amazing!"

"I just thought of a way by chance, and it has nothing to do with the talent of Taoism. The restoration of Zhenbei Sword is not an orthodox method of Taoism."

"No matter what the method is, it is a good method if it is effective!"

At this time, Prince Qin Yang's face was full of gentleness and a heroic smile, which was very in line with the identity and temperament of an imperial prince. Ye Weiyang's expression also lost the coldness and boredom at first, and was very calm.

"Master Yefu, since you have nothing to do here, Gu will leave."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern."

Ye Weiyang sent Qin Yang to the door, watched Qin Yang go away, and then frowned slightly, this time the prince's performance was completely different from last time, as if he was the elder brother of Qin Yi and Qin Feng to take a look, Without saying a word of extra words, he took his leave and left cleanly.If this is the first time Ye Weiyang and Qin Yang meet, Ye Weiyang will definitely leave an excellent impression.But she already had a first impression of Qin Yang, so she was unavoidably wary.

The prince had already returned to the carriage, Duan Rong said with a smile: "I thought His Highness would open his mouth to solicit her."

Qin Yang shook his head, with a look of confidence in his eyes: "I'm not as good as you when it comes to conspiracies, and you're not as good as me when it comes to women. Be patient with them, don't rush."

Duan Rong frowned unobtrusively: "Is it worth wasting too much time and energy on her?"

A bright smile appeared on the prince's face: "She's not worth it, but the third child is worth it. I want to see how the third child will look when I bring Ye Weiyang in, hahaha..."

Thank you very much Meng Qi (100) and Tai Xuzong Xu Ziyan (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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