The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 279 Demonic Qi

Chapter 279 Demonic Qi
Zhang Jiuling didn't feel any change in the Golden Cicada Gu in his heart, and he put down his hand covering his heart, but the doubts in his heart didn't decrease at all.

"Why didn't the Golden Cicada Gu respond?"

"No, the Golden Cicada Gu doesn't usually respond, unless Qingxuan summons it. But why hasn't Qingxuan summoned it? It's been more than a year?
Could it be because she defected from Dao Palace and was hunted down by Dao Palace, she knew that it was impossible for her to find the lost Treasure of Ten Thousand Gus for her, so she just ignored herself?
There is this possibility.


This Golden Cicada Gu should also be a treasure of the Ten Thousand Gu Sect, right?

Just don't want it? "

"Brother Zhang, I'll go back to Dahua with you." Feng Cuiting said suddenly.

"Don't!" Zhang Jiuling shook his head and said, "It's not like you don't know that it's dangerous to go back to Dahua with me."

Feng Cuiting remained silent and looked up at the vision in the night sky.

snow palace.

A rough man stood on the steps outside the gate of the Snow Palace, looking at the vision in the night sky, and behind him stood a group of white-clothed monks from the Snow Mountain:

"Son of God!"

"Here!" Xiao Feixue, son of the Shaman God, took a step forward.

"It's time for you to enter the world."

A gleam of joy flashed in Xiao Feixue's eyes: "Yes!"

South Xinjiang
Ten Thousand Gu Valley.

An ancient tree is more than 20 meters in diameter, and its height reaches into the sky.At this time, on this big tree, there is a huge tree house, the tree house is covered with moss, as if it is integrated with the old tree.Around the tree house, there are various Gu worms flying around.

On the ridge of the tree house.

An old woman drooped her eyelids, as if she was too old to open her eyes, leaving only a gap, her voice was raw and hoarse:

"Saint, it's time for you to enter the world."

"Yes!" Saintess Qingxuan replied softly.

Qingxuan returned to her tree house, pressed her hand to her heart, and when she moved her hand away, a Golden Cicada Gu had already appeared in the palm of her hand.

This Golden Cicada Gu is a female worm, while the one in Zhang Jiuling's heart is just a child worm.

Qingxuan's mental power flowed out from between her eyebrows, touching the Golden Cicada Gu, and the Golden Cicada Gu crawled in Qingxuan's palm, but Qingxuan frowned slightly.

"The worm didn't respond!
Is there a problem with the worm?

Where is Zhang Jiuling now?

Maybe he escaped too far? "

At the junction of the Western Regions and Southern Borders, Li Qiaoran finally stepped into the Southern Borders. She looked up at the vision in the night sky with a confused expression on her face.


imperial capital.

Jin Wangfu.

Ye Weiyang kept watching the vision in the night sky. After about two quarters of an hour, the vision in the night sky gradually disappeared and the night sky returned to its original appearance.

However, Ye Weiyang's heart was heavy, she instinctively felt uneasy.This was the first time she had seen such a vision.

"Let's go to Brother Qin."

Ye Weiyang walked towards the outside of the courtyard, and Yang Xingguang followed behind with a nervous expression on his face.

Before reaching the courtyard where Qin Yi lived, he saw Qin Yi coming in a hurry.

"Brother Qin!"

Qin Yi kept walking and said: "Weiyang, I know you want to ask about visions, but I don't know, I'm entering the palace now, you wait for my news."

"it is good!"

Qin Yi left in a hurry, Yang Xingguang pondered for a moment and said: "Wei Young, you don't have to worry too much, even if something big happens, it will be handled by those big people."

"Yeah!" Ye Weiyang's mood was also a little relieved: "We are just little people. But..."

The time back in time suddenly popped up in Ye Weiyang's mind, and his mood suddenly became uneasy again: "Brother Yang, I'm afraid the times are about to change, we have to work hard."

The two did not return to their courtyard, but waited for Qin Yi in the front hall.Ye Weiyang was visualizing the Talisman Tower, and Yang Xingguang was studying the Heavenly Scripture of the Taoist Palace.

What the two of them didn't expect was that Qin Yi came back very quickly. He came back in less than half an hour. With a trace of uneasiness on his face, he stepped into the front hall and said:
"I guess you two will wait for me here."

After Ye Weiyang finished his visualization, Yang Xingguang also took the paper in his hand and looked at Qin Yi.

Qin Yi spread his hands and said, "Father didn't see me at all. He just summoned the eldest brother, the second brother and the seventh brother. Then let us leave."

"Then you didn't get any news?" Ye Weiyang didn't know what to say: "Your prince's sense of existence..."

Qin Yi shrugged his shoulders: "Go and rest first, I'll ask Brother Second Emperor tomorrow."

Ye Weiyang nodded, she didn't bother to care why Qin Yi asked his second brother instead of the other two.Get up and leave with Yang Xingguang.

The next day.

There was no change in the imperial capital. Although teahouses and restaurants were discussing the vision of last night, there was nothing abnormal after all.Ye Weiyang also spent a peaceful day, repairing talisman soldiers, earning spirit stones, teaching apprentices, learning the way of formation, and then returned to Jinwang Mansion at dusk.

"Has King Jin come back?" Ye Weiyang asked the porter.

"Hui Yefu Master, you're back." The concierge hurriedly answered while bending over.

Ye Weiyang nodded, and didn't ask where Qin Yi was, even a porter would not know if he did.So he and Yang Xingguang walked towards the courtyard where Qin Yi lived.When I came to the gate of the courtyard, I asked the guard to report.Soon, Qin Yi came out, followed by an old eunuch.

Ye Weiyang glanced at the old eunuch.

never seen it.

But Ye Weiyang didn't ask, Qin Yi had a trace of melancholy on his brows: "Go to the study in front of me."

Soon, the four of them entered Qin Yi's study.Qin Yi sat behind the desk, Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang sat opposite him.Qin Yi said to the old eunuch:

"Uncle Yu, sit down too!"

The old eunuch shook his head, and went straight to stand in a corner behind Qin Yi.Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang's hearts trembled, the old eunuch stood in the corner, if he didn't look with his eyes, he wouldn't be able to sense his aura at all, as if there was no one there at all.

"Weiyang!" Qin Yi said solemnly: "I got some news from the second emperor brother, but the information is limited. It seems that my father doesn't know much.

According to what the second emperor brother said, those visions last night were evil spirits. "


There was a trace of thought and suddenness in Ye Weiyang's eyes, she now realized that the aura emanating from those bloody beams of light last night was somewhat familiar, similar to the Foshan battle back in time.You must know that on that battlefield, there is a monster aura everywhere, but it still seems to be a little different.

"Yeah!" Qin Yi nodded and said: "That's what the second brother said, and he doesn't know the specifics. It's just that the father told the three of them. In the future, the focus of the Ministry of War will change, and the direction is to track down the monsters and kill them." Yaozu."

Ye Weiyang's temple twitched: "Is it because the monster race wants to attack the human race, or?"

Thank you very much Anni in Wonderland Anni (1500) and Meng Chi (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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