The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 280 Demonization

Chapter 280 Demonization
"No!" Qin Yi shook his head and said: "The large-scale monster clan has not been seen for many years. No, it should have disappeared for thousands of years. If there is a large-scale monster clan, it is impossible that there will be no news. According to the second brother, the father emperor According to the analysis, the elephant on that day is likely to accelerate the birth of the monster race, and even..."

Qin Yi suddenly paused, his expression became extremely serious and he said: "Don't spread the words I said next, so as not to cause panic."

Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang nodded hurriedly.Qin Yi then lowered his voice and said:
"It will even affect our human race and make them demonized." Speaking of this, he pointed to the old eunuch standing in the corner and said:

"This is Uncle Yu, a master of human flowers. He has taken care of me since I was a child. There is only such a master in my house, who has been protecting the princess before. Now he doesn't listen to me, and stays with me every step of the way. I sleep, he will stay Outside the door."

The corner of Ye Weiyang's mouth twitched, but his heart suddenly beat violently, and he changed his color: "What did you say? You mean, ordinary things can be demonized? People can also be demonized?"

"Brother Erhuang means that." Qin Yi said with a serious expression: "For example, the dog raised in my house may turn into a demon at some point."

Speaking of this, he turned his head and glanced at the old eunuch with a wry smile: "Uncle Yu killed all the dogs in the mansion. If I hadn't tried to stop me, my dog ​​Sai Xue would have been killed by Uncle Yu."

Both Ye Weiyang and Yang Xingguang glanced at the old eunuch strangely, but the old eunuch drooped his eyelids, as if he was asleep.Ye Weiyang shook her head slightly and said:
"That's not the way. Apart from dogs, there are also horses in the mansion, right? We can't kill all the horses, right?"

The old eunuch suddenly opened his eyes, and something flashed through his eyes.Qin Yi hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Stop, Uncle Yu, stop. You killed all the horses, what should I ride?"

Ye Weiyang waved her hand in a funny way: "Killing dogs and horses is not the solution, can you still cut down all the trees in the mansion? Pull out all the flowers?

Tree demons and flower demons are also demons, okay? "

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment, the old eunuch's face turned green, tears were rolling in his eyes, and he couldn't help muttering to himself:
"What to do? What to do here?"

"I have a way!"

Ye Weiyang stood up and walked towards the door: "I'll take a look inside the mansion first."

After the words fell, he had already walked outside the door, and with a leap, he had already jumped onto the roof.Yang Xingguang, Qin Yi and the old eunuch followed closely behind.Ye Weiyang took out a talisman, and Qin Yi who was at the side slapped his thigh and said pleasantly:
"That's right, you hope for the Qi Talisman."

And at this time, Ye Weiyang had already released a hope talisman, and his eyes were filled with a hazy light, looking towards various places in the mansion.The effect of the hope talisman is not long, only a dozen breaths.But this is enough for Ye Weiyang to look around, and Qin Yi on the side kept asking:

"How? How?" The old eunuch looked nervously at Ye Weiyang.

"No! Let's go down."

After the effect of the Hope Talisman lost, Ye Weiyang jumped off the roof, and everyone returned to the study, Ye Weiyang said:
"I'll draw some hope talismans for you tonight. Uncle Yu tore one up every day and just checked the mansion once."

"Thank you!" The old eunuch looked at Ye Weiyang for the first time, and even bowed to Ye Weiyang.

"Don't!" How could Ye Weiyang dare to let a monk of the Three Flowers Boundary salute her?Hastily dodged aside.

Qin Yi also waved his hand at the old eunuch and said: "Uncle Yu, you are welcome. Weiyang is my good friend. By the way, Weiyang, tomorrow I will give you and Xingguang each a talisman of talisman level for self-defense. The two of you Take it with you for self-defense. I don’t have many, so I can only give one to each of you.”

Ye Weiyang can now make defensive talismans of the talisman level by himself.But still did not reveal his identity as Fu Zong, nodded his thanks, everyone chatted a few more words, Ye Weiyang got up to leave, Qin Yi repeatedly told Ye Weiyang to be careful in the future, and sent Ye Weiyang outside the door.

Ye Weiyang returned to her room, took out the talisman paper and talisman ink and began to draw the hope talisman.She only planned to draw fifteen pieces, five pieces each for Uncle Yu, Qin Yi and Yang Xingguang, and a few pieces in her storage ring, so she didn't have to prepare them for herself.It was enough to give Yang Xingguang and Qin Yi five emergency cards each.It's just that Uncle Yu consumes one every day, and five is obviously not enough.But Ye Weiyang can't make more all at once, it will affect her training time, she plans to make some every day, and give it to Uncle Yu in batches, to ensure that he has a hope talisman to consume every day.

It was only fifteen qi talismans, and Ye Weiyang drew them very quickly, after finishing these, he began to practice various disciplines.After practicing the last item, Ye Weiyang began to think about how to improve her own strength.

If you want to get a leap-like improvement in terms of talisman, it is natural to visualize the third floor of the talisman tower.

Visualizing the talisman pagoda only has the foundation of the talisman sect, but it is not actually the talisman sect in the true sense.Because when there is only one layer of talisman tower, the sturdiness of the talisman tower can only construct the original talisman of the level of a talisman master in the inner space of the talisman tower, that is to say, the power released can only be equivalent to the talisman of the level of a talisman master.

Of course, this is much stronger than the Fushi.A talisman master can only defend and attack by releasing real talismans.But it takes time to release the real talismans.But after having the Talisman Tower, it can be cast instantly, without drawing amulets, taking out the talisman and releasing the talisman.Instead, you can directly activate the talismans in the talisman tower with spiritual power to release Taoism.

But no matter what, regardless of the release speed, the power is still at the level of a talisman master.And visualize the second floor of the Talisman Tower, the sturdiness of the Talisman Tower has reached the level that can accommodate the level of Talisman Master Talisman.This is also the reason why Ye Weiyang was able to build a big talisman master-level talisman such as the Great Thunder Falling Art in the talisman tower at the most dangerous time in the era of going back in time.Because at that time, she had already constructed the second layer of the rune tower.

But this is not the real talisman sect, it can only be regarded as a quasi-talisman sect.Once you can visualize the third layer of the Talisman Tower, that is the real Talisman Sect.At that time, it will be possible to construct a talisman-level talisman in the talisman tower, and the moment the spiritual power touches, it will be able to release the real power of the talisman-level.

What's more, at that time, the strength of the rune tower was equivalent to rune soldiers, and it could be sacrificed to bombard the enemy.

How long will it take Ye Weiyang to visualize the third floor of the Talisman Tower?

It didn't take long for her mental power, which was so strong to be six-strength and six-stretching, that she was very close to visualizing the third layer of the rune tower in the daily visualization and tempering of the rune tower through visualization every day. .In Ye Weiyang's estimation, at most one month, he will be able to visualize the third floor of the Talisman Tower.

Once the third floor of the Talisman Tower is visualized, Ye Weiyang is the real Talisman Sect.

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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