The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 291 Great Hope Talisman

Chapter 291 Great Hope Talisman
It was time for dinner, Ye Weiyang rarely saw that the anxiety and gloom on Qin Yi's face had disappeared a lot, so he asked:
"Brother Qin, what happy event did you meet?"

"It's not a happy event!" Qin Yi chewed a mouthful of venison a few times and swallowed: "Nowadays the emperor is busy catching monsters, and he has arrested many people. Among these people are the rich and nobles, and even the officials of the current dynasty. In this way, no one will pay attention to the problems of us princes and princesses."

Speaking of this, Qin Yi laughed and said: "Weiyang, among those officials who are lurking in the house of the monster clan, many of them are the ones who asked us princes and daughters to leave, and now they are all disgraced. Hehe..."

"This is a good thing!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "Although the matter of hunting monsters has caused some confusion, it can make the imperial capital safer in the future. Brother Qin can live in the imperial capital for a long time."

"It may not be possible to live for a long time!" Qin Yi shook his head and sighed: "When this monster hunting operation is over, the prince and his party will bring up the old matter again."

Ye Weiyang nodded, the prince spent so much energy, it is impossible for him to be anticlimactic.

"Forget it, staying for one day counts as one day. I have to study the formation quickly and accumulate some questions. I will go to the formation Taoist and the formation alliance tomorrow to ask for advice."

Ye Weiyang was full, got up and walked out the door side by side with Qin Yi, and then separated.

After practicing step by step, Ye Weiyang jumped onto the roof again, lying on the roof, watching the moon in the sky and meditating.However, today's thoughts can't be concentrated, and Qin Yi's words are recalled in his heart.

"How can Brother Qin live in the imperial capital for a long time?"

Shaking his head, he simply gave up the visualization, turned over and sat up, took out a hope talisman and released it, and then looked at the imperial capital.

After using several sheets in a row, not only sighed, but in the great imperial capital, there was no evil spirit!
"The power of the country is infinite! Only in this way, I am afraid that the prince's party will bring up the matter again."


Ye Weiyang looked at the hope talisman that she habitually fiddled with in her hand, her heart skipped a beat.

She remembered that this hopeful talisman was only a talisman master-level talisman, and in the inheritance of talisman master-level talismans, she remembered that there was another kind of residual talisman called the great hopeful talisman.

Is there any essential difference between this big hope talisman and the hope talisman?

Ye Weiyang became interested, and the next day hurriedly ran to the Library Pavilion of the Talisman Department, read through the remnants of the Dawang Qi Talisman, then stood in front of the bookshelf, and entered the Luoshu space.

After learning the Great Hope Talisman in the Luoshu space, Ye Weiyang hurried back to her repair room.


"Don't disturb me yet!" Ye Weiyang waved his hand to stop Zhang Zhen who stayed in the repair room, and said, "Tell the monks outside that they can go to another repair room to repair the rune soldiers."

"Oh yes!"

Zhang Zhen went out in a hurry, came back in a hurry, stood in front of the workbench, and saw Ye Weiyang drawing a kind of talisman he didn't know.He didn't dare to ask, and stood there quietly watching.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Ye Weiyang finished making a big hope talisman.

"Master, what kind of talisman is this?" Seeing Ye Weiyang put down the talisman pen, Zhang Zhen hurriedly asked.

"Great Hope Talisman!"

"Great Hope Talisman?"

Surprise suddenly appeared on Zhang Zhen's face, he knew the Great Hope Talisman.Back then, there was news from the Daming Mansion that a talisman master had actually completed the Wang Qi Talisman, so many unconvinced great talisman masters decided to complete the Da Wang Qi Talisman. At that time, there was a trend in the imperial capital.It's a pity that no one has completed the Da Wang Qi Talisman until now, and I didn't expect my master to complete the Da Wang Qi Talisman.

"Master, what is the effect of this great hope talisman?"

"It seems to be hopeful!" Ye Weiyang scratched her head: "I don't know, let's go and try."

"Where to try?"

Ye Weiyang paused, the effect of this talisman is still unclear, the talisman maker was experimenting with it, and there was a commotion, it seemed not very good, so he said:
"Go to Prince Jin's Mansion!"

Ye Weiyang put away the talisman and walked out the door.

"Yefu Master!" There were still a few monks outside the door who refused to leave, wanting to ask Ye Weiyang to repair the talisman soldiers for them, Ye Weiyang waved his hand and said:

"Come tomorrow!"

Looking at Ye Weiyang's leaving back, a monk said: "What happened to Master Yefu? Hurry up!"

"Who knows!" Another monk sighed, "Recently, the imperial capital is too chaotic, so many people have been arrested."

"Let's go, come early tomorrow. Maybe it won't be long before we can't afford to ask the night talisman master to repair our talisman soldiers."

"Yeah! How long has it been? The badge on the Yefu Master's chest has become a second rank. It is estimated that he will become a big talisman master soon. At that time, it will cost ten times the cost to find a Yefu Master to repair the talisman soldiers."

"Master, where are we going?" Zhang Zhen asked Ye Weiyang as he walked.

"Weiyang, what happened?" Yang Xingguang looked at Ye Weiyang's hurried footsteps and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, let's go back to the mansion first and test a talisman."


It wasn't an accident, it was just testing a talisman, Yang Xingguang no longer cared, and followed Ye Weiyang, scanning his surroundings vigilantly.

All the way back to Prince Jin's mansion quickly, Ye Weiyang went straight to the tallest building where Uncle Yu sat every night, jumped onto the roof ridge.Yang Xingguang and Zhang Zhen also jumped up, just when they stood still, they saw a figure landed beside them, Ye Weiyang turned to look:
"Uncle Yu, Brother Qin is at home?"

"Well, with the princess." Uncle Yu nodded and said, "What do you want?"

Ye Weiyang took out the Great Hope Talisman, and said: "I completed the Great Hope Talisman, and I want to see the effect of the Great Hope Talisman."

"Great Hope Talisman?"

Uncle Yu's eyes lit up, then he closed his mouth, looking at Ye Weiyang expectantly, in his heart, there is nothing more important than the safety of Prince Jin's Mansion, and the Great Hope Talisman will make Prince Jin's Mansion safer.

Ye Weiyang released the Great Hope Talisman, and her vision immediately became different, showing different colors.She quickly scanned every corner of Prince Jin's Mansion, then fixed her gaze, and saw an old tree in the back garden of Prince Jin's Mansion, blood red rose from the body of the old tree.Ye Weiyang continued to scan the Jin Palace, and after about thirty breaths, the effect of the Great Hope Talisman dissipated.Ye Weiyang was delighted in her heart.

The Great Hope Talisman not only prolongs the effective time, but also can see creatures that have not been fully demonized.But she was still worried, so she took out another hope talisman and released it, and looked at the old tree in the back garden. Sure enough, she couldn't see any signs of blood churning in the old tree.

Thank you so much for the little bookworm children (1500) and Meng Chi (100) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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