The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 292 Tree Demon

Chapter 292 Tree Demon
It seems that the Qi Wang Talisman can only see the demon energy that has been transformed into a demon, but cannot see the demon energy that is transforming a demon and has not yet successfully transformed a demon.But the Great Hope Talisman can.

"Uncle Yu, there is an old tree in the back garden that is turning into a demon."

"Old tree?" Uncle Yu's eyes were startled: "You're talking about the old tree in the east of the pond in the back garden, which needs five people to surround it?"

"Not bad!"

Uncle Yu nodded: "That's not surprising, that old tree has lived for a long time."

"Go! Let's go and see."

Ye Weiyang jumped off the roof, and everyone jumped off as well, walking towards the back garden.With Uncle Yu leading the way, the road was unimpeded, but it still alarmed Qin Yi and Wang Hao, and the two rushed over. At this time, Ye Weiyang and others were already standing a hundred meters away from the old tree.

It was an old willow tree with luxuriant branches and dense branches like silk ribbons, almost hanging down to the ground.

"Wei Young, what's the matter?" Qin Yi walked over quickly.

"This old tree is going to turn into a demon." Ye Weiyang said.

"Ah?" Qin Yi was surprised: "How do you know?"

"Has nothing happened in the mansion recently? For example, someone is missing?" Ye Weiyang asked.

Princess Jin on the side was taken aback: "You mean to be eaten by this tree demon?"

"It hasn't really developed intelligence yet, so it can't be considered a monster. But it should be able to eat creatures that get close to it. Have you noticed that the surroundings of this old tree are very quiet, not to mention birds, and there are no insects."

Everyone listened, observed carefully, and couldn't help but look solemn.

True enough, there was not a single living creature around that old tree.

"This is the back garden, and no one usually comes here. These days, the imperial capital is in chaos, and I'm flustered, so I haven't come to this back garden, and I haven't heard of anyone missing." The Jin Palace thought for a while.

"Come on!" Qin Yi shouted.

A servant trotted over from a distance: "Your Highness."

"Go grab a chicken and come here."


The servant rushed away, Qin Yi stared at the old tree, and asked, "Wei Young, how did you find out?"

"I completed the Dawangqi Talisman. The Wangqi Talisman can detect the demonic energy that is transforming a demon, and the Great Hopeful Qi Talisman can detect the demonic energy that is transforming a demon."

"Then are there any other monsters in my mansion who are transforming into demons?"

"there is none left!"


Qin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and soon, a look of worry appeared between his brows: "Weiyang, do you think there are many things that are transforming demons in the Emperor's City?"

"Even if there are demonizations, there won't be too many!" Ye Weiyang pondered: "After all, it's not that easy to become a demon, but as time goes by, there will be more and more demons..."

Ye Weiyang's heart suddenly moved: "Brother Qin, to transform a demon requires the birth of spiritual intelligence. Do you think creatures with higher spiritual intelligence are easier to transform demons? For example, humans, or animals? On the contrary, isn't it easy for plants to transform demons?"

Qin Yi thought for a while and said, "I'm not sure, but according to my guess, the human race should not be considered as demonization, it should... how should I put it... By the way, it should be regarded as pollution."

"Pollution?" Ye Weiyang thought of Qin Feng's Zhenbei Sword.

"Well!" Qin Yi nodded and said: "As you said, the basic standard of a real demon clan is to be born with spiritual wisdom. And the monk we saw on the street before who turned into a mouse, after he demonized , but lost his intelligence, like a beast."

"Really?" Ye Weiyang really didn't care about that monk after that, so she didn't know what happened afterwards.

"Yes, I have been paying attention to the news of that monk. The Ministry of War once asked him what it was like after he was demonized. The monk didn't remember it. It seems that after the so-called demonization of the human race, they lost their souls. Wisdom only knows about bloodthirsty and killing beasts.

Of course, I am afraid that it is more powerful than the beast.But in any case, if you lose your spirituality, you are not considered a demon race, so I think it is incorrect to call the human race demonized, and it is more correct to say that it is pollution. "

Ye Weiyang thought for a while, then nodded in agreement and said: "What about those domestic animals, wild animals and plants?"

"Domestic animals and wild beasts!" Qin Yi frowned and thought: "It's hard to say, I haven't seen them transform into demons, but they belong to beasts and have no intelligence, so maybe they will be different from humans. Qi is an invasion and pollution to our human race, and it is likely to nourish them, and maybe they will truly transform into demons and give birth to spiritual wisdom. As for plants..."

Qin Yi glanced at the old tree a hundred meters away: "Weiyang, why don't we kill this old tree first, and wait until he completely transforms into a demon?"

"Yes!" Ye Weiyang nodded and said: "If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win a hundred battles! We need to have a comprehensive understanding of the impact of this demonic phenomenon."

"Your Highness, the chicken is here." The servant ran over with a chicken in one hand.

Qin Yi took the two chickens, raised his hand, and threw a chicken to the big tree.


As soon as the chicken entered the enveloping range of the green silk ribbon, it was pierced by countless branches. In just a short while, chicken feathers were scattered all over the ground, and even the chicken bones were sucked into powder.

"Ah..." Princess Jin couldn't help screaming.The servant was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

"Sure enough, it has begun to transform into a demon! It's just that the wisdom has not yet been born!" Qin Yi sighed: "Uncle Yu."

"Your Highness!"

"Send a small team of guards here to watch from a distance. On the one hand, no one is allowed to get close to the tree demon. On the other hand, once the old tree turns into a demon, report to me immediately."

"Yes!" Uncle Yu saluted, "I will definitely use the qi talisman to look at it every day."

"Please trouble Uncle Yu!"

Qin Yi turned his head anxiously and walked out of the garden side by side with Ye Weiyang, Yang Xingguang and Zhang Zhen followed behind, both of them looked terrified.

It's really starting to turn into a demon!
"The world is going to be in chaos!" After walking out of the back garden, Qin Yi sighed.

"Your Highness!" The concubine said in panic, "At this time, if we go to fiefdom, isn't it too dangerous?"

Hearing this, Qin Yi felt more irritable in his heart, waved his hand at Ye Weiyang and said, "Weiyang, you go back first, I want to be quiet."

Regarding Qin Yi's return to the fief, she really couldn't help her, and she couldn't persuade her, so she nodded and took Yang Xingguang and Zhang Zhen away.Walking out of Prince Jin's Mansion, strolling on the street, I saw that the street was much calmer than the previous few days, and it was also not as busy as the military department arresting people in the previous few days.There was a sudden movement in my heart.

A few days ago, because of the demon transformation, the court didn't care about the prince's and daughter's resignation. If the court now knows that livestock and plants have begun to transform into demons, will it delay Qin Yi's resignation?

If the prince wants to let Brother Qin and the others go, then let the prince trouble him.

But... If you can not show up, you should not show up.

Who should I ask to come forward?
and also……

(End of this chapter)

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