The Legend of Heluo Xianxia

Chapter 298 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 298 Dividing the spoils
Ye Weiyang can easily complete a Great Hope Talisman, which shows that she has strength.Being able to come up with such a clever plan again shows that she is wise.

With strength and wisdom, if he can make friends with Ye Weiyang and form a best friend, will he not have the chance to make a fortune in the future?
After hesitating for a long time, when she finished collecting the last Lingshi, she finally made up her mind and came to Ye Weiyang.Seeing Ye Weiyang appearing at the gate at this time, he immediately put on a smile: "Eldest sister!"

The corner of Ye Weiyang's mouth twitched, who do you call eldest sister?
But he still walked down the steps and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Come and share the spoils with you!" Shang Gongxiu patted the storage bag hanging on his waist.

Ye Weiyang shook her head in surprise: "What spoils are you sharing, we are not robbers, besides, we have already agreed before that all the gains are yours."

"That won't work!" Shang Gongxiu shook her head like a rattle drum: "If you are a sister, you must share the blessings and share the hardships, unless you don't treat me as a sister."


Ye Weiyang looked at Shang Gongxiu dumbfounded, the current Ye Weiyang is no stranger to the situation in the court.The prince is the eldest son of the current queen, and Qin Yi is not the real son of the current queen, but the son of Concubine Shu.Moreover, Qin Yi is not a supporter of the prince, and he lives in Qin Yi's mansion, so he has a close relationship with Qin Yi at first glance.Shang Gongxiu is the queen's natal family, this Shang Gongxiu is really stupid and bold, dare to make friends with her!Then he said with a smile that was not a smile:

"You think we can be sisters?"

Shang Gongxiu was stunned, and a strange emotion grew in her heart.

The word "sister" is very strange to her.

It's not that she doesn't have sisters, she has two direct brothers, but no direct sisters, and she never admits those concubine sisters at all, even though she doesn't entertain them at home.

As for the sisters in the circle...

Of course there are many people who fawn on her, but she doesn't like it.She fell in love with it, but others rejected her.

Don't look at her heartless appearance all day long, but she is actually very lonely in her heart.The two older brothers in the family never treated her as a younger sister.

Don't talk about pampering her, it would be nice not to use her as a trading tool.

Now she has taken a fancy to Ye Weiyang, and feels that Ye Weiyang is worthy of being her sister, but will Ye Weiyang take a fancy to herself?

Looking up at Ye Weiyang, his heart suddenly moved, thinking of the meaning of Ye Weiyang's words, knowing that Ye Weiyang was reminding himself that he was in a different camp from Ye Weiyang.If I get close to her, I'm afraid I will be reprimanded by the queen. She is already unpopular at home, if she is reprimanded by the queen...

I can't go on thinking about that day.

But at this moment, there was a warm current in her heart, Ye Weiyang didn't agree immediately, but pointed out that it was not suitable for two people to get close, this was for her consideration!
No one has ever thought about her in this life, although she took the initiative to make friends with Ye Weiyang, the purpose was not pure, and she came here for money, but at this moment it was an impulse, and she nodded vigorously:

"You are really crazy! Ye Weiyang was overjoyed, raised her hand and patted Shang Gongxiu's shoulder: "Okay, I recognize you as a sister, go, go to my place to share the spoils.

Originally, Ye Weiyang didn't think about the monk Gongxiu dividing the spirit stones, she just regarded it as a deal.She also knew that Shang Gongxiu came to share the spirit stone with her because of selfishness, and her purpose was definitely not pure.

But so what?

Since Shang Gongxiu dared, why didn't she dare?

not to mention……

Qin Yi is afraid that sooner or later he will go to the capital, and he still needs to manage the capital by himself and find his relatives. It is better to rely on others than on himself.Regardless of whether Shang Gongxiu is welcome or not at home, her identity is there, she is a senior local snake.It is only good for me to make friends with this senior local snake, and there is no harm.

Hearing that Ye Weiyang agreed to come down, Shang Gongxiu showed joy on her face, followed Ye Weiyang into the gate of Prince Jin's mansion, and her four attendants followed behind.

Ye Weiyang and Shang Gongxiu walked in front side by side, the two talked about their age, Ye Weiyang found that Shang Gongxiu was really younger than her, two months younger.

"Yefu Master..." the housekeeper of Prince Jin's Mansion called out, and then glanced at the four servants behind Shang Gongxiu.

Ye Weiyang understood what the butler meant, and wanted to arrange for the four servants to wait in the front yard, and was afraid of annoying Shang Gongxiu, so she wanted Ye Weiyang to speak.Ye Weiyang waved her hands and said:

"Let them follow."

The housekeeper saluted Ye Weiyang, then stopped, watching Ye Weiyang and the others go away.

A group of people came to Ye Weiyang's private courtyard, Ye Weiyang asked four followers to sit in the gazebo in the yard, and she and the monk Gongxiu entered the room.

After brewing the tea, he poured a cup for Shang Gongxiu and himself.

"How much did you gain?"

Shang Gongxiu changed her hand gestures proudly: "26, all are high-grade spirit stones."

Then he took off the storage bag at his waist, and put it in front of Ye Weiyang: "Sister, share it."

Ye Weiyang thought about it, in fact she doesn't really need Lingshi now.She has been unable to continue to practice in martial arts, so naturally she does not need training resources in this area, and she does not need spirit stones in terms of talismans, and the spirit stones she earned in the talisman making department are used to purchase talisman making materials. remaining.The key point is that she hardly needs talisman-making materials to practice, because she has Luoshu space.

However, she knew that Yang Xingguang needed it.

Ever since Yang Xingguang practiced Daogong Tianjing, his cultivation base has been improving every day, and now he has reached the peak of the five qi and two veins, but the consumption of spirit stones has also increased greatly. The speed at which Ye Weiyang earns spirit stones is barely enough. Yang Xingguang used it.And with the improvement of Yang Xingguang's cultivation base, the speed of consumption of spirit stones must be greatly increased.So, after thinking for a while, she pushed the storage bag back and said:
"Give me [-] spirit stones."

"Sister, this is too little!"

Originally, Shang Gongxiu was still worried, worried that Ye Weiyang would split up in half.

In her opinion, it would be too much for Ye Weiyang to take half of it.

The strength is self-made, the head is self-made, the blame is self-responsible, and Ye Weiyang wants to take half of it away, that is really too much.

If Ye Weiyang really splits up half, do you want to turn your face?
Ye Weiyang waved her hand and said, "It's too natural to be called Eldest Sister, let's call him Fifth Sister."

"Fifth Sister?" Shang Gongxiu was taken aback, and then suddenly said: "You still have brothers and sisters? Are they all geniuses in talisman like you? Introduce me to know each other?"

Ye Weiyang's eyes dimmed, and she sighed softly: "If there is still a chance, I will definitely introduce you."

My heart is praying.

Big Brother, Second Sister, Third Brother, Fourth Brother, you all must be fine!
Uncle Zhang, Uncle Li, where have you been?

and also……

(End of this chapter)

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