Chapter 299
Seeing Ye Weiyang lost his mind, Shang Gongxiu wisely didn't ask any more questions, but picked up the storage bag, and then took out 26 boxes and stacked them on the ground:

"Fifth sister, you are welcome, [-] is too little."

Ye Weiyang took six boxes and put them into storage bags: "You are my younger sister, so I will naturally take care of you."

Shang Gongxiu was stunned, and then a warm current surged into his heart, and his eyes became moist in an instant.

As long as I can remember, I have never heard anyone say to take care of themselves.Even my parents never said such a thing.Not to mention his two older brothers.

And Ye Weiyang who was sitting opposite, this elder sister whom I just met, or the elder sister whom I befriended with selfish purpose...

Shang Gongxiu raised her head slightly, not wanting to let her tears flow down.

Gritting his teeth, he tried hard to control his surging emotions:
"You also said that we are sisters. I also said that if we are sisters, we will share blessings and difficulties. These spirit stones are half of us."

To be honest, Ye Weiyang was a little surprised.She heard from Yang Xingguang that Shang Gongxiu was not welcome at home, but she was about to cry, how unpopular was this at home?
After thinking about it, I felt that it would be bad for me to refuse again, so I put away another five boxes and said:
"I'll keep these five boxes for you, come to me when you need them."

"Okay! Fifth Sister, I'll listen to you." Shang Gongxiu put away the remaining fifteen boxes.

Seeing Shang Gongxiu's serious appearance, Ye Weiyang also felt touched, and said:

"Stay for dinner."

"Okay!" Shang Gongxiu deserved to be refreshed.

Ye Weiyang got up and left, giving orders to go down.After a while, a servant girl brought two tables of banquets.One table was placed in the room, and the other table was placed in the guest room next to it, allowing Shang Gongxiu's four servants to eat by themselves.

The four servants had never been valued so much since they followed Shang Gongxiu. They immediately thanked them and went to the guest room happily.

Shang Gongxiu was also moved in her heart, she felt that Ye Weiyang gave her face.Immediately poured a glass of wine for Ye Weiyang and himself, raised his hands:

"Fifth sister, I respect you."


Ye Weiyang also picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

This is Ye Weiyang's first time drinking alcohol. She has been in poor health since she was a child, so she never drank alcohol. After recovering from her illness, she also developed a habit of not drinking.

But today, when Shang Gongxiu called her Fifth Sister, she thought of her elder brothers and sisters, and immediately she was filled with thoughts and drank to drown her sorrows.

Drink one cup at a time!
Ye Weiyang didn't speak, just clinked glasses with Monk Gongxiu, Shang Gongxiu has a fine tradition in the dandy world, just clink glasses and drink.

Neither of them spoke, just drinking in silence.

At first, Shang Gongxiu was not used to it, and wanted to find something to say, but after drinking, she got used to it.The two of them got so drunk that Ye Weiyang forgot to practice.

early morning.

The early morning in the imperial capital is extraordinarily lively today, especially the early morning stalls are overcrowded.The teahouses and restaurants around the Fuzhisi were full of people in the morning.

Because today is the registration day for the Dahua Talisman Competition.

Naturally, Master Fu, who was relatively short-lived, ate something at the breakfast stall before queuing up to sign up.But the wealthy talisman master came to the teahouses and restaurants around the talisman making department. Friends of three or five ordered some tea and refreshments, or ordered some wine and vegetables, chatting all over the place, while waiting for their followers to line up to replace themselves. Sign up.

Ye Weiyang didn't go to line up, and it's not that she doesn't have apprentices, and her apprentices have to sign up, even Yang Xingguang can't use it, so she came to the Talisman Department leisurely, and she couldn't see the queue At the end, he couldn't help but tsk-tsk twice, wandered into the door, and came to his repair room.

Sitting on a chair, he took out a book of arrays and read it.

With the assistance of the Luoshu space, although she has not gone to the formation Taoist assessment, she has already started the inheritance of the Great Formation Taoist.


There was a knock on the door, and Ye Weiyang couldn't help being surprised, Zhang Zhen finished the registration so quickly?
"Come in!" Ye Weiyang didn't take her eyes off the book, and before Yang Xingguang, who was sitting at the side practicing kung fu, stood up, she responded.

"Night Talisman."

It wasn't Zhang Zhen's voice, Ye Weiyang looked up and saw a young man standing at the door, he thought it was a monk who came to repair the talisman soldiers.

"Bring over the rune soldiers."

The young man froze, then smiled and said: "Master Yefu, I'm not here to repair talisman soldiers, I'm the secretary of the chief assistant."

Ye Weiyang was taken aback: "Dai Shoufu?"

The young man smiled triumphantly: "How many chief assistants does this Dahua have?"

Ye Weiyang put away the Dao book and stood up: "What's the matter?"

"Dai Shoufu asked you to go."

What the book office said was not very polite, Ye Weiyang didn't care, so she nodded, thinking about what Dai Donglin asked her to do, and followed the book office out of the talisman department.

Once outside the palace, Yang Xingguang couldn't get in.Let Yang Xingguang wait outside the gate of the palace.She followed the book office to the place where the chief assistant works. The book office asked Ye Weiyang to wait, so she knocked on the door and went in. After a while, she came out and said:
"Shoufu let you in."

Ye Weiyang nodded, walked in, closed the door behind her back, and then looked into the room.

The room is big.

There is a large table in the center, and the walls on both sides are bookshelves. There are various books on the bookshelves on one side, and stacks of bookcases on the other bookshelves.There is also a small table and four chairs beside the bookshelf on the right, and tea sets are placed on the table.At this time, Dai Donglin was sitting behind the large table in the center, with his head bowed, reviewing the chapters.

Ye Weiyang walked to the large table, saw that Dai Donglin didn't raise his head, so he stood there obediently.This stop lasted nearly two quarters of an hour, and the room was quiet, only the sound of Dai Donglin flipping through the memorial.Ye Weiyang didn't know why Dai Donglin called him here, ignored him, and let him stand like this.

But I dare not ask.


Dai Donglin closed the memorial, looked up at Ye Weiyang: "Signed up?"

Ye Weiyang realized in an instant that the question was about the Talisman Dao Competition, so she nodded and said, "Yes!"

Dai Donglin was silent for a while: "What kind of talisman did you use to distinguish between domestic animals and plants that have not yet fully transformed into demons?"

"Ah?" Ye Weiyang couldn't help being surprised.

"What? Still want to hide it?" Dai Donglin's face darkened.


Ye Weiyang had a question mark in her head, she had told Shang Gongxiu, she could tell others that the Great Hopeful Qi Talisman was given to her by herself, why didn't Dai Donglin know?

How did she know, it's not that no one has asked, but Shang Gongxiu was in a good mood, and directly said, what does this have to do with you?
At that time, those officials all asked Shang Gongxiu, depending on Shang Gongxiu's face, how dare they continue to ask?
So, no one knows about this matter.

How about Shang Gongxiu Tie Tie!
(End of this chapter)

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